Chapter 14

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The city is quite loud at night, yet quiet enough for people to get up early in the morning for work. Pip is walking me home, it's about a Thirty minute walk, it could be a five minute run but there's people around so we can't. We're walking down the sidewalk on 16th, it's going to be about twenty or so blocks till we get to the woods, then we need to find my house, which would be another three blocks. I'm not complaining though, i don't mind the walk if anything i enjoy it. The night is nice outside a good way to think and relax. I turn to Pip next to me, he hasn't said anything since we left the club, is he mad at me? I don't like the silence between us it seams so unnatural. "I'm sorry," I break the silence and the tension. He gives me a confused look before speaking. "Why are you sorry?" "Well aren't you mad at me for the incident at the club?" He stops walking, i do the same. He pulls my dress down again then takes a step back looking around him. "I'm not mad at you i'm just...I'm not sure." Is he avoiding looking at me? "Look at me when you're talking to me." I can feel the pout on my face. He sighs and looks up from the ground to my eyes. "I thought you could handle yourself, so i let you do your own thing over there, then this." He gestures to the bruise on my left hand and thigh, it's not big but very noticeable. I pull down my dress again covering it, and hid my hand behind my back. "It will be gone by the morning, and i-i..i thought i could, i haven't really been in a situation where i can tell if i can or can't."

 I start walking forward hoping this is the right direction home, he follows, soon enough we're walking side by side again. I look up at pip, what is he thinking? I'm not going to read this thoughts, i'd feel wrong if i did. So i just ask out loud instead. "What are you thinking?" It takes him a minute before responding. "So you don't know if you can fight or not right?" Hearing the thought i refused to accept being said out loud gives me a feeling of disappointment and embarrassment. "That's right." He puts his arm over my shoulders letting me know he's feeling better. "Well then i guess i'll just have to teach you." "So you're going to teach me how to fight?" He crooks his head a little so he's looking at the stars. "I'd rather you say, teaching you self defense." That isn't that bad an idea, i can now have a strong feeling of some kind of protection. "Alright." He jerks his head at me, "Are you serious, i thought you'd need a little more convincing." "No, i think it would be a great idea, now what day and times?" He doesn't hesitate to answer, "Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from three to six." "That seams reasonable, alright when do we start?" He stops again, as he's pulling down my dress he says, "Tuesday."

For the rest of the way home we walked and talked about the bar. "So their drinks why are they based of movies and such?" "Well the owner of the club as two daughters, they are pure blood faeries, well the club first opened when they were young, so their dad asked to help them with a drink theme, they listed their favorite movies, hence the drinks." That's cute, having the fathers money be based off of his daughters love and imagination. Before we know it I'm at my front porch. I ring the door bell and wait for someone to open up, i saw their cars in the driveway. "Despite the end, tonight was quite pleasant and i wouldn't object to doing this again." His face lights up, but only for a second then he acts like what i said didn't phase him. The door opens and out comes Auntie Selie, her face is shocked when she see's Pip.  "Hello Ms. Lackbrook I'm Pip Lowell a classmate of Memories, she was out with me tonight as well as some of our friends, we made sure she was safe." His voice is gentle, as always, but he's so polite. Auntie smiles, "Nice to meet you Pip, and i'm her aunt, not mother, thank you for looking after her." "I'm glad to." He pulls down my skirt again before he runs home, not wasting his speed, he's gone in a second. I turn back around to see aunties face in shock. "He's such a hottie, and so polite, oh and the way he was being protective of you, i just wanted to swoon."I laugh a little from auntie's little moment. Talking to her is just like talking to a teenager sometimes. "And a pure blood to." "How did you know he was a pure blood?"

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