chapter 1

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It's dark. The tall over weight man should be coming. I'm in a cage in a room that has a chair, lamp and a clock. 12:48, two more minutes. It's been weeks since he's giving me blood and days since human food. Even though human food don't do much for me it's still something. Blood. Red, warm thick blood. That's what I need. That will give me my color back, that's what will help me survive. I've been in this cage for 7 years now. Tomorrow will be my sixteenth birthday. 12:49, one more minute. Every year for my birthday the man gives me a water bottle full all the way to the top with my favorite B-positive, any other day the bottle is only filled half way. The man comes every day at 12:50 with a clip bored and pen, to observe a hybrid, to observe me. 12:50 he's here.
The door opens and walked in a tall over weight man with no hair and glasses wearing tan pants and a wight shirt. He's looking at the clipboard while he sits down in the chair that's at least 5 feet away from me, away from the steel cage.
"Hello pup. Happy birthday. " his voice is deep and warming yet whenever he speaks I flinch.
"I'm hungry." my voice is barley here.
"I'm know, I know here you go."he pulls out a walkie talkie and says,"birthday special."and puts it back in his pocket. Seconds later a man covering his face with a Halloween mask hands a water bottle to a man and leaves.
"Here you go." He opens the little door and throws in the bottle then locks it back up. Once he sits back down I dive for the blood, I can smell it, I chug down till its only half way. I can feel my eyes getting their mesmerizing pinkish purple color back along with my checks. I look down to see my pale skin staying the same, but over my chest I can see my hair turning from a mint green to a vibrant turquoise. I can feel myself better, healthy, ready to defend.
"Is that better?" All I do was nod.
" any more dreams?" I don't move. "it's your birthday, don't make me get the wires." The wires are what he attaches to the cage to "get me talking". I'm still not talking or moving. "Pup!" His voice is warning. I jump and shake my head violently.
"OK then." He's now writing on the clipboard. I finish my meal and smash the plastic against my head so I can slip it through the bars. He's still writing. "Why did you take me?" I ask this almost everyday. He looks up, our eyes met. He knows I'm scared and he enjoy it. "I told you, there are only a few of your kind and I want you as my toy." "I'm not a toy!" I can feel my fangs wanting to come out.
"Calm down now, you don't want to get in trouble do you?" I'm scared again. Even though I heal fast the pain he gives my is unbearable. I shut my trap. "Sorry." "Good girl, I'll be back with dinner." He's up and gone. That liar, he won't be back. I lay down and close my eyes, last thing I see is the clock. 1:20.
A beautiful woman appears hair long and silky with gorgeous eyes. "Don't worry Memorie, we're almost there." Next to her is a handsome man with flawless pale skin and a peaceful smile. Both their faces are hard to make out. They both hold out their hands I reach out feeling warm and safe. Right before I can feel them my eyes jolt awake.
I remember, my name. Memorie. I also remember my parents one one wolf, one vampire "a forbidden love is the best kind," that's what mother used to say. I look at the clock 2:37. Another thing I remember clearly is the night I was taken.
It was a beautiful night filled with stars, mother and father just got done putting me to bed, when I hear a noise. I through on my slippers, black silk robe and run down stairs. I open the front door and instantly a white piece of cloth goes over my mouth, my eyes roll back and everything fades into pitch black nothingness. The next thing I know I'm in the cage, not able to smell mother or father. On that first night at 12:50 the man came and asked me questions, some I knew others I have no clue. When I didn't know or didn't answer he could, I need his own word, "play with his favorite toy." 2:41. I'll be 16 in exactly 4 minutes. I remember the day I was born as well now that I think about it. I only remember that because I drank mothers blood from her vain. When I drink someone's blood I can see and feel their most remember able memories. For animals it's different I can't see but I can feel their pain. When I was younger I couldn't control the power or thirst I had, now I can control it better but at times I just pass out for somewhere around a day or two from being overwhelmed. The only way to get the memories is to drink from the vein, if its not the same its not memorable.
