Chapter 15: Oh Look, Someone Who Handled It Worse Than You

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(Mar. 1 2016)





I'm not the type who gives excuses, but after so long a wait I feel like I owe you all an explanation.

I tried so hard to write this on time, I really did. But my school's trimester ended at the end of last week, my iPad self destructed (which had all my notes and homework on it) and I had to scramble to get everything handed in on time (which was a LOT because all my classes had big projects due on Friday). There was also a family emergency, and while everything is (more or less) okay now it was weighing really heavily on my mind. I worked on this A LOT over the weekend, though, and the reason it took so long is because it is long! I hope this makes up for it, and I'll hopefully update quicker next time.

Also I drew a thing again x3 It's not a scene from the story (not yet anyway *giggles*) but it's cute!


Chapter 15: Oh Look, Someone Who Handled It Worse Than You

Sky's POV:

The first thing I'm aware of is the vicious pounding in my head as I'm rudely awoken by a stabbing headache for the second time in three days. The faint chittering of birds fills the air, and even with my eyes shut I can feel bright rays of afternoon sunlight shining down on my face.

The noises and sunlight are too loud and too bright, worsening the stabbing pain assaulting my head. I lift a hand to cover my eyes as I curl on my side, groaning miserably.

Did I seriously get knocked out again?

I squeeze my eyes shut and groggily sit up, holding my aching head as I wait for my mind to clear enough for me to remember how I got here.

I manage to blink my eyes open, squinting painfully as they adjust to the bright light. That's when I notice the feeling of coarse dirt between my fingers and realize that I've been lying on the ground.

But why--

Of course. I grit my teeth as my memories come back and I realize Barney must've been the one who knocked me out.

"Why would he--" I notice the ditch I'm sitting in and the cage-like barrier made of rope and cut branches, "I'm in the Pit?!"

"Hey, Sky," a familiar, hushed voice whispers.


Jin appears at the Pit wall, looking over his shoulder like he's afraid of being seen, "Yeah. You okay?" He asks, turning to face me and resting his hand on one of the wooden bars.

A particularly painful beam of bright light chooses that moment to shine right into my eyes, making me hiss in pain. "No, my head hurts. Why did Barney have to hit me like that?" I ask grumpily, trying to shield my eyes.

Jin grimaces apologetically, "Sorry, I should've warned you; Barney can be pretty rough sometimes, especially with newcomers." He frowns at me with concern-filled eyes that widen a little like he's just remembered something, "Oh, here, I, uh, kept forgetting to give these back," he pulls something out of his pocket and reaches an arm through the bars. "It won't get rid of your headache, but these should help at least a little."

Runners' Romance (A SkyBop Maze Runner fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now