Chapter 21: I Promise

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(May 1 2016)

Thank you Katybug1212 for the awesome art! You're awesome! <3

(If anyone wants to draw art for this story, you can either tweet it to me @ FangirlZellona or, if you don't have a Twitter, message me here telling me where to find it! I'll feature it in my next chapter if you do!)

Chapter 21: I Promise

Jin's POV:

"Sky?" I ask curiously, turning around when he suddenly halts in his tracks. He doesn't respond, instead staring straight ahead looking like a deer in headlights. At first I think he's seen something, but when I follow his gaze and see nothing's there, I start to worry. I call his name again, a little louder as I try to mask the concern in my voice with annoyance, "Sky? Hello?"

He's still frozen in place, and the blush that had finally faded is making a reappearance as it steadily creeps back up his face. Oh Notch, is he still upset about what happened earlier? I feel really bad, even though it was an accident; Sky had looked terrified. What if he's mad? What if he hates me? What if... I don't even know.

My act is quickly crumbling the more I think about it, the mask hiding my worry quickly falling apart. I step toward him, my voice softening, "Sky?" I tentatively reach out and touch his shoulder, my fingers barely brushing against the fabric of his shirt, "Are you okay?"

My touch jolts him out of whatever spell he was in. He jumps with a tiny flustered squeak, startled, and blinks in surprise, as if he's just remembered he isn't alone. I quickly jerk my hand back with a hasty apology, eyes fixated on the ground as I try to ignore how much it stings that he won't touch me now.

"Wha-? Y-Yeah, I'm okay. I'm super okay. N-nothing's wr-wrong at all..."

"Uh huh..." I reply skeptically.

Sky sighs, "It's n-nothing, I just....... t-thought of s-something..." He fidgets, kicking the grass absently.

"Oh... What is it?"

There's a long pause. Sky takes a few deep breaths, deliberating on what he should say. He opens his mouth to say something, but no sound comes out; after a few tries, he sighs, "I-It's nothing. I just... Back there, I couldn't help wondering, um...." He squirms, "Uh... Erm... Just....." He freezes. "What's up with Austin?" He blurts. "What happened to his..." He trails off and gestures awkwardly at his own shoulder, "Y-you know..."

"Oh..." I don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed that it wasn't about the... other thing. "Well, you could probably tell that we know each other well; that's because we used to run the Maze together."

"Wait, Austin is a Runner?"

"He was a Runner."

"Oh." His eyes widen,"O-Oh, is that how he...?" I nod. Sky let's out a large breath, "W-What happened?"

"Let's just say Mark isn't the first Runner to get seriously injured by a trap in the Maze," and probably won't be the last, a pessimistic voice in my mind adds silently. "A little under a year ago, a trap in the Maze caught us off guard; he ended up dislocating his shoulder really badly," I suppress a shudder at the memory. "He probably would've made a full recovery if we had proper medical care in the Glade, but... We don't. His arm's never been the same since."

Sky's eyes are super wide as he shakily asks, "D-Does that sort of thing happen to Runners a lot?"

"...Do you remember that other gardener you met during your first few days here?"

"That really tall blonde with the limp and really weird name?" I give him a look. He makes a small, breathy noise and seems to deflate a little in realization, "No way... Him too? That's why he...?"

I nod.

Sky runs a trembling hand through his hair, "Oh my Notch..." He breathes out quietly. He stops walking, head hanging and taking small, shaky breaths while still holding his head in his hands.

He looks so small and scared that I forget about feeling awkward or nervous. All I know is that he's scared and vulnerable and I need to do something about it. He needs me. A rush of newfound protectiveness toward Sky swells in my chest as I step in front of him and gently rest a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Sky..." He makes no indication that he heard me, so I try again in an even softer voice, "Sky, look at me..."

When he still doesn't move, I gingerly reach my other hand up to his face. My fingers softly brush underneath his chin, and I gently tilt his head up so he's looking at me. When he meets my eyes, I'm startled to see unshed tears swimming in his scared golden eyes behind the tinted lenses of his sunglasses. His bottom lip trembles minutely as he blinks hastily, trying to keep his composure. He looks as scared as he did when he first arrived only a week ago, and my heart clenches painfully at how helpless he looks. I want nothing more than to give in to the urge to hold him close, kiss him, and wipe his tears away until he doesn't feel afraid anymore.

But I know this isn't the time or place and the last thing I want is to scare him even more, so instead I tell him, "You're going to be okay. I'm never going to let anything like that happen to you. I promise."

Sky's eyes widen at the sincerity in my voice, but the worry and weight of Runners' pain remains. I can see it, because I've been carrying that same weight for two years. You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, his eyes clearly say, though his voice remains silent.

I sigh, "I know it's bleak, but being a Runner is about more than just running through a Maze and avoiding traps. The odds are always against you, and you have to get used to having your efforts to find a way out  yield nothing in return. We have to give the rest of the Glade hope, despite seeing how hopeless it is more than anyone else.

"You saved Mark's life, yes, but that isn't the only reason I picked you to be a Runner. Think about it: Mark is alive because you didn't give up on the small chance you could save him; we survived last night because you refused to admit defeat like I so readily did.

"It doesn't matter how hopeless it seems. We're living proof that nothing is impossible," at this point my words are meant to reassure myself as much as Sky. "Whatever happens, don't ever let the odds keep you from trying."

Sky is silent for a moment as my words sink in, then the fear and despair on his face is broken by a slow, grateful smile as he gently wraps his arms around me and speaks quietly in my ear.

"I won't, Jin. I promise."


Thank you everyone for all the support you've shown me in light of my author's note from earlier today. It really means a lot to me, so consider this update as my way of saying thank you to all of you for your kindness. I had most of it already written before everything happened, so it wasn't too hard to finish. It's a bit short, but... Well, you know why.

Thank you all again, so, so much.
<3 Zellona

(1200 words)

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