Chapter 8

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"Ashton do you want something to eat?" I called from the kitchen, where I stood with Calum, Kai, and Luke.
"No" he called back, sadly
"What are we going to do?" Luke asked, leaning back against the counter
"I don't know. We can text her and try to get her to change her mind" I suggested, but shook my head, knowing that wouldn't be very effective
"Call her over here?" Kai offered "Wait, no, that's not a good idea. That'll just cause a lot of conflict. And we don't need more of that"
"No. We don't. Should we call the magazine?" Calum contributed
"Actually.." I paused, thinking over his suggestion "that could work" I pressed one of my fingers against my bottom lip, then dug my phone out of my pocket "What magazine was it again?"
"I don't even remember" Luke shrugged
"Nevermind. I found it" I found the number to the magazine and ran to my room to make the call
"Hi, how may we help you?" The voice on the other side of the phone offered
"Hi. I was calling about the cover story you guys published the other day. The one about Ashton Irwin, Eleanor Tamez's boyfriend"
"Yes. What about it?"
"Well I was wondering if you guys could take that down, or publish a follow up story about it. That picture and the story were totally out of context"
"Oh sweetie, how do you know that?"
"Because I was there with him. It was a drunken mistake and nothing really happened. They just danced"
"I'll forward you to the publisher" I tried to protest, but the line was static, stopping me in my tracks
"Hello.." The line perked up "you have information on the Ashton Irwin, Eleanor Tamez story?"
"Yes, I do. It actually didn't happen"
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean. I was with him. And nothing happened with that bimbo he was seen with. They didn't kiss, they just danced and he was drunk, so obviously it wasn't really his fault"
"So what do you want me to do with it?"
"Can you, um, I don't know, un-publish it or publish a follow up story to clear things up"
"I'm afraid I can't do that"
"Why not?!" I spit out
"Because I have no real proof"
"Listen, they're both my best friends. Eleanor and Ashton, and I was with him that night at the club. You're tearing apart a relationship by not fixing the mistake"
"Sorry honey, he shouldn't have gotten caught doing something bad, should he?"
"Seriously?! You're fucking kidding me right?" I shouted into the phone
"Ma'am calm down"
"How am I supposed to calm down, when you're tearing my friends apart?? Would you be able to calm down if something about you was published out of context? Your magazine firm would be shut down" I rebutted
"Well I don't make silly mistakes like he did, and if I do make them, I don't get caught, so I can't take it down. And I'm not publishing another one. Sorry sweetie. I have better things to do than talk to a pissy teenage girl, who's worried about her friends. So goodbye" before I could even spit back I the line went dead and I was left in silence
"Fuck" I screamed into the pillow. I felt horrible that I couldn't help him out. It sucked so bad. 

I walked out of my room, and everyone except Ashton's eyes turned towards me, and all I could do was shake my head. "Ashton, you can choose what movie we watch" I smiled, sitting down next to him.
"I don't really care what we watch" he griped, slumping back against the couch
"C'mon Ash, there's got to be something you want to watch"
"Well.." he rolled his head to the side to look at me "I guess I'd be okay with watching The Breakfast Club"
"Then, The Breakfast Club it is"we has The Breakfast Club at least 20 times, but none of us were going to argue with him about it. Plus, we were all suckers for a good 80's movie. 

I popped in the DVD and went to the kitchen for snacks, as the previews played. As I put the bag of popcorn into the microwave, Luke came in, looking a little nervous. "What's wrong, you look a little sweaty?" 
"Oh god, do I?" he ran his hands through his hair and over his face a couple times
"No, Luke, it was a joke" I laughed
"Oh good, okay"
"So, what's up? What's got you all jittery?"
"I think I want to make a move on Kai tonight"
"Good, that's good, you're making progress" I smiled, and patted his shoulder lightly 
"I just don't know how" he blurted out 
"Well, I guess you could try to hold her hand, during the movie" I offered and took the popcorn out of the microwave, dumping it into a big bowl.
"Yeah, sounds good" he nodded his head, as if he was trying to convince himself that it did sound good "How do I do that?"
"Stick your hand out a little and see if she takes it. And if that doesn't work, just grab her hand. C'mon Luke, be confident. I know you can do it" I gave him encouragements and walked out of the kitchen, carrying the giant bowl. 

