Chapter 8

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 "Wake up sweetie." My eyes open to aunties face that drenched in the morning sunrise. "Morning." "Its time for school" I climb out of  bed and watch auntie leave to room while i head for the closet.

Walking down the stairs with my school things ready and a few minutes to spare, I can hear laughter coming from the dinning room. i walk in to find an all american breakfast, bacon, eggs, hash browns and a cup of blood for everyone but mother. Auntie is sitting at the head of the table telling a story with mother and father sitting left of her eating their food, i take a seat next to auntie and across from mother while Jace brings me a cup of blood.  "Look at how beautiful my niece is." She leans and gives me a giant hug. "Thank you." "Honey Sellie wanted to take you to school today, is that ok?"I turn to face mother, shes still in her robe and so is father. "Of course, its fine." "Then you better hurry we need to leave soon." I pick up my bag and walk around the table and give mother and father a kiss goodbye. I walk to auntie, who's chugging the rest of her blood. "Ugh, ok get in the car and lets go." she taps on the table like drums before leaving her chair.

 In the car auntie was telling me some of her "horror brides" stories, with the roof down, air in our face, driving past the limit when we hit a red light. "This light is taking forever." she pulls down her sunglasses just a little bit to look around, and swirls her index finger in the air turning the light green. "I don't understand." She turns and looks at me with a confused look. "What don't you get ?" "Your a vampire yet you your a spell caster, isn't that not accepted." "Well its not bad or against the rules but yes its not accepted." Not accepted, i get it."Like me?" she turns and face me looking a little distraught. "Sweetie, yes your not accepted by our stupid society, but your the best thing that's ever happened to this ugly mortal world." This car ride can answer a few of my questions. "How did you become a half breed?" "Well you see grandma was married at a young age." She takes a small breath. "Grandfather died around the early years of this world, a time where we were well known and on the run, so in grandmothers morning she met me and your father's father he was not a vampire nor a mortal, but somewhere in between, long story short they fell in love and me and your father was born, me nor your father were supposed to get the magic, but i did and since then that magic gene runs in your cold blood."  She squeezes my cheeks with her right hand and continues driving, I smile at her comment and action. "This would only happen to our family i'm guessing." She pulls down her dark sunglasses and flashes me a smile. "What can i say your part of a family of troublemakers."

The drive to school didn't take to long with auntie driving, since we weren't any where near the speed limit, dropping me off was hard for her i could tell by the look she gave me stepping out of the car. "I'll pick you Up after school." I give her a warming smile to show her i was going to be ok. Unlike yesterday, in was on time i decided not to stop by my locker, since there were two mortals sucking eachother's faces when i walked by it. I take a seat in the seat from yesterday and pull out a book from my backpack and read for the next fifteen minutes before the bell rings. The bell rings before i know it and the room quickly fills up. I notice one of the boys from lunch yesterday, he spots me and moves gracefully my way. He takes a seat next to me and pops his feet up on the desk, his uniform is worn the same way Pip did, or does im not to sure. I try to focus on the teacher who's handing out papers for the day. I can feel whoever he is staring at me and as people keep filling up the seats im still getting stares from them to. The bell rings and class officially starts.

Half way threw class the teacher had to step out, once she did the class volume increased by ten. I finish filling out the worksheet. "Hey you, girly." I turn my head just a little bit to peek at the mysterious blonde. "Yes me look at me." I fully turn my head to him and look at him in his big green eyes, or maybe it's his long eye lashes that make his eyes look bigger. "I have a name and you should use that except girly." He grows a small smirk on his pale dead face. "What's your name then girly." Why do these boys have nicknames for me before even talking to me. "Not girly, Memorie and what's your name anyway, now what do you need my acquaintance for?" His smirks back. "I'm Ricky and acquaintance? Look cupcake if you want to fit into this mortal high school then you need to start talking like a normal girl." "I don't need any advice from you about trying to camo myself into this high school. What exactly is normal anyway, nothing is considered normal, even red heads were considered a mutation in DNA." "And we're mutations to reality sweet pea." "Why aren't you using my name." "Cause it's fun, and have you seen you? You do need my help to fit in here. Anyone can spot you from a mile away, anyways back to being normal." Is he not hearing me. "Normal isn't the right word." He rolls his eyes. "Then what is the right word." What is the right word? "Standard." "Well anyway you need to start talking like a standard girl." He looks beside him and i follow looking at Hellen. "And so i was wearing that pink  sweater that makes my boobs look big, so then he asked to come over tonight so who knows cross my fingers." She crosses her fingers and a giant smile grows on her face. Ricky turns back at me and raises his eyebrows. "Like that." He uses his thumb to point behind him. "Tell me why i would talk so freely about my boobs and wearing something to enhance my figure and doing it for a guy?" He rubs his eyes with his index finger and thumb. "Because that's what nor- standard girls talk about." "Good job for catching your wording, but i don't see why i can't talk about activities im interested in and not about making myself sound like a form of seduction." He turns his body to face me and places his elbows on his knees. "What exactly are those activities cupcake." "Memorie." He rolls his eyes at me again. "Fine Memorie." What are those activities, i mean i was to young it's not like i still color,  jump on my bed, play hid and seek with Jace, or play with imaginary friends or-, "Are you ok?" I feel a tear roll down my right cheek, i whip it away quickly. "Yes i'm ok." The teacher walks in and Ricky turns back around in his seat. Class continues.

The bell rings and I go straight to my locker to meet Alice, who's sitting down reading. She spots me, jumps up and opens her arms out for a hug, i accept. "What book are you reading?" She fixes her glasses and closes the book for me to see the cover. Romeo and Juliet. A classic. "You like Shakespeare?" "Not really, but i'm a sucker for a love story, do you like this book?" She looks up at me with excitement for my answer. "I do i find this writing very beautiful, i mean when they first meet they compose this sonnet together just to see if how their minds, body and soul clash together." "It's also a little cheesy." I turn around to the sound of Pip's voice. "It's not cheesy, because this is the original 'love at first encounter', other stories formed around from this story, making this a true classic and everything else so to say 'cheesy'." He gets a little smirk from my response. "Point made." I grow a smile from my small feeling of accomplishment. "Now are you on your way to class or am i waiting for nothing." "You don't have class with us." Alice is the one to reply. He walks up to her and pushes her glasses closer to he eyes. "Well sorry for trying to walk this sexy vamp to her next class." I get a warm feeling build up, and not a good kind. "Don't call me a sexy vamp, and why are you going to walk me?" "Because i see the way guys look at you, you need me to protect you form these breathers." He grabs my backpack and starts walking. "I don't need to be protected." I look at Alice and we both start to trail behind Pip.

pic: Rickey

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