Chapter 26-Louis

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I watched Chelsie walk onto the tarmac to get onto her flight back home. Once her plane left, I headed to mine. I still had thirty minutes before it left.

I sat in the waiting area, thinking about everything that had happened. I was going home for a day or two to talk to my mother, and to Brody about what he told me before I left. 

I stood up when the woman at the desk called the first-class passengers and got in line. I had my bag and was standing behind an old woman when I recognized her. 

"Uhm, excuse me? Are you Eleanor? I believe we met before, a week or so ago?" I said, examining her to make sure I was correct.

She turned around and looked at me for a second before offering me a wamr smile and saying, "Yes, Louis, I am Eleanor. I know both you and your fiance!"

My eyebrows raised as I asked, "You do?"

We boarded the plane and she took a seat next to me as she replied, "Yes, in fact, I think its about time I let you in on my little secret. You see, you have probably seen me around over the years."

I thought long and hard about it, and realised something, and I said, "Yes, I believe I have actually! I have seen you around a bit, I never thought about it much though."

She nodded and she said, "Well, as Silus had Brody in your life to keep tabs on you, Michael had me in both of your lives."

I was shocked. The plane took off and I let it sink in. As if Brody wasn't enough, I had another person put in my life like that? I struggled to comprehend it. This  little old woman. I turned to her and said, "What do you mean?"

She sighed and began talking, her british accent dropping, "So, I worked in the CIA with Michael, training him when he first started. I retired a couple years later, becoming a private investigator in my spare time.  Michael contacted me about seventeen years ago, telling me that he needed my help."

I nodded and she continued, "Well, he told me that when you turned sixteen, I was to keep an eye on both of you, make sure you were both safe, and find who the mole we knew Silus would have put in your lives was. Brody was the mole in your life."

I thought about it for a second and then asked, "Wait, there is one in Chelsie's life? Who is it? Is it someone I know?"

She nodded and replied, "Yes, she has one. It is this very sweet girl, her name is Penny. She was one of the bridesmaids."

I scoffed and said, "I knew that bitch was too nice to be true. I am sorry, please continue."

She nodded and continued, "Well, from what I have witnessed, she has been lying to Silus and making things seem better than they are, so maybe you could find it in your heart to forgive her. And Brody, well he has been fairly honest but he also protected you as well. I think that you two will make amends."

I snorted and said, "That little pr- jerk betrayed me and lied to me. I cannot stand him."

She laugh gently and said, "He has been there for you though. He really has helped you, and he cares for you. He is your best friend. You cannot just throw all that friendship away. Anyways, I was the one who found Chelsie with Harry and leaked it to that magazine, knowing you would have came across it."

I nodded and said, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. I just don't know what I am going to do now."

She sighed and put her hand over mine as she said, "Well, I think that you need to go after Chelsie. I should know that you two are perfect for each other. And besides that monster mother of yours, you two would have had a happy marriage. I think you should give that a second go."

I nodded and we continued to talk the rest of the flight. Eleanor was a sweet woman who really helped me.

Once I got off of the plane, I went outside, looking around for a taxi. I spotted someone familiar, staring right at me.

I glared at Brody and walked the opposite direction. He chased me down and said, "Wait, Louis, please atleast let me explain more and give you a ride home."

I glared at him and looked around before reluctantly sighing and following him to his car.

I got in the passenger seat and said, "Ok, Brody, but just know that I am extremely pissed at you and even though you may have an excuse, you still betrayed me and did something that could have put mine and Chelsie's life in danger."

He sighed and started the car, pulling out and beginning the drive as he said, "I know, just hear me out. I agreed to do it for one reason. I wanted to protect you, and if I didn't do it then he would have gone and gotten someone who wouldn't have your safety in their best interest."

I scoffed and said, "Oh, yeah, of course you didn't do it because of the money he offered you or anything. And how did he find out about the prom thing? And Harry?"

Brody froze up. We were close to my home, close enough I could get out and walk if I had to. 

"I- Louis. Please. Yes, I told him about prom and about where she was, but that was because I had to! It was part of our deal!" He said, pleading with me.

I shook my head and calmly but deadly said, "Stop the car, Brody. Right now. Pull. Over."

He said, "Louis, don't be like this. Please."

I opened the door and said, "Pull over or this door is probably coming off."

He pulled over, and I got out, grabbing my bag. I said, "See you in hell, Brody."

He yelled at me to come back as I walked away and finally gave up, driving away. 

As I walked, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder. I had gotten rid of Brody, a bad seed in my life. Even though he cared, he risked Chelsie's life, and I could never forgive him for that.

As I walked in my house, I was greeted with a surprise. Jackie, one of the girls, was waiting for me, in her bra and panties.

I shook my head and said, "Get out, Jackie. I am not in the mood. In fact, tell all the other girls too. I will never be in the mood again. I am in love with someone."

She was about to reply but I pointed out the door and said, "Chelsie is the one, and she always will be the one."


<3 they are all short, I know. Sorry!

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