Chapter 4: Jin Runs into a Wall and I can't Think of a Creative Chapter Name

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Oh hush, I know that's the crappiest chapter name ever. No ragrats.

But hey, two chapters in two days, how about that? School is overwhelmingly stressful and busy, so naturally I'm writing this story whenever I possibly can XD


Chapter 4: The One Where Jin Runs into a Wall and I Can't Think of a Creative Chapter Name

Sky's POV:

    I sigh, wiping the sweat from my brow as I plant seeds in the Farm with Ross' help. It's dreadfully boring, so I try to make conversation and hopefully get more answers.

    "So you were the Greenie before me, right? Do you know why they call us Greenies?"

    "I... don't know, actually. It's just what everyone called me when I got here," he replies absently, tilling the soil.

    "Oh..." I sigh, "Whatever. I have another question, though. The ivy -- it goes all the way to the top. Hasn't anyone tried to climb it or build a ladder?"

    "It's been tried. Apparently there's some defense mechanism on the walls that left a few people injured once."

    "Oh." I pause, and an awkward silence floats between us. Oh Notch, not this again. "Hey..." I say hesitantly, "Can I ask you something in confidence?"

    "Go ahead."

    "Do you... know what's beyond the Wall?" I ask, looking back toward the Door where I saw Jin and the other runners leave early this morning.

    "No, sorry. I'm just a gardener."

    "Oh. Okay," another pause, "Do you know who would know?"

    "Probably Barney; he's been here the longest."

    "He has?"

    "They say someone had to be the first one here. Someone had to spend a month here alone. That was Barney."

    "Wait, he was here a whole month by himself?" I ask wide-eyed. Man, and I thought I was going crazy when I came up here. At least I had people to talk to and ask questions; Barney didn't have anyone. "I just... Wow... I have a lot of respect for that guy now."

    Ross just hums absent-mindedly, and I feel a little bad for unloading all my questions on him. He doesn't even know how to answer half of them; he's only been here a month longer than me.

    "Hey... Ross, can you do me a favor?" I ask, "All these questions are like an itch in my mind; I need to know what happens behind these walls. Would you mind taking over for me for a little bit so I can go talk to Barney? I'll make it up to you later."

    "I've been doing this for a month by myself; one more day won't hurt." I grimace apologetically at his words, the guilt like a blade in my stomach.

    "Okay, thank you so much, Ross," I say gratefully. "You're a good friend. I'll make it up to you, I promise!" I shoot him one last smile before jogging up to the treehouse (the Gladers keep calling it a lookout, but it's totally a treehouse) I saw Barney in earlier.

    "Barney!" I call out, "Hey! Barney! Are you up there?"


    "Hey, Barney, I have some questions!"

    "Agh, okays," he grumbles before climbing down the ladder. "Okay Sky, what it is?"

    "Hey..." I laugh awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck, "I'm, uh, here with exactly what you were hoping for: I have more questions."

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