Chapter 9

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I woke up to kisses being peppered down my jawline "Calum.." it came out more of a moan, than anything
"You want me to stop?" he asked in-between kisses "
"Not right now, tonight, when I come back we can" he grumbled, but retreated back his lips
"What do you mean? Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go shopping with the girls. Invite the boys over to keep yourself occupied. This is just a part of my plan to get them back together"
"You can't just let them work this out?" 
"No. I can't. They're both falling apart at the seams without each other. When was the last time you've seen Ashton this quiet?"
"Actually, I can't even remember a time when he was this sad" he bit his lower lip, at the thought
"Exactly..." I pushed myself out of the bed and went to the dresser "so, I'm doing this" I pulled out a pair of black leggings and slipped them up my legs. I pulled Calum's shirt over my head and replaced it with a Pink hoodie, pairing it with boots. I knew the weather sucked today and I needed to be warm, if I was going to last all day with them. I sat back on the bed, pulling my hair into a top knot, and picking up my phone, sending a text into the group chat
Hey guys. I'm coming to pick you guys up. Get ready, we're going to the mall -Grace
Okay. Be ready in 5 -Kai
Do I have to? -Elly
Yes -Grace
Yes -Kai 
Fine. I'll be ready -Elly

"They're both in" I turned and smiled at Cal
"Okay, meddler,just remember what you said about tonight." he winked "But have fun, and try to get them back together. I'll make sure he stays, and invite the other guys over"
"Thank you" I leaned across the bed and kissed his cheek "I'll text you when we're on the way back" 
"Okay" I walked out of the room and saw Ashton sitting upright, shirtless on the couch, watching TV. 
"Hey.." I sat on the arm of the chair next to him "I'm going out. Do you need anything?"
"No, I don't think so. You don't car if I spend the day here, right?" 
"Of course not. You can stay as long as you need" I cupped his shoulder "I don't have any problem with you staying here. Just make sure you eat something, okay?"
"Okay. Thanks" I grabbed my coat and walked out into the nasty, snowy, weather, shuddering as the cold hit my face. I climbed into the car and started it, cranking the heat. I definitely didn't miss the weather while we were gone. 

I cautiously drove to Kai's house, pulling into her driveway, and honking the horn. She ran out clutching her scarf to her mouth and nose. It was a sight to see her run, her long black hair, trailed behind her, even though her short legs didn't carry her fast across the snow covered ground. She jumped into the passenger side of my car and pulled down the scarf. Despite the snow, her makeup still looked amazing. Her eyeliner sharply outlined her small, brown eyes, and her cheeks were perfectly blushed. 
"Hey" she smiled and placed her wide framed glasses onto her face
"Hi" I smiled back 
"So what's the plan today. You're up before noon and you're making plans, what are we doing?"
"You know me well" I laughed "We're trying to get Elly and Ashton back together"
"That's what I thought. How are we going to do that?" she asked as I pulled back out of her driveway
"We're gonna go back to my house after we go to the mall, and they're going to work it out"
"And what happens if they don't do it themselves?"
"That's where I come in" I explained, turning onto Eleanor's street "Like last night, when I got you and Luke to hold hands" I glanced over at her, seeing her cheeks turning red and a little giggle escape from her lips.
"Thanks for that, by the way" 
"All in a days work" I pulled into Eleanor's driveway and didn't even need to honk the horn, because she was already walking out of the house. He normal curly, brown hair was pulled into a tight bun, on top of her head, and she was wearing baggy sweatpants, and what I guessed was Ashton's hoodie, because it was at least, two sizes too big. Even from the car, her round, makeup free, brown eyes looked swollen, like she had been crying. She climbed into the backseat and buckled right away, brushing the snow off of her shoulders.
"Hey.." she said, looking up at both of us staring at her and we both shot back a friendly hey.

