Chapter 16

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How's your lip? -Grace
Sore -Michael
And the hangover? -Michael
BAD -Grace
Day drinking lol  -Grace
Yeah yeah whatever -Michael
I skipped class this morning, not wanting to deal with drama, but still kind of hung up on last night. It had caused my anxiety to go crazy and that's never a good thing. Today, I needed to have some girl time. There wouldn't be any fighting there.
Girls day? -Grace.
I texted to the group chat.
Sounds fun -Elly
What do you wanna do? -Kai
Absolutely nothing -Grace
Even better -Elly
Be over in 10 -Kai
I was surprised Kai was even up, it was only noon, but she seemed to be in a good mood, so that was a plus.
"Calum the girls are coming over"
"That means that I'm leaving, doesn't it?" He asked, knowing the answer
"Yeah" I said sweetly, internally laughing at his proneness to knowing what I was thinking.
"Okay" he rolled his eyes, jokingly
"Go to Ashton's and invite Luke, they're probably both doing the exact thing as you today, nothing"
"You read my mind" he giggled, tugging a shirt over his head, and grabbing my keys off the top of the dresser.
"You're not even going to text them first?"
"No..." He sat on the end of the bed and slipped on his shoes "they'll be fine. I'm a good surprise to get"
"Well alright"
"Have fun. Text me when I can come home.." He leaned over and pecked my head, pulling away slightly, then kissed my forehead. "No fights today. Got it?"
"Got it" I laughed and brought his lips to mine one more time "I love you"
"I love you too"
I hadn't even gotten up yet. I had on a big t-shirt and some sweat pants. They didn't care how I looked as long as we weren't going out. Kai came in without knocking, Calum must've left the door unlocked for her.
"Honey in home" she laughed coming into my room "I'm I first?" She gasped, faking drama
"Yeah. Elly isn't here yet"
"Wow there's a first for everything. I wasn't even first to my own birth" she laughed, speaking of her twin brother, Liam.
"Oh shut up" I grabbed one of the pillows off of Calum's side and hit her with it, causing us both to laugh, as she swung precariously at it.
"Okay I'm going to fight you"
"Do it"
"Gonna put the paws on you" she laughed, failing at sounding serious.
Elly interrupted our laughter by coming in, carrying bags.
"I've brought food" she dumped the bags onto my bed, and I crawled out from underneath the covers, sitting next to Kai, crisscross applesauce.
"Ice cream..." She separated three different tubs, of ice cream to the right "some chips.." Seep rating three different kinds of chips to the right "and then some frozen snacks, that I'll go pop in the oven" she took the bags of frozen mozzarella sticks, pizza rolls, and honey barbecue chicken poppers, and left the room. "I'll bring back some spoons too"
"Gahhhh I love you guys" I breathed out, opening the bag of regular chips "GRAB THE MONSTERS OUT OF THE FRIDGE TOO ELLY" I yelled to her, reaching my hand into the bag and shoving the chips into my mouth, sighing happily at the salty snack.
" What's up with the last minute hang out Grace? Not that I'm not happy to be with you"
"Mikey got in a fight last night with some guy at the bar, because of me. And I don't know I haven't calmed down, I'm just really anxious"
"Whoa, wait, Michael got in a fight?"
"Yes. An alcohol induced fight, but none the less, a fight"
"Is he okay?"
"Yeah. But you should see the other guy" I let out a breathy laugh, recollecting last nights events. "It just fucked with my head, and I figured a girls day couldn't hurt"
"That's true. We haven't had one since.." Elly appeared in the doorway again, arms clad with monster cans, and Kai trailed off, not wanting to remind Elly of the events that spawned the last girls day.
"Here" Elly dropped spoons and the Monsters onto the bed, then sat in it herself. "What's up with the random girls day?" She asked, I glanced at Kai, hoping she'd explain for me, not wanting to recall the events again. "Oh I'm sorry Grace" she leaned over and hugged me. She was more of a hugger than Kai, but I knew Kai's emotions just by her face, I didn't need the approval with a hug.
Being around them helped and knowing they cared did too. They had been there through everything since we were 12.
"We laid on the bed consuming mass amount of ice cream and chips, occasionally taking a few gulps of Monster, until we heard the oven ding, telling us that the stuff was ready. We took the party into the living room and put stuff on plates, attacking it like ravenous creatures that haven't eaten in weeks. We probably ate more than the guys, and that was an accomplishment.
We out in 16 Candles and kept stuffing our faces, periodically taking breathers to make room in our stomachs.
"So.." Kai talked, breaking the silence filled by the movie. "how are you Calum?"
"We're good. We're really good"
"Okay don't have anything else to say?"
"He's sweet. I don't know. I'm not mushy. I mean he moved in, basically, so that's good, I guess". I shrugged
"Yeah he's here, eevvveeerrryydayy" Elly dragged out her word, being suggestive "and every nighhhttt" she and Kai both wagged their eyebrows and me.
"Okay and?" I shrugged them off
"Grace please, we know you guys did...stuff. Just tell us" Kai nudged
"Yeah. I mean we did. But that's weird to talk about"
"I told you about me and Ash"
"Yeah. But that's you. I'm weird, I don't know." I let out an awkward, shaky breath.
"Come onn. I'd tell you if Luke and I did something" Kai offered, trying to egg me on
"Fine. We fucked. Good?"
"How many times?"
"Pervs.. A couple times. There. I'm done now"
"A COUPLE TIMES???!!!" The shock on their faces, obviously evident
"Okay wait. You guys have been together for like 2 months. How have you already fucked a couple times? And what do you mean by a couple times? Like how many?"
"I don't know..."
"She's known him longer than we've known Luke and Ashton" Kai cut me off, "so that's not even that weird"
"That's true"
"So I mean that's fine. They've broken down that personal barrier and probably long ago" I opened my mouth, but they just kept talking, so I let it be
After the food was gone, and the movie and discussions were over, we had fallen asleep in a heap on the couch. Our slumber didn't last long though, there were hungry boys running through my house.
"Wake up" Luke laughed, shaking all of us awake. Calum, being the one that lives with me, decided to clean up our garbage, he knew I wouldn't.
"Luke go away" I swung at his crotch, hoping my hand would make contact, causing him to stop, but he jumped out of the way.
"She's just trying to punch you in the balls, shut up" he laughed back from the kitchen
"Oh. Pretty boys got you there" I opened my eyes fully, laughing at Luke's surprised face.
"Whatever" he leaned down and kissed Kai, whose cheeks were turning red. Obviously he was buzzed, otherwise there was no way he could've pulled that off. We were all a little taken back by it. But then Ashton realized we had eaten, and got offended
"Where's the food? You guys couldn't have eaten it all"
"Yeah we did."
"Godddd Calum I told you they would eat it all. We should've gotten food" Calum, the only one who was completely sober just laughed and picked me up off the couch, before replacing me in the spot, and pulled me into his lap.
"Well, hi there" I laughed, placing a sloppy his on this pink lips.
"I missed you" he smiled, mumbling into my neck.
"I missed you too"
"Okay. Let's not be gross guys" Michael gagged from the chair
"Says the one that was sucking faces with a girl in public yesterday"
"DONT TALK ABOUT IT" he shouted jokingly.
We decided another movie night would be fun, since everyone was there. 80's movies were always our favorite, so we popped in Pretty in Pink and watched.
Ultimately, we all ended up asleep and they all stayed the night, again.

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