Chapter 16

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I run outside to see Pip with a long wooden stick, behind him the sun barley ra. Where did he get it? I walk up to him and see he's sweating a little, "Where did you get that stick?" He wipes his forehead with his forearm. He gives me a confused look, "From your aunt." "Why does she have this?" I take the bamboo like stick from his hands for examination. "You honestly don't know?" "No, i actually do not." "Well it's time for a quick history lesson on your family." He extends the word your. "Well your auntie needed to take care of herself giving the fact of her work." My expression doesn't change hearing this it sounds to absurd. "What did she do?" "I would go and spy on some of the worlds most dangerous serial killers, i did research, i watched them for weeks, watching their every move, getting to know them in a way before making my move." I turn to the sound of aunties voice in the door way. "Like who?" "H. H. Holmes, Bochum, Amelia Dyer, and many more." These are famous killers from the 1800's. "Why would you put all that effort for them?" "She makes her way over to me. "So they could be hanged, the police weren't  getting anywhere with these people so i took matters into my own hands." Pip stands near me and takes away the stick. Auntie Selie stares at me, i look back at her. He looks good without a shirt on doesn't he, anyways have fun. I raise mt eyebrows and she gives me a wink. I didn't feel that spark this time when hearing her voice run threw my head in an echo. She walks away leaving us. "Well since this is your first lesson let's just start with hand-to-hand combat." Pip walks up to me and positions my body in a defensive way. He copies the pose. "Now with simple punches." He then slowly gestures the right side of his body moving forward, then his left. This is getting irritating. "I know how to throw punches, okay." He loosens his body up, "Oh thank god, but i thought you didn't know how to fight." From his confused face i can tell we had a misunderstanding. "When i was younger auntie taught me the basics, but i can't actually fight, as in moves and skills." He scratches his head while trying to think of a new lesson plan for me. "Okay, okay, so here's how we're going to do this, i'll give us scenarios and them i'll critique it." That seams more helpful. "Alright then, let's start." A mischievous smile grows on his face, I don't trust the feeling his face is giving me. "Start walking." He jumps up and disappears from my sight, i look up searching for him in the trees, no luck. I start walking like he said.

I've been walking for about five minutes, when the hell is he going to jump out or something. I stand in place being as quiet as i can be so i can try and hear him, nothing. I continue walking. I hear a twig snap, i turn around to the noise, but before i can fully turn Pip grabs me from behind by my waist with his right hand and with his left over my mouth. On command i summon my mixture of vampire and werewolf teeth and bite down as hard as i can just for a second on his hand to making his grip loosen. i lift my right hand going for a hit, he grabs it. With his focus on his on my left hand raising, i kick him in his shin. He lets go and runs. I turn back and forth looking for Pip, no where in sight. I feel a breeze form from the back of my neck, i jump into the air and land behind him, kicking him into the ground, pressing my heal into his back, i then get his arm and start raising his wrist closer and closer between his shoulder blades. My grip loosens from my cockiness and he slips from my grasp, grabs my shoulders and pulls me to the ground. I try to bit his arm and he lets go backing up from me, i get up and we circle each other before i run at him. He dodges and jumps on a tree branch, he keeps climbing. I don't want to climb a tree, but how can i get him down. A fire, but there's no good rocks to spark together. I touch the tree trying to think of a way to get Pip down, all i can think about is setting the tree on fire. My hand starts burning and i let go of the now burning bark. Pip jumps down and i jump on his shoulders, twisting my legs around his neck pulling him down to the floor.  He groans in pain and i let go. "How the hell did you set the fucking tree on fire?!" "I don't know!" "Put it out!" "I don't know how!" "How did you start it?!" "I just thought of fire!" "Then just think of fucking water!" I close my eyes shut and clasp my hand together thing of the ocean. I open my eyes to the small drips of water leaving my hands. I open my hands and point them towards the tree, there isn't that much force. I think about a hose and the water power is better then last time. I point my hands at the tree putting the fire out before it burns down the whole tree.  "How was that." He gets up and wipes off the dirt from his pants, with a sigh leaving him. "Sorry i yelled, as you can guess i hate fire." I feel guilty for some odd reason. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to set the tree on fire." "No, no, no it's good you used your pyrokinesis." I get a small smirk from his some what compliment. "There is a small silence from us catching our breath before he speaks.  "There were opportunities you could have taken to hurt me enough for you to get away." I use my arm to wipe away the sweat from my forehead. "When?" "Well when you bit me you could have kept biting me to make me weaker, and when you kicked me you kicked me here," He outlines the area where i kicked him. "When what you should have done is kicked me..between my legs, and with your strength i would have been down for a good while." Noted, that was a workout, but in a way that was fun. "How come you never mentioned your powers." "Well in all honestly, auntie always talked about them, but i never actually tested them out or used them." When i was with Matalic i was to weak to even gain color, let alone conjure up water or fire, i wonder what else i can do. We're both breathing heavy when i decide to ask.  "Are you up for a second round?" He gives me another smile. "This time run." I take a few steps back smiling back at him,as i'm about to run i hear Pip yell out, "No more fire!" Well there goes my fun. I start running.

We walk into the house still smelling like smoke. Mother runs down the stairs with a panic expression, "I saw smoke are you okay, did something happen, what happened?" She starts to examine my face and hair looking for any burns, all she finds is some dirt patches and grass stains. "She started the fire didn't you." I didn't need to look over at auntie to answer her. "I didn't mean to and i put it out." Mother finally lets go and joins auntie at the bottom of the stair way. I stare at mother to see what's she's thinking. I swear to god Selie doesn't know when to quit sometimes. Mother gives auntie a look and she replies with a simple, "I'm Sorry." "Shouldn't you be planning a wedding?" Mother's tone is a little spiteful. "I'm done planning for bridezilla at the moment thank you very much." Mother walks off with an eye roll. Auntie's eyes move from me to Pip. "You better look out for her." He looks at me when he says his response, "Already am." Auntie makes her way back to the dinning room. "Are you hungry?" I look over at Pip and eye him up and down. He's just as dirty as i am, maybe even more. "Go take a shower first." He looks himself up and down, shaking his head yes, "Who gets first shower." "What do you mean, we can shower at the same time?" From his wide eyes i automatically can tell i didn't phrase that right. "Let me say that again, you can use the shower in the main bathroom, while i use the one in my room" His face softens. "Whatever you say princess."

Pip and i are sitting on my floor, me in my pj's and hair wrapped up in a towel, and Pip wearing a new pair a of sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt Jace bought him.  As we're eating, Pip is showing me how to work my phone. "And that's you really need to know, i also put in the guys phone numbers, including mine." He hands me the phone and i accept it. He did do a good job at explaining how to use it, he said that since it's a touchscreen it's easier to use. I look at my clock, it's barley twelve. "Why do you always check the time?" My focus moves back to Pip. "To see what time it it." I can tell he doesn't buy that, but he doesn't nag at me about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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