Chapter 5-Chelsie

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I groaned as I walked down the stairs. I walked over to my birthday cake, and wished that everything would end up ok, and then blew out my candles. I hoped my lucky streak would continue. So far, it seemed to be reversing.

I cut into the cake and saw it was red velvet. I would have smiled, but I was in no position to be happy. I started eating when I got a weird feeling. I looked around and everyone was looking at me. I gestured at the cake as I exclaimed, "What? Get your own cake. Its my freaking birthday, I am not serving you people. Especially ones trying to RUIN MY LIFE."

I grabbed my plate and fork and ran upstairs. I set them on my desk and got on my bed, lying down facing the wall. I couldn't believe my mother had arranged a marriage for me. That wasn't something done in America. Or Britain.

I shook my head. How could this have been happening? Sure, Louis was smoking hot. That perfectly tousled hair and those bright blue eyes, but that didn't mean I wanted to be in holy matrimony with him! Crazy bitches.

I felt the tears start streaming down my face. I had a life ahead of me! I had my pick of the top colleges in the country! It was not the time to start getting married! I was supposed to be picking dorms, not wedding dresses.

My door creaked as someone opened it. I silently scolded myself when I realized I had forgotten to close it. I guessed it was Lizzy. I didn't bother to look.

A deep voice that definitely wasn't Lizzy's said, "Uhm, hey Chelsie. Whats up?" Freaking idiot. Obviously he wasn't good with emotional girls.

I laughed humorously as I said, "You want to know whats up? Whats up is that you and your mother show up here, on my big birthday, and ruin it. There is no fucking way we are getting married. Nope. Nada. None."

There was a pause before I felt my bed dip a bit, indicating he was now sitting on it. He took a deep breath before saying, "Neither am I, so we need a plan."

I finally turned and looked at him.

His eyes betrayed the guilt and compassion when he saw my tear-stained face. I smiled weakly and said, "I guess its us against them."

 He nodded and looked around. I sighed and said, "So, what can we do? My mom is pretty stubborn but easy going."

He frowned and said, "Lucky. My mother is stubborn and she won't stop until she gets what she wants."

 I sighed. I felt the tears building up again and Louis looked at me awkwardly. It was obvious he didn't know what to do around a crying girl. I smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry about it, I will try not to cry too much."

He nodded and gulped. He then stood up and nervously rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants as he said, "Ok, I think we should go downstairs. We need to play it like we like each other and are willing to get married, and then we can divorce once we do. Sound good to you?"

I nodded and he offered me his hand. I took it and it was warm and comfortable. He interlaced our fingers and I shot him a look as if stop, but he pointed downstairs and I nodded in understanding. We had to play up our fake relationship.

We walked downstairs into the kitchen and everyone hushed and looked at us expectantly. Both our mothers smiled when they saw our hands and his said, "See, Amelia! I told you they were perfect for each other." I began to blush and so did Louis.

My mother shook her head and let out a small chuckle, saying, "I thought it would take them at least a week, but I guess this is even better."

I suppressed the urge to yell out to her to save me. I glanced over at Lizzy who was staring intently at our intertwined hands. She seemed as if she could read right through our little act. I looked over and saw Tommy was oblivious to it all, just happily eating his cake.

I smiled a bit and his mother said, "Oh, you guys. Its wonderful to see you sorted things out and realized how perfect you are for each other. Now, its time to plan. Please, sit!"

I had the urge to bark at her, "I will sit whenever I fucking want! Its my house, not yours!" But I didn't. I just graciously smiled and sat down next the Louis.

My mother sat down too and said, "Ok, Louis and Charlotte will be staying with us for a week or so, then going back home. You will have to find ways to keep contact."

His mother then added, "So, we were thinking a June wedding. In a small chapel, not many people, just close friends and family. You could have a simple dress, and the colors would be green and white. Chocolate cake, pasta dinner. We could hire a band, but the reception will be short. Then, you two will move in together back in Doncaster!"

I had to maintain myself as I said, "No. If we are going to do this, we are doing this as traditionally as any others would. Louis and I and my maid of honor, Lizzy, will be planning most of it. We are not letting you take control... I am sorry I never caught your name."

His mother glared at me as her ice cold voice spoke, "My name is Charlotte. Your mother said that. Amelia, you are going to have to teach your daughter some manners. I will not have her acting like that at gatherings. She needs to learn respect."

My mother clenched and unclenched her fists as she took a deep breath and her calm voice said, "Charlotte, you cannot do this. We talked about this. You cannot come in and  control everything and make everything so it fits to what you want. And Chelsie, you need to be respectful to Charlotte, and be a little lenient as she is paying for the wedding."

Charlotte looked pleased and I began to rub my temples. Louis took my hand in his and squeezed it gently. I smiled slightly and he gave me a reassuring smile back.

He stood up and said, "Well, can someone show me where I will be staying? I need my sleep and the time here is a bit different."

My mom stood up as well and said, "Of course. You and your mother will be staying in our guest bedroom. It is the room at the end of the hall downstairs on the right. The bathroom is the door next to it. Goodnight, Louis!"

We all said our good nights and Lizzy followed me upstairs. I slowly shut my door before sitting on my bed, putting a pillow on my face tightly, and screaming. Once I got it all out of my system, Lizzy smiled excitedly and said, "So I get to be your maid of honor? This is great!"

I rolled my eyes and stared at her as I said, "That's all you got out of that! My apparent fiance's mother is a psycho bitch! I can't do this Liz, I got to run away."

Her eyes grew big and she scooted closer to me on the bed, grabbing my  hand and looking into my eyes as she said, "No! You cannot do that. It is going to be hard, but you will marry then divorce and it will all go well. But you can't do that to me. Especially not to Tommy. He needs you."

I sighed and looked at the framed picture of him and I next to the bed. I knew she was right. I couldn't just leave Tommy. Just after I realized that, the little angel himself ran into my room and launched him self onto my bed, tackling me in a big hug as he exclaimed, "Happy birthday Chelsie Bear!"

That was his nickname he loved calling me. I ruffled his brown curls and picked him up, putting him on my hip as I told Lizzy I would be right back. I walked next door into his room, and set him down on his bed.

I kissed his cheek as he climbed under his covers, and sat on the bed tucking him in. I smiled and stroke his hair back as I said, "You are the best brother a girl could ask for. I will always be here for you. I love you, Tommy."

He smiled and kissed my cheek, saying, "I love you too Chelsie."

How was I going to get through this?


So, another update! Yay!

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