What I have planned

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(Nov. 6 2016)

Okay, so this isn't an update, sorry, but I don't want any of you left in the dark so I wanted to write this author's note to let you all know what's going on and what my plans are for this story.

No, I'm not in the fandom anymore. The events from about a month ago removed me rather forcibly from it, and I've moved on.

But that does not mean I have abandoned, or will abandon, this story.

Honestly, I'm swamped with work as a college student, and while I am taking a creative writing class this year to hopefully improve my writing, that means that all my creative energy has been poured into that class.

So, until the end of this semester, the story will remain on hiatus. After that, I will have a month off and will try to write as much of this story as I can. My plan it to write far ahead (hopefully even complete the story if I'm lucky) before ending my hiatus so that I can post updates at regular intervals.

So, expect me to start writing again somewhere around December 14th, and I'll try to start posting by the New Year.

This fanfiction still does and always will hold a special place in my heart, even if I'm not in its fandom anymore. Therefore, I will not abandon it or put any less love and care into the writing than I did before the drama happened.

After this story is finished, I'm going to keep writing fanfiction, but for another fandom. As a way of coping/moving on, I've re-immersed myself in an old fandom of mine, the Sherlock fandom, which is home to my #1 OTP of all time (Yes, waaaaaay better than SkyBop): Johnlock. It'll, of course, be a long while before that change takes place, but I wanted to know if any of you would be interested in reading those fanfics at all, and also I'd highly recommend watching the TV show if you have the time!

Anyway, thank you, lovelies, as always for giving me and this story so much love and support: it's astonishing how far this story has come since I started writing it last December. If anyone had told me last year that my humble fanfiction idea would end up as one of the most viewed under the SkyBop tag with over twenty thousand reads, I would've laughed and called them crazy.

I'll see you soon, but until then, thank you so, so much, and stay awesome ❤️


(PS- If you want to see just how much Sherlock has re-consumed my life, check out my Twitter @FangirlZellona! I'm far from dead on there ^-^)

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