Chapter 11-Chelsie

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I let the tears fall freely as I layed on my bed, alone in my room. It was such a shock to learn all that.

I had an uncle! He was apparently a dick, who threatened my life! I mean, that was a lot to take in. What if something went wrong at the wedding? I would be a goner.

I didn't know if Louis could really protect me. He may have been a player, but I didn't think he was exactly super strong.

I fell asleep, all those horrible thoughts running through my head. And my nightmare reflected it.

I looked around, and found myself in my wedding dress.

I was in the doorway to the isle, my father was linking his elbow in mine. He had a creepy grin on his face. 

We began to walk down the isle. I was panicking, and looked around but no one seemed to see that Louis wasn't at the alter, it was my uncle. 

I tried, begged, my dad not to take me there, but he just let out an evil laugh.

I broke free from him and tried to run, but my legs wouldn't let me.

I was dragged to the alter by my dad.

Finally, when I got there, my uncle pulled out a gun and let out a howl of laughter.

The entire congregation laughed and cheered.

He held the gun to my head and yelled, "Wake up! Chelsie, wake up!"

I tried to scream, but no sound would come out.

Finallym he pulled the trigger.

I shot up from my bed. There were beads of sweat dripping from my forehead and Louis was holding my hand, a concerned look on his face.

He pulled me into a hug and said, "I think you were having a nightmare. I heard you and came up here. I tried to wake you up, but you just kept saying no."

I nodded and I felt a knot in my stomach. Tears filled my eyes as I said, "It was horrible, Lou. It was my wedding, and my dad was walking me down the isle. But you weren't at the altar. It was my uncle. And he killed me."

He smiled softly and said, "That won't happen. It wasn't real. I wouldn't let that happen to you. And I like the nickname."

I thanked him. He stood up to leave, but I grabbed his hand, saying, "Can you please stay with me tonight? I am too scared."

I felt weak. I was eighteen for goodness sake, but I was afraid. I had never dealt well with nightmares.

He nodded and softly laid down in my bed. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and I laid my head on his chest. He stroked my back and my fingers lightly traced shapes into his chest. I closed my eyes slowly, and the comforting hold he had on me lulled me to sleep once again.

When I woke up, I was laying in an empty bed. I frowned and began to recall the events from the night before. Had I been so horribly unattractive and awkward that he left so he wouldn't have to see me in the morning?

Seemed likely. I looked like bigfoot in the morning. Seriously, it was wrong.

I reached for my glasses and put them on. I hated having glasses, but my mom refused to get me contacts.

I walked to the bathroom, managing to trip more than once on the way. I looked in the mirror and my eyes widened. Obviously something had laid a next on my head. I grabbed my brush and furiously brushed my hair.

Just to add to my atrocious luck, Tommy came running into the bathroom with one of my bras tied to his head like he had mickey mouse ears.

"Tommy! Get that off right now!" I shrieked. I couldn't let Louis see that.

Tommy giggled and ran out. I ran after him, but he managed to get down the stairs. I finally got to him in the kitchen, but it was too late. Louis, Charlotte, and Mom all broke into hysterics and I got the bra as quickly as I could, before running upstairs in embarrassment.

I closed my door and leaned on it, putting my head in my hands. After a minute of soaking in embarrassment, I hopped in the shower and washed myself, feeling a bit better when I got out. I put my wet hair up in a bun and put on a hoodie and denim shorts.

I walked downstairs and was greeted with amused grins. I was going to just play it cool and pretend nothing happened, but Louis said, "Hey, do you have any extra hats? I want to match Tommy."

They all cracked up and I rolled my eyes, getting a glass of water.

They finally calmed down and I said, "If anyone says anything about that again, I am going to rip apart the wedding dress. You got it?"

Mom's and Charlotte's eyebrows shot up, and Lou just smirked proudly. Little fucker.

Tommy came skipping in, pouting at me wordlessly. I went to the fridge and poured him a glass of chocolate milk. He held his hands up and I scooped him up, putting him on my hip and handing him his milk.

"Thank you, Chelsie." He said happily before drinking his milk. Mom looked at me, sadness and a hint of envy in her eyes. I knew she always was a bit jealous that he seemed to love me more than her, since I acted as more of a motherly figure.

Once he finished I put the cup in the sink and everyone went back to doing their own thing. It was kind of nice having Mom around. Usually she was in her study writing 24/7 or she was on a trip with her publisher.

I called Lizzy, who was still in school, not at the moment, but in general, and asked if she wanted to come hang out while Charlotte and Lou and Katerina go get the suits.

She came over and Tommy was happy. It was like Lizzy and I were his parents. Not my dad and mom. I was a bit worried what would happen if when Lou and I got married, Lou didn't let Tommy come with us. Or what if Mom didn't!

I voiced my concerns to Lizzy who reassured me, "I saw Louis with Tommy and I doubt that Louis would do that. Your mom probably wouldn't even notice he was gone, so that doesn't matter."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, she probably won't even notice I am gone. I am glad I had you to help me grow up, Liz."

I hugged her and we continued the conversation for a while.

All of the sudden, when we were watching SpongeBob with Tommy, my phone vibrated and I had a text from Lou that said, "Meet me out front."

I walked out front and there stood Louis, holding multiple shopping bags and a big sign that said, "If we are going to get hitched, want to make a pitch? How about prom?"

I laughed because it was the cheesiest thing, since the highschool was having a prom on a baseball field. I nodded and ran up and hugged him, shouting, "Yes!"

He smiled and said, "That's not all. I got Stacy and Brody to help me with something."

Brody. Of course. That little weasle was probably still sleeping, but whatever the gift was I would have to thank him later.

First, Lou pulled out the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen. It was perfect. The a beautiful necklace, pretty earrings, a cute purse, and the best shoes!

I was so happy. I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, thanking him profusely.

He smiled and said, "And I talked to the principle and he said you could go to the dance, so we are totally in!"

We high fived and talked with Lizzy, making plans for prom. 

I was so happy. Finally something good was coming of all of this.


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