The drive to the mall would've been awkward silence if Kai hadn't turned on the radio, none of us really knew what to talk about, so we just sang. I pulled up to the mall, trying to fine the closest parking spot to the door, and we all ran inside, trying not to slip on the snow covered ice. 
"God, I want to go back to San Francisco, it doesn't snow there" I laughed, and picked the snow out of Kai's hair 
"Yeah but that's where people cheat" Eleanor mumbled and Kai and eye looked at each other, wide-eyed, searching for a reasonable way to react 
"Okkaayy, Let's go to Forever 21 first" 
"No, I need coffee first. To Starbucks, and then everywhere else"
"Okay. That's sounds good too" 

We walked in, and out of stores, sipping our coffee and coming out with at least one bag, from each store. As the day went by, Eleanor would crack a smile every once and a while, which made it easier to have fun. As we walked out of the mall, arms loaded with bags, the snow had subsided, giving everyone a grin. 

I drove back to my house, feeling the tension in the car grow, as I got closer. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, and I think Eleanor caught on, when we pulled in and Michael's car was in the driveway, but she didn't say anything, until we actually walked in and she saw him. 
"Shit" she mumbled and grabbed my arm, pulling me aside "Can you take me home? I don't want to be here if he is. I can't handle this right now" She pleaded with worry in her eyes, glancing over at the boys, playing FIFA, over my shoulder.
"I'm not taking you home. You guys need to work this out. You're both falling apart. So keep an open mind and listen to him. Also, remember that the tabloids make everyone look shitty" I turned and carried my bags to my room, when I returned to the living room, she had taken her place on the couch next to him, but still kept her distance. The fun, playful atmosphere left the room, and now everyone just looked anxious, sitting in the silent room. Both of them looked like they had died inside, and I realized, this was going to be one hell of a night.  "Look at you two" I practically yelled, causing everyone to look to me, and then to them. "You're acting like strangers, when everyone knows you love each other. Now, you're going to work this out, because you're both a mess, and you're not leaving until you do. Now go to my room and close the door. Don't come out until it's fixed. Got it?" they both nodded, as if they had a real option, and shuffled to my room. 
"You're such a mom" Calum laughed, and kissed my forehead as I sat down next to him 
"I know, but I'm an effective mom. They're working out their problems in there, right now" The boys went back to playing FIFA, while Kai and I sat and watched. She was slowly, but surely, scooting closer to Luke, and when he leaned back, getting into the game, he leaned back into her lap, making his eyes go wide. 
"Oh, uh, sorry." he stuttered, sitting back up
"No. It's cool. You can lean on me. I don't mind"
"Thanks" he leaned back against her again, and she made a confident move, by wrapping her arm around his shoulder, then looking at me, in disbelief, and smiling. I just shook my head, and mimicked her grin. 

About an hour later, they came out of the room, holding hands, so obviously they had made up.
"That's what I like to see" I smiled, acknowledging them
"Yeah. Can someone drive us home?" they both looked around, at everyone.
"Yeah.." Mikey, pushed off  off the couch, "I'll take you. Kai, Luke, are you coming too?" 
"Um, can we stay, Grace?" Luke asked, switching his gaze from me to Kai, over and over
"Yeah. That's fine" I honestly didn't know why they even asked anymore, they all knew they could stay whenever they wanted, and Calum was basically moving in, now that we were together. 

I was too tired to stay up, knowing that I had to go back to school tomorrow. "You guys can stay up, I have to go to school tomorrow. So goodnight." I went to my room, and started stripping off my clothes, the door opened fast, and I threw up my hands to cover myself. "Goddammit Calum. Knock next time. You scared me"

"Sorry" he laughed and came to me "Why're you still covering up, it's only me. Plus, we made a promise earlier"
"Oh yeah" I laughed, and pulled my body against his 
"You forgot, didn't you?"
"Ha. Whatt? Noo" I lied, and he could tell 
"Fuck you"
"I mean no one's stopping you from doing it" I smirked and caught his bottom lip with my teeth. The kiss quickly got heated, and we backed up to the bed "Shit, wait lock the door. You never know who's going to barge in, unannounced" 

(I'm actually really happy with the progress I'm making with this story. So HMU if you're liking this. Love Hannah) 

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