Chapter 12-Louis

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I was filled with joy as we walked back in the house. Chelsie had said yes! Brody walked into the kitchen, looking like a zombie. He wasn’t used to the time difference and had trouble waking up. It was almost lunch time!

I went to the kitchen and started making sandwiches. Lizzy and Chelsie came in and began to inspect my every movement suspiciously. Finally I turned to them and asked, “What? Is there something I can help you with?”

They exchanged looks and Lizzy said, “What were you planning on putting on our sandwiches?”

I shrugged and said, “Well, I was going to do turkey, tomato, lettuce, and mayo, but if you girls want something else let me know.”

Lizzy nodded in approval but Chelsie made a disgusted face and objected, “Uhm, not for me. I will have white bread with a little bit of pastrami, lettuce and mustard. Oh and a little bit of bacon too.”

I chuckled and said, “You got it.” I made all of our sandwiches and gave everyone theirs before sitting at the table with them.

Brody sat next to me and said, “So, who am I supposed to take to this prom? I am not letting you go without me.”

I laughed and said, “Call up your girlfriend. She would love to go.”

He gave me an unamused look and said, “She would if she wasn’t in Britain. I need someone to go with.”

Lizzy bounced up and said, “Ooh! I know! Why don’t you ask Stacy? She needs a date since her and her boyfriend broke up. Her boyfriend was totally into Chelsie and she knew that so she cheated on him because she liked another guy an-“

Chelsie glared and cut her off, “He does not like me and she did it because she was trying to get him to break up with her. Don’t make her sound like the bad guy.”

I felt my jaw lock. Why was I getting so jealous? I wasn’t into Chelsie like I actually would want to be married to her. I just wanted to get through this and save her life and what not.

I clenched my fist and calmed myself before saying, “Well, you are really pretty so he probably does. And Brody you should ask Stacy, just make sure she knows you are in a committed relationship.”

He nodded and said, “I will think about it, but no promises.”

Lizzy clapped her hands together really fast and said, “Yay!”

We all chuckled and continued to eat. We were having a nice, normal lunch when Tommy came running in yelling, “Chelsie! Spider!”

Tears were running down his little face and she scooped him up, rubbing his back. I stood up and said, “Where is the spider?”

Chelsie looked at Tommy and said, “Look, Lou is going to go get the big mean spider for you. Where is it?”

Tommy rubbed his teary eyes and mumbled, “It’s in your room.”

She glared down at him and said, “And what exactly were you doing in my room?”

He was so cute as he continued to rub his eyes and said, “Well, I was taking a nap and I got a bad dream, so I went to your room. But when I went in your bed, I saw a big spider on the wall.”

All four of us awed and I went upstairs, Chelsie and Tommy following behind me. There it was. The tiny spider that couldn’t have been bigger than a dime.

I got a tissue and squished it, making a big production of throwing it away.

Chelsie looked at the younging on her hip and said, “See? All gone. Do you want to continue napping or do you want to do something else?”

He dug his face into the crook of her neck tiredly and mumbled, “Nap.”

She laid him down in her bed and tucked him in tight. She told him that she would be back later to wake him up, and with that we left and she gently shut the door.

“He is so adorable. And you are really an amazing big sister. You have so much tolerance and love for him,” I whispered, rubbing her back as we walked.

She smiled shyly and said, “My mom is usually either in her study or gone, so I have kind of taken over as the parent of the house. It is so weird having her here so much now. Oh, I meant to ask you, is it ok if Tommy comes with us when we move together?”

I nodded and said, “Yes. But remember the deal. We are only going to be living together for a month or so. Then you go to college and I go home.”

She nodded and we walked into the kitchen. Lizzy was chasing Brody around the kitchen with a broom yelling at him.

Chelsie exclaimed, “You guys! Knock it off! Tommy is trying to sleep!”

They both stopped and Lizzy glared at Brody before pointing at him and saying, “It’s his fault. He knocked over a cup so I had to sweep it up, and then he knocked the trash can over on purpose just to be mean.”

Chelsie and I broke out into laughter and I said, “Chels, at least we don’t fight like that.”

She smiled at me and said, “Chels… I like it.”

I was glad that she did.


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