Chapter 3

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I walked out of the room, with my head held high, trying to pretend like I was confident, when in all reality, I wanted to giggle like a school girl

"Mary!" I yelled, happily, in a sing-songy voice, when I got to my room

"Yes?"the puff of white hair popped into my room "Why are you smiling like that?"

"I kissed him" I giggled

"You kissed him?"

"Yeah. I kissed him"

"Aww, you're so cute"

"Thanks, I try"

"Why're you in here though? You just walked out after that?"

"Uh.. yeah. I was trying not to giggle"

"Luke!" Calumś voice called through the hall. He was probably going to tell him what I had just done.

"Go, go to the boy" Mary shooed me out of the room and I walked towards his. I stood in the doorway, silent, hoping the conversation about me

"Do you have my Drop Dead muscle shirt?" Calum asked the blonde boy, while digging through his suitcase

"No" Luke answered

"I have it" I said, trying to sound confident

"Why do you have it?" Luke asked, they were both a little startled, not knowing that I was in there

"Calum left it at my house, last time you guys spent the night" I answered awkwardly "Do you want it right now? I have it in my bag"

"Yeah" I started walking towards my room, and Luke went back to his. I started going through the dresser that I had sloppily filled

"Erm.. so" Calum's voice stammered, from the doorway "What was... uhh, that?"

"What was what?" I turned around and threw the material at him, obviously hoping to catch him off guard, but he still caught

"Earlier, when we were playing games?" he slung the shirt over his shoulder, and leaned against the threshold

"What when I kissed you?" Some type of confidence had washed over me today "It was a kiss dumbass"

"I know that, but like am I missing something orr"

"Well I don't know. Are you?"

"I don't know." He started a walking towards, causing a lump to form in my throat " I mean, I wouldn't mind if it happened again, and again, and again.." he was only inched from me now "How about you? Would you mind?"

"I don't think so" I cocked an eyebrow, as his calloused hand, cupped my face, bringing my face, closer to his

"Good, because I'm about to do it again" his lips gently pressed against, and I couldn't help but melt a little.

"Aww, you guys are so cute" Mary's voice, came from the door, causing us to pull away, with pink cheeks "Sorry, I interrupted the moment" she laughed. My cheeks turned red at the fact that my "grandma" just watched me kiss him.
"Mary you scared us" Calum laughed and snaked an arm around my waist, seeming completely I phases by what happened.
"Sorry guys, carry on" she gave us a wink and walked out
"That was awkward A-F" I laughed and covered my face with my hands.
"Calum?" I mimicked his tone
"Will you... erm, be my girlfriend?" He stammered a little
"Would I like to be Calum Hood's girlfriend?" I was trying to draw out my answer "I'd love to" I smiled and he returned it, then pressed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Next order of business" he sounded innocent, as he pulled me towards the bed "How are we going to tell the guys?" He sat and pulled me into his lap
"Well, I don't know" my mind started searching, for possible ways to tell them "Do they really need to know right now?" I grinned down at him
"A secret relationship, huh?" He smirked
"Not so much a secret. More like a puzzle. If they're smart, all the pieces will come together, and they get the whole picture."
"Wow" he laughed "I think this place is effecting you already. That was way too hipster to come from your normal brain"
"Oh shut up. I was being philosophical" I pushed his chest a little
"Okay babe" he laughed, pressing his lips against my temple
"Babe? Wow, you're already giving me nicknames"
"Just felt like the right time to whip it out... Pun intended" he snickered at his dirty joke, while I tried to suppress my giggle, not wanting to give him satisfaction for that one "Oh come onnnnn" he poked my side, causing me to jump because it tickled "That was funny Gracie" he continued poking me
"Stop tickling me" I warned, swatting his hand away
"And what if I don't?" He wagged his bushy eyebrows
"Then I'm not responsible for your injuries"
"I'll take it" in one swift motion, he pulled us both to the ground and was straddling me, poking at my sides continually. My only defense was to start kicking, squirming, and punching. My efforts, however, were put to shame, when he pinned both arms above my head "God, you put up a fight"
"I know. I hate being tickled" I huffed, gaining my breath back
"That's why I do it" he smirked
"That's no way to talk to your boyfriend" he laughed, then leaned down to kiss my lips
"Dammit" a curse came from the door. "I swear I didn't see anything" Mary laughed "Next time close the door. Anyway. It's dinner time" instead of feeling awkward this time, we started laughing.
"Awkwarddddd" he sing-songed
"Yeah" I laughed. "Get off of me" I stared squirming again
"I'm off. I'm off." He said, taking my hand and pulling me up
"And now I'm up" I giggled
Dinner was just In-N-Out burgers, around the large table, more catching up, and funny looks from Mary.
"So Ashton" David wiped his mouth with a napkin "tell me about this girlfriend of yours... Umm Eleanor, right?"
"Yeah, Elly" his eyes lit up, like they always did when he talked about her "She's great. You guys have probably heard her name before. Eleanor Tamez. She's a model" he giggled and they sat with blank faces "No? Okay. Well, yeah, she's a pretty popular teenage model. So she and I are in the tabloids a lot"
"How did you guys meet?"
"School. She wasn't a model when we met. But, yeah, now she's famous"
"Well that's great" David said, trying to gage an appropriate reaction
"And your mom likes her? And Harry and Lauren?" He referred to his siblings
"Yeah. They all love her. Lauren says, she's the sister she never had"
"Well, good. Glad you're happy"
"Me too"
"Michael, Luke, Calum, how about you guys, any girls?" Calum and Mary simultaneously looked and me and I giggled. Calum answered a simple "eh" with a shrug. And Michael just grumbled "Luke?"
"I mean, sort of, I guess this girl. Yeah. I like her" he stuttered, not knowing how to really answer.
"He and Kai aren't an official thing yet" I butt in "but they will be soon"
"Well that's good then too. As long as you guys are happy, that's all that matters"
"Goodnight Gracie" Mary stood in my doorway, as I sat playing on my phone, at the top of my bed.
"Night, Mary" she walked away.
Feeling my eyes starting to droop, I decided she made the right decision to go to bed. I plugged my phone in and curled up in the foreign bed. As my eyes started to close, there was a shuffling, and then the door closed.
"Gracie" Calum whispered and I felt the bed shift.
"I'm sleeping in here with you" he pulled my against his body, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Okay" he kissed my shoulder, over the material and I closed my eyes, and felt his chest rising and falling on my back. It was soothing. I mean it wasn't the first time we had slept like this, but it was comforting knowing that he was my boyfriend now. He sighed softly and I knew he was asleep. I couldn't help but giggle a little at the childish sound. He was cute though.

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