I've only drank from 3 veins my whole life, my parents and a little boy around the same age as me at the time, 5.
It was the middle of fall and I decided to play outside with my bouncy ball I kicked it into a white rose bush, as I ran to get it I saw a little blue baseball hat pop-up. We live so deep in the forest mother and fathers or no one could find us.
"Hello?....who's there." My voice squeaky and a little harsher then intended.
"My names Ollie, what's yours?" He's still hiding behind the bush.
"Memorie. " my voice now warming.
"Is it true monsters live here?" Monsters? Does he mean father and mother? "No monsters live here,
n-n-now show yourself!" He slowly rises out of the bush he had a cute button nose with light caramel skin his hair dark as the night and eyes a beautiful mint green you looked at me funny, not scary, not normal, but special. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Stop staring at me boy!" Instead of my boys being scared or warm it's substituted for embarrassment. He blink rapidly and looked away, "Sorry... I're pretty." Pretty? Me? Mother and father always called me pretty or beautiful, but never a boy my age. My checks are feeling hot again. "Your pretty to."
"I'm not pretty I'm a boy!"
"Well then your handsome." He looks back at me his face red.
"Can I play with you?" My heart skipped a beat. "Ok!" A few weeks after Ollie would come and visit me everyday to play boredgames, and everyday he would leave a little before sunset. On the 17th day we decided to play hide-and-seek, I was counting once I was on 26 I smelled something, something sweet. I followed the smell behind the white rose bush only to find Ollie's eyes filled with water and his knee oozing with blood. "What happened? Are you ok?" "No, I fell." Was all he said between sniffles. I sat down next to him trying to control my thirst. As more blood came, the more my fangs wanted out, until finally they got their wish. I felt my eyes turn blood red and my hair turn a whitish silver. Ollie looked at me scared, but he dint flinch. "What's wrong memi?"
"Give me your hand." My voice is warm and caring. He obeyed and before I knew it I bit into his warm innocent body. "That hurts memi." I bit into him even harder, within seconds I saw a women who looked just like Ollie cooking and a man with green eyes reading a newspaper. Then another at the beach, then another, then another, until I saw a little girl with turquoise hair and purplish pink eyes face cherry red. It was me. I felt happy until this one this one I felt nervous I quickly let go of all the tears in my eyes. I saw a scared little boy not breathing, feel like a ghost. "Ollie." No answer. "Ollie!" The tears came down like waterfalls. "Mother!" Right after mother ran out of the house and stared at me scared.
"I didn't mean it, I-i-i couldn't help it."
Mother could tell I was worried and terrified. "Dose this mean he's dead?"
"No honey, he's just sleeping."
"Humans sleep like this?"
"Of course they do, now go inside while I take him home." "Ok, mother." I rushed inside, went to the third floor and looked out my window. Mother pick up early and vanished into the woods. After an hour - she was back looking a little worried. "Is Ollie ok?" "How long have you been seeing him?" "Around a month."
"Dose his parents know he was here?"
"Ok then, oh Memorie, your finally old enough for school." She gives me a loving smile. School? Mother always told me when the times right I'll learn more about myself and my "extraordinary" history. Although why now?
After that Ollie never visited me again, but every weekday from 10 a.m to 6 p.m mother, father, and auntie Selie would teach me to control my abilities and thirst. Mother history, father thirst, and auntie Selie abilities.
Up until the age of 8 was when I realized that i had killed my one and only friend. His face was always cheerful and loving, but all i can see was his little frightened face. He trusted me and i let him down.
2:44, one more minute. I curl up with my warn down blanket and sniff for any sign of food or blood near. Sometimes if I'm lucky a rat will look me in my eyes and obey my command, come to the cage. Their so small it barley takes any effort to control them. Even though rat is disgusting I'm too hungry to care. I sniff again smelling something sweet like banana, but humans mostly like vanilla, no exact taste or smell. I sniff again now smelling strawberry. I learned this when I was 8, strawberry means... means...God dammit! OK, whats banana? 2:45. Happy birthday.

Pic: Memorie

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