Chapter 1: Wait What?!

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Chapter 1: Wait, What?!

I've taken some artistic license with the events in the role play. Also, it's likely that I'll often take several chapters to cover the content of one episode, just because I'm so thorough and detail-oriented in my writing. Anyway, hope you enjoy! <3


Sky's POV:

I awoke to the loud clanking of gears and ticking machinery.

Where...where am I?

I picked myself up off the cold stone floor and opened my eyes to see cold steel bars walling me inside a cramped square shrouded in darkness. "What... What is this?" I mumbled to myself, my hushed voice barely audible over the mechanical whirring of... whatever I was in. My hands trembled and legs shook with apprehension as I nervously turned around trying to take in what little I could see in the low light, only to reel back with a startled shout when I came face to face with an angry screeching hog.

My heart hammered in my throat, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I frantically spun around searching for a way out. There wasn't one. How did I get here? I wracked my brain trying to remember what brought me here.

My mind was blank.

My breathing sped up as I realized I was struggling to remember anything at all. My mind was a blank slate void of memory. I frantically searched every corner of my memory. What's the last thing I remember?!


Absolutely nothing. It was as if I'd never had a past at all.

My eyes widened in horror and my panic spiked a thousand-fold. "Where am I going?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I screamed between panicked gasps as I rushed from wall to wall searching for a way out. I can't remember anything. I don't even know my own name! I don't know anything! The only thing I do know is that I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!

My panicked frenzy was interrupted by a loud metallic groan as a sudden falling sensation made me realize I was in an elevator. There was more clanking as the ceiling above me opened up to reveal blinding daylight that made me glad I was wearing sunglasses (Have those been on my face this whole time? No wonder I couldn't see anything in the elevator!).

I squinted, allowing my eyes to adjust while the familiar (I've probably encountered it before... Right?) smell of grass and chirping of birds surround me. I let out a shaky breath, my stomach still tied in anxious knots as my vision returned.

I wasn't alone.

Jin's POV:

"Jin! You're on greenies duty!" Barney shouted in his thick accent. I (barely) held back a sigh. I could hear the familiar buzzing from the middle of the Glade that meant the elevator was coming up again, but I also needed to prepare the other runners for the day. The door to the Maze just opened, and every minute I spent here was a minute lost searching for a way out; I didn't have time to babysit a new greenie.

"Ugh, why do I have to do it?" I grumbled.

"Because you're the best at calmings them down! Besides, it's yours turn!" Yeah, right. It's really because no one else has the patience to calm down greenies fresh from the elevator. But running the Maze isn't the only way to help people in the glade, a voice in my head reminded me. Help this greenie out; running the Maze can wait for a little while. Darn it. Logical-Me is right.

I sighed and turned to Mark, "Get Terrance and the other runners ready. We're still running the Maze today, just a little later than planned." Mark nodded and I jogged over to join Barney and Ross by the elevator.

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