Setting down the bowl on the coffee table, I sat down next to Calum on the couch, cuddling up to him and pulling a blanket over both of us. Luke sat on the other couch next to Kai, but not too close, and Ashton sat with his legs slung over the side of the chair. As the movie started I moved closer to Calum, letting him wrap his arm around my shoulder. 

Instead of watching the movie, I mainly watched the other people in the room. Ashton finally looked engrossed in something other than his phone, but even in the dark, I could still see the familiar hurt in his eyes. And then there were Luke and Kai. Luke was desperately trying to make a move, but Kai, but she was too concentrated on the movie to notice. It finally got too painful to sit by and watch anymore. "For God's sake" I huffed and trudged over to them "I have to do everything myself around here" I grabbed Luke's hand off the couch and extended my arm towards Kai "Give me your stupid hand" she reached her arm towards me and I took both of their hands and intertwined their fingers. "There, look, now you're holding hands. Thank you Grace" they both looked mortified, but satisfied as I turned and traipsed back to to Calum. I glanced over at Ashton as I sat down, seeing him laugh a little for the first time all day "Look, I even cheered up Ashton a little" he smiled at me and I was pleased to see the familiar dimples.

The movie ended and we all stretched. Luke and Kai hadn't let go of each other's hands, but they couldn't look at each other, without getting flushed cheeks. It was well past midnight and we were all tired.
"Come on boys, I'll take you home" Kai offered, standing up with Luke
"I'm staying" Calum walked past everyone and towards my room, not even waiting for me to say yes. 
"Ashton?" she questioned, looking at the boy who hadn't moved. 
"I, um, Grace, can I stay here tonight? I can't go back to the apartment. Not tonight" the hurt in his voice had come back. 
"Of course" I shifted my eyes back to Kai and Luke, internally laughing at the height difference, she was only about 5'1 and he was, at least 6'2 "I guess, it's just you guys" they're cheeks turned the same, bright shade of pink again and they left, not closing the gap between their bodies "Okay, so if you want, I'll make up the guest bed, which is really just an air mattress" I giggled to Ash 
"No, it's cool. I'll sleep on the couch"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'll be okay"
"Well, I'll get you some clothes to sleep in, and a blanket and a pillow"
"Okay" everything he said sounding half-hearted
The boys had just resorted in leaving some clothes here because they slept over so often, so I grabbed him some, and an extra blanket and pillow, from the hall closet.
"Here you go" I set them down next to him "Do you need anything before I go to bed?"
"No. Thank you" Normally, I didn't care this much when any of the stayed over, but he had a broken heart, and deserved some special attention. 
"Okay. Well, goodnight Ashton. I hope you sleep well"
"Goodnight. You too."

I trudged to my room, to see that Calum's eyes were already closed. I stripped down to my underwear, and slipped on the shirt that he had taken off. I climbed into my bed and immediately felt his arm hook around my waist and pull me against him. 
"God.." he breathed against my neck "I love when you wear my clothes, but I prefer you with no clothes" he ran his hand up my bare thigh, and under the hem of my shirt. He pushed away my hair and started nipping at my neck.
"Not tonight baby" I pushed his hand away from my leg and he let out a low groan
"Come on. Why not?"
"Ashton's in the other room and I'm super tired. I just want to go to bed"
"Please, just a quickie?" he pleaded 
"Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow, okay?"
"Fine" he huffed and gave up, but didn't let go of my waist, so we fell asleep like that. Or should I say, he fell asleep. I couldn't get my mind to stop racing. I needed to think of a way to get them back together. It wasn't going to be easy, but I needed to try. Ashton was so many things, nice and sweet, but not a cheater. 

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