Chapter 7-Chelsie

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After work I went over to Lizzy's and spent the night. She enjoyed the company since her mom was on yet another business trip. I stayed over Sunday night too, that way I wouldn't have to see Louis or his evil mother.

I didn't even ask my mom if I could. I was legally an adult now so I did not have to, and I was loving that. I borrowed some of her clothes on Monday and we began our walk to school. I checked my phone, and I now had forty-eight text messages and twenty-one missed calls, and thirteen voicemails. I rolled my eyes.

When we got to school, we saw something we couldn't believe. There was Louis, standing and talking to Stacy. I felt a tad bit jealous, but I shook it off because he wasn't mine to be jealous of. I pretended I didn't see him and walked right by. I hoped he didn't notice me.

Once we got inside, Lizzy turned ot me and said, "Oh. My. Gosh. Did you see that? Louis was with Stacy! First Jim now Louis, she is on a roll. And what in the hell is Louis doing here at school? Isn't he nineteen?"

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I did not want to have to deal with all of this. I turned to her and responded, "I saw them. And I don't know. And yes he is nineteen. I cannot handle this! And keep your voice down, what if Jim were to hear?"

She looked sheepish as she replied, "Sorry about that. I will see you in history."

We went our seperate ways to our lockers. I saw Chad, standing nearbye, looking pissed off. He was staring right at me, so I shook my head and walked to my locker. What a weirdo.

I got my Spanish book and headed to the classroom. Jim was already in there, talking to a couple of kids. They were all acquaintences of mine, so I went over and joined in.

"But he is British! There is no way he is here, with her, and not doing her. I mean, seriously," One of the girls, Diana, said. I immediately knew what they were talking about.

A guy, Joey, said, "Yeah, but I didn't see any contact between them and they may not have come to school together. And she might just be showing him around if he is going to school here." Everyone thought about it.

Jim looked at me and a smile grew on his face as he said, "Oh, hey Chelsie! What do you think of the Stacy thing?"

I cocked an eyebrow and everyone turned to see and hear my response. I cleared my throat uncomfortabley and asked, "Well, what do we know about it? I just got here."

Jim looked at Diana, who turned to me and said, "Well, she was outside with this guy who is extremely hot and has a British accent to die for. They were totally flirting and she seemed to know him. We don't know who he is or why he is here though."

If only you did, I thought. I smiled and was about to reply when a voice from the doorway said, "Chelsie! There you are, love. I have been looking all over for you!"

I cringed when I recognized the familiar accent. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and I turned around, offering him a scowl as I said, "Can I help you?"

He frowned and walked in, putting his hands in his pockets as he said, "Yes, actually. I would like to have a word with you. In private."

I tried to object but all the other students left the classroom. I glanced at the clock and saw we had fifteen minutes before the bell rang.

"What do you want, Louis? I figured that my absence this weekend would have given you a hint, but I guess not." I said coldly.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Well, if someone had stuck to the plan, it would be different. But no, you left without letting anyone know and you had us worried bloody sick!"

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