Chapter 20: I Think I...

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(Apr. 18 2016)

Sorry for the wayyyyyy too long wait. I have a lot of stuff going on, and of course Writer's Block decides that's the perfect time to start haunting me. Thank you all for being so patient <3

Also, ta daaaa! I'm introducing the first reader-submitted character in this chapter! Thank you, M00nlight20!

One last thing: everyone thank Mauville12345 for giving me ideas and helping me through my Writer's Block. She is absolutely awesome, and the main event of this chapter was her idea; you'll know it when you see it ;)


Chapter 20: I Think I...

Sky's POV:

"Greenie, wake up."

I groan. "Do I have to?" I whine groggily. I was sleeping so peacefully, too.

"Yeah, you do, sorry. You're awake now, anyway."

"No I'm not."

"Uhm..... Yes you are."

"No, 'm not," I murmur again, rolling over and turning away from the voice. 

I hear a sigh, and I finally register that the voice is one I haven't heard before. I blink my eyes open to see a boy around eighteen years old standing by the foot of the bed, facepalming.

I jump a little in surprise, and the movement makes him look up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you! You haven't met me, so I should probably introduce myself. My name's Austin; Brandon wanted someone to wake you up to make sure you're still okay after that blow to the head."

"I-Is that really necessary?" I ask uncomfortably, "I feel fine."

"Really?" He asks incredulously, "Geez, what is your skull made out of?"

I shrug and make a non-committal 'Iuhhuh' noise in response. "Wait... How did you know I got knocked out again?"

"Jin told us everything. Well, almost everything," he gestures to the bed next to mine, where Jin is sleeping peacefully on his side. "He's only slightly better at staying awake than you are."

"Oh..." My eyelids are starting to droop again already.

Austin seems to notice, "I'll leave you alone now. You seem fine, so there's no harm in letting you go back to sleep."

I nod gratefully, mumbling some incoherent reply as the drowsiness washes over me once again, and I curl on my side and allow sleep to take over.


When I wake up again, it's a little after noon, my head is much clearer now, and I feel much more awake.

"Well, look who's finally awake!" Jin chirps.

I sit up and raise a confused eyebrow at him, "...Why so excited?"

"Because they," he gestures exasperatedly in Brandon and Austin's general direction, "finally have someone else to fuss over."

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