Chapter 4-Louis

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I began to tap my fingers on the armrest of my plane feet, running my other hand through my messy bedhead. My mother had failed to mention we were going at two in the morning. Apparently we needed to be somewhere by the afternoon. 

The plane was halfway through the long flight. I turned to my mum and said, "So, what are we doing there?"

My mother flipped the page in her magazine and didn't even look up at me as she said, "Like I said before, you will see when we get there. For right now, just take a nap or something. You need to be looking fresh when we get there."

I thought for another hour about what that could mean. Finally, I fell asleep.

I woke up to a flight attendant's voice saying, "Passengers, we have landed. You are now free to grab your overhead bags and exit the aircraft. Thank you for flying British Airways."

I groaned and sat up, opening my eyes and stretching. I noticed a girl checking me out and smirked, sending her a wink. She looked away, blushing furiously. I chuckled. I loved being good looking. I could get away with almost anything.

I stood up and grabbed my suitcase from over head. My suitcase was small enough to take on the plane, but my mum's was huge and that meant we had to go to the luggage carousel.

We got to the carousel and my mum's hot pink suitcase came out last. I was falling asleep when she nudged me rather roughly and asked me to get her bag. She thanked me and we walked outside. She hailed a taxi and I looked around. It was about six thirty in Colorado, and nice and sunny outside. It was rather sunny for May.

I put on a pair of sunglasses and took off my coat. I brushed off my white v-neck and my mum tsked, muttering, "Horrible fashion choices."

I rolled my eyes. My mum hated v-necks. I watched as we drove to the destination my mum had given the driver. It was about a twenty minute drive until we pulled up in front of a cute white house. It was two stories, and seemed very classic and homey.

She thanked the driver and handed him some cash, which she apparently had. Obviously this trip was planned since she had American money. I shrugged and got our luggage out of the back, watching the driver leave us.

I turned to my mum and asked, "So, who's house is this again? You told me but I seem to have forgotten."

She glared at me and lightly smacked me on the back of the head as she said, "No I didn't. Nice try though. And you will find out in just a minute."

We walked up to the door on the house. My mum looked around for a couple seconds before spotting the doorbell. I laughed and she rolled her eyes before ringing it. 

We stood, waiting. After about thirty long seconds, the door opened and there stood a woman. She was a brunette, very pretty, but about my mother's age. Behind her was a girl who looked more my age, with long brown hair. She was beautiful.

My mother smiled and said, "Chelsie! It has been almost eighteen years since I saw you! You have grown into a beautiful young lady. This is my son, Louis. He is your fiance."

My mouth dropped open and I turned to face her, eyes wide. Did she just say... Fiance? I must have misheard her. The woman smiled but the girl looked as shocked as I was. She closed her mouth and shook her head, saying, "No!" then closed the door. 

I burst out laughing. I momentarily forgot about what my mother said, because the girl's reaction was hilarious. Then I remembered, and I turned to my mum exclaiming, "Are you bloody crazy?"

She shook her head, looking confused as she said, "No! You guys have an arranged marriage. Surprise!"

I glared at her and tried to step past her but she put her arm out, blocking me, and growled out, "Stay."

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