Chapter 5

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My eyes slowly awaken to my name being called by mother hovered over me. "Thank god your awake now get dressed, before your dad gets upset." Father upset? That's a first. Mother leaves and I open my closet to pick out my uniform. As I'm getting dressed I notice the white Polo fits my figure skin tight, putting on the skirt it starts above my belly button, it's tight till my hips then fans out into ruffles till a little above my knees. My jacket is a long sleeve, low v-neck that covers the tight portion of my skirt. "Memorie are you getting dressed?" Mother stops and looks at me a bit odd. "Come here." I walk towards her. She then tucks in my Polo and raises the skirt, now ending in the middle of my thighs. Then unbuttons the top button on my shirt. The tie is folded perfectly and is hidden by my jacket. I put on my white thigh high socks and black flats with a slight heal. "Now your hair."
My hair has been in a simple braid for years, but today mother parts my hair on the right and braids the side making all my hair fall on the left, as well as showing off my piercings I got the day before. Two on the bottom and one on the top. "Perfect now time for school." Mother smiles at me and i can see a small tear coming down her face, I smile trying to show her I'm ready even though I'm not.
I walk down the stairs with my black over shoulder backpack when we run into father. "You look beautiful. " he holds out his arms and I run into them. "Thank you." Once the words were said we go to the car.
The school wasn't far away maybe 10 to 15 minutes drive, further into the woods. We pull to the front and I jump out, then wave goodbye to mother. I take a deep breath and walk inside the castle like school.
Inside there is a tall man with pale skin, grey eyes and black hair, in a suit waiting for me. "Memorie Lackbrook. " his voice is deep and welcoming. "Yes." "I'm ms. Montgomery, the principal. " "Father didn't tell me you were the principal. "Me and your father go way back." "How back?" "All the way to 1864." He smiles at the date I'm guessing. "Really?" "Yes-" he gets a confused look on his face. "Can't you tell me and your father have the same sent?" "You mean strawberries?" "We smell like strawberries to you?" "Yes." "Alright then. Class has already started so let's go." Walking sown the hall with bright blue lockers lined up. The sight of this is making my heart beat fast. Outside a brown door with a label nest to it that says class 3-a, mr. Montgomery hands me a pice of paper and says," This is your schedule. " then another smaller paper. "This is your locker combination. " he opens the door and walks in, I'm only a few steps behind.
The classroom is filled with students and desks in a row. The middle age women at the front has a bigger desk and in front of a chalkboard
"Miss Jones this is Memorie lackbrook, she is a new student so I expect you all to treat her nicely. " everyone is staring at me and some are whispering, I zoom in to hear what the girl in the front is saying, "is she wearing contacts?" Then u zoom in to the boy in the back, "dibs. " dibs? "Memorie do you want to say something? " I shake my head and she smiles an awkward smile. "Ok then, sit next to Hellen in the back."
I walk over to the only empty seat next to a girl with blond hair tan skin and drown eyes.
Today in class we were given a worksheet with math questions, front and back. It was pretty easy, so I turned it in around the first 10 minutes. Eyes followed me to my seat, while waiting for the bell I decided to read only to be interrupted soon after but the teacher, "Why don't you go practice your locker combination. " Instead of saying anything I just grab my things and leave.
My locker isn't that far away and it only took me two try to get it right, the instructions on the back really helped me. I pull out all my extra notebooks, pens, pencils, and binders, I lined up all the books on the top shelf as well as my emergency bag, that mother prepared to help me throughout the day. It contains sent block pills, money, and lastly fathers present a cell phone.
I look at my schedule for the next class, 9-E. The bell rings and i gather what i need for world history. Seconds later Hellen and three other girls, who by the way they all look like they can be related, walk up to me, Hellen being in front. "Hi, Im Hellen Rodriguez, the schools number 1 student." Her voice is unsettling. "Thank you for introducing yourself to me, im Memorie Lackbrook." She steps closer to me, i step away. "Are your eyes really that color?" "Yes, they are." She when whispers lair in her friends ear. "Do u want to sit with us at lunch?" "No." Her face goes from all smiles to complete disgust in seconds. "You dont understand im-" "Hellen Rodriguez, yes i got that, now please excuse me." She grabs my arm and i yank it away, looking at her in the eyes as i close my locker, then walking away.
In history my hair got hooked on my desk making even mire comments. "It looks so natural, what dye does she use?" The little comments werent bothering me, but the fact that they wont ask their wanderings to my face.
The bell rings and im at my locker, checking my schedule again. A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes behind her glasses walk up to me. "Hi, my names Alice Montgomery." Her voice is small and sweet. Wait, Montgomery? "Im Memorie Lackbrook." I hold out my hand, and she shakes it firmly. "Are you related to the principal?" "Oh, no im not we just happen to share a name, whats youre next class." "Science, Ms. Orwig." "Me to, do you wanna sit next to each other?" "Your presence is welcoming and nice, so yes we can." She smiles and shakes her head. "Your very direct and literal arnt you." "I guess i am." "Do you have everything u need?" "Yes i do." She closes my locker and we go to class.
Science was a bit more comfortable, still stares and whispers, but me and Alice were to busy talking about what we were going to do in gym, aka next class.
Gym was a lot more fun, except for the gym Iuniform. Today we were testing upper body strength, the teacher had this concept of each person having 5 min. To climb this half ladder on the wall only using their arms. Alice went up doing a solid 10 bars, about average. Hellen then went with 14. No one beat her score, making her feel unbeatable, anyone could tell my the look on her face. "Last but not least our new student Memorie Lackbrook." I step out of line and walk up to the bars, walking past everyone in line. My hands start on the first bar. "Ready set, and go." I pull up all my weight, not that much due to my eating schedule the past, well years. I then reach my right hand up and feel nothing, i then look behind me seeing the teacher. "Time" i jump down and walk back in line head down, feeling the stares. "Memorie Lackbrook, 38 bars in 67 seconds, good job." The rest if class Alice and i sat up against the wall waiting for the bell. "Can i ask a question." "Of course." "Are you're eyes real." "Of course." "And you're hair." "Also real." She then squints one eye and hums, i then lean in. "Bring baby pictures and we'll see." We both start laughing. Bell rings and its time for lunch.

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