Chapter 7

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I open the door to find mother on the phone, walking back and forth. "Ok so steak......why not!" Shes whining not in an annoying way. "Please.............fine, fine, fine.......ok love you to bye." She hangs up and finally notices me in the doorway.  A beautiful smiles grows on her face, her arms open wide, i cant help but run into them like a little girl meeting santa for the first time. "How was school." We break apart. '' i made a new friend.'' " let me guess a spell caster.....or maybe vampire.?" "Well i did meet both but the spell caster is someone who i actually enjoy associating with." "Honey, have you ever thought about not being so literal?" ":Whats wrong with that?" "Nothing just that, sometimes you give more information then needed." "alright, anyways how did you know about my new 'friends'?" "I love you, but u reek of strawberries." "You have an excellent sense of smell." "Well of course, where do u think you got your nose from?"  She pokes my nose playfully. "I honestly thought father." she starts laughing. "Not at all, yet you did get hi speed and a few others."                                               I sit on my bed looking at my clock across the room on my desk. 4:54. I get up and go sit down at my desk starting my homework. 5:12. Now done with homework, i look out the window at the dark tinted sky. i change from my uniform into a grey tang top and black sweat pants. I climb on my window seat and open the two windows. With the light breeze it makes my window cloths have a wave effect. Standing on my window seat i jump to the nearest tree branch, then i jump to the next one, until i turn around and see a small house in the distance. Staying on that tree i climb till i cant climb anymore. I poke my head out from the leaves and stare at the fire effect sky. In the far left there are tiny birds flying towards the half sun. I find a comfortable position and watch the beautiful sunset. "See you tomorrow"  i say in a whisper.                                                         Back in my room im on my bed reading when i hear a knock at the door, "Mem dinners ready." its's jace, "Coming."                     During dinner Father kept asking me questions about my first day at school.My answers were quick and simple, I didnt want to bore them but it seemed like Mother and Father wanted the details. I was willing to give it to them, but they never asked for them.                                                  Back in my room Im on my bed scrolling threw the channels. Tap. I turn and face the window. Tap, tap, tap. I jump off my bed and walk towards the noise, i open the glass windows and look down to find a child. I can barley see so i zoom in. I blink to adjust the image but instead see now nothing. I close the windows and hop on my bed to continue my scrolling.                            
      9:53. my eye lids start feeling heavy so i turn off my t.v and set my phone on the coffee table next to me. My eyes closed and me being cozy and warm. Im in a meadow of welted roses, the sky colorless and air thick enough so i can barley breath. the setting like a black and white horror film. "Memorie."The voice is child like and echos threw my head repeatedly in a soft whisper. I look around to see if someone was with me. No one. "Memorie." The voice louder, i try to turn my body but cant move, i look down and see my feet sinking into the dead grass. The voice gets louder with each time it says my name. I cover my ears like it would be able to stop the noise, it does. i hear a new noise crows. i look above my head and see at least a dozen crows circling above me, one stops and looks straight at me. They all turn and face me. My half dead heart starts racing, i try to move but sink in deeper. I look around and see the flowers slowly turn to ash dancing in the wind. I look back up at the crows now aiming for me head on, i try to protect myself by throwing my arms over me.                     Im upright in my bed my face damp from my panic sweat. My breathing not as bad anymore. I lay back down in my dark room looking at my ceiling. Grrrrrrr.  My stomach is loud and clear on what it wants, but im not that hungry. I walk into the dinning room looking for the kitchen. Between the two cabinets in the corner is a wooden door with very detailed designs of the moon and stars. i slowly reach for the door knob, before i can get to it it turns. I jump back a few steps from being surprised, the door creaks open and my fangs start stretching out as well as my hair color turning white and eyes red. The door is finally open i inch closer fully cautious, "BOO!" A women dressed in leather just a few inches taller then me jumps out. "What the?" She grows a giant smile on her pale face. "Oh Memorie im sorry i thought you were Clarissa." "Mothers sleeping." "Well ill scare her in the morning then, Oh memorie iv missed you so much it hurt, i needed my niece with me." she runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug. "Iv missed you to Auntie Sellie." She lets go and im able to see her face better, pale skin like father, The bluest eyes iv ever seen, shes beautiful, no surprise there.  "Sit down lets talk." She sits down at the head of the table and waits for me to sit with her, i do.                             I reach and pull out the chair next to auntie Sellie and sit down still a little startled from the scare she gave me. Her smile is still plastered on, i cant help but grow one to. "are you getting used to your new life yet to still to soon to ask?" "Well Its has been a lot to take in, but this is how it was supposed to be so ill get the hang of it soon enough." "Well your a smart girl, i know it wont take long." She grabs my hands with hers showing me comfort. "You must be tired it was what a 7 hour flight?" "It was 8 actually but yes i'm sleepy, but not sleepy enough to not talk to you." My smile is still on, no way it will go away anytime soon that's for sure. "Go to bed and well talk tomorrow when we have enough time and not a house full of sleeping parents." She covers her mouth and lets out a giant yawn. "Your right." She gets out of her seat and walks back to the door now pulling out a few of her bags. I look past her to see what exactly the door was, it was pitch black. "What door is this?" she closes the door and runs her open hand over the crescent moon and stars. "This is my way of transportation, i enchanted it so my travels would be easier, how it works is simple, so simple the littlest thing can go wrong." She puts her bags near the archway and grabs my right hand with hers. she inches me to the door, "The trick is to be really specific about where you want to go, what door your walking out of, what is behind the door your about to leave." She places my hand on the golden door knob. "Do you have a place in mind." "Not one." She leans in and whispers in a soft voice. "Think of anywhere in the world you would want to be right now." I let go of the nob and turn to face her, she takes a step back with a confused look. "I'm already where i want to be." her face softens with a soft smile and I see a small tear roll down her cheek, she wipe it away hoping i didn't notice, i wont mention that i did. I get closer to her giving her a comforting hug. "Lets go to bed." "Alright." Me and her walk up the stairs and i turn heading towards our hallway, auntie Sellie went the other direction. "Where are you going?" I yell in a whisper. "Shh, you'll walk them up, both your parents ears are highly skilled, its irritating sometimes." I see her slowly open my parents bedroom door, she inches in the dark and disappears, i inch closer. Next thing i hear is mother screaming, the lights turn on and auntie comes out the room laughing so hard that if she could breath she would be having trouble right now. "what is wrong with you, no hi, no see you tomorrow, no note, no my sister-in-law has to scare he half to death in the middle of the night." Still laughing she tries to talk, "if i did scare you half to death you'll have even more in common with your husband right now." Mother walks back in the room and closing the door behind her, auntie finally calming down starts walking towards me. "she'll be in a better mood tomorrow, night sweetie." She kisses my forehead and walks all the way down the hall into her room. I climb into my own bed and fall asleep with a smile still on me.

Pic: Auntie Sellie

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