Chapter 14: So That's a Thing

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(Feb. 10 2016)

Drew this illustration myself on Monday. I'm super proud of the shading because I haven't used colored pencils in years, but I'm really meehhhhhrrrrhh about the actual drawing. ...Dun look at it. I feel self conscious *Hides in corner*

Writing arguments is hard. You have to side with both characters for it to mean anything, which is hard *~*

Chapter 14: So That's a Thing

Jin's POV:

"What the Nether is your problem?!" I shout angrily, jumping into the elevator and shoving Barney away from the now unconscious Sky.

Everyone in the crowd goes dead quiet as Barney stumbles back a few steps before regaining his balance, watching the scene unfold with bated breath. There's a small part of my mind that's reminding me that I am standing up to the leader of the Glade, that this is the first time I've lost my temper in front of everyone, that what I'm doing is dangerously rebellious, and that the eyes of literally everyone in the Glade are currently focused on me, but that part of my mind is drowned out by the anger boiling in my veins from seeing Sky get hurt again for the second time in three days, reminding me too much of the first incident. I let a friend of mine hurt Sky once; no way in Nether am I going to sit by and let it happen again.

I clench my fists, wishing somebody would hold me back before I do something I'll regret, but no one dares intervene or even move; they're all frozen in shock watching us. "That was completely unnecessary, Barney! He wasn't hurting anyone!" I snarl, glaring daggers and stepping so I'm closer to Barney and protectively placing myself between him and Sky.

"You're know the rules, Jin!" Barney retorts, discreetly taking a step back, "Sky's here just breaked ones of the biggest rules! Not only's that, but he has ignoring and disrespecting all of the consequence! He's has been uncontrollable; we can't's just letting that slide in the Glade! He was warned, and he didn't listening!"

"That is no excuse to hurt him!" When did I start seeing red? "In case you hadn't noticed, one of our Runners is alive because of him! And you repay Sky by attacking him?!"

Barney seems to realize that he's struck a nerve, "Jin, calms down and think. You're knows I only want what's best for the Glades. Sky's breaking the rules and running into the Maze could've endangered more Gladers today. We can't having people thinks they can just running into the Maze whenever's they want! Imagine all the Gladers that would get hurt!"

Some of Barney's reasoning pierces through my rage induced haze, and my mind clears a little. My head clears, although my anger doesn't fade, and I'm suddenly aware of all the stares directed at me. I take a deep breath, recovering some semblance of self control. My eyes go to Sky's prone form on the metal floor behind me, lying awkwardly sprawled on his side from how he fell to the floor, with his hair haphazardly covering his face from view.

I kneel at Sky's side, allowing concern to replace anger for the time being. I curl one arm around his shoulders and gently lift him up into my arms, allowing me to get a good look at his face. Though unconscious, his eyes are squeezed shut and his face drawn in a pained grimace. My arm brushes against the back of his head, and I can already feel a lump forming there.

Seeing Sky like this and knowing Barney caused it is enough to make my ire rise again, and I turn to glare at Barney with fire in my eyes and ice in my voice. "And since when does that make it okay for you to break the rules and hurt someone because of something they could have done?"

Barney doesn't have a response to that, for once at a loss for words. He turns, looking as though he just noticed our audience of stupefied Gladers switching their gazes between us while gaping like gold fish. "We'll discussed this later," he says after much deliberation, "after we haves taken care of the girl and figure out what to do about Sky's rules breaking. For now, we'll just puts him in the Pit."

"I'll do it," I growl when Barney takes a step towards us, tightening my hold around Sky protectively. "Don't touch him!"

Barney raises an eyebrow when I snap at him but backs off. I just huff and, with a gentleness that contradicts my current temper, pick Sky up and lift him out of the elevator. I carry him over to where the Pit is located by one of the Glade walls, and the crowd of Gladers hastily parts away from me as if I'll lash out if they don't.

I take deep breaths in an effort to calm myself as I carry Sky's limp form in a scenario that feels all too familiar. A very small part of me wants to be mad at Sky for not simply listening to Barney so he wouldn't be in this mess, but the rest of me is secretly glad he stood up to him. The Glade Rules have kept everything in order for two years, but now it feels like those rules that used to protect us are causing more harm than good.

I finally reach the Pit and lay Sky gently on the floor leaning slightly against the wall. I sit next to Sky for a moment, gazing at him while deep in thought. So much has happened today, and I'm still slightly in awe at what Sky did for me and Mark. No one else in the Glade has ever shown that kind of bravery, and frankly we need more of it. He saved a life today, Mark's life, and I don't know if I could've handled losing another Runner, especially so soon after...

Let's not go there.

I gently brush Sky's soft brown hair out of his eyes, letting my hand linger there as I gaze at his face. His features are still twisted in that pained grimace and his teeth are gritted in pain, and it's obvious that, even though he's knocked out, his head hurts like Nether. I want nothing more than to do something, anything, that will soothe that pain, and before I register what I'm doing I let my lips gently brush against his forehead.

As I sit back up, the strain fades from Sky's features as he finally seems to relax, and I suddenly realize what I've done.

Oh my NOTCH!



I can feel my entire face blush bright red as I hastily stand and exit the Pit, needing to escape and find somewhere to cool off. I speed walk away from the commotion of the Glade, not wanting anyone to come and ask about the scene in the elevator, and certainly not wanting anyone to ask why I'm blushing. I take fast, deep breaths as my thoughts run wild in my flustered brain.

Okay, okay okay okay okay okay okay okay. So I did a thing. I don't know why I did the thing but I did the thing.

No big deal, it was nothing. Just because I did the thing does not mean I have a crush. No way. Just because I kissed him on the forehead, want to hug him all the time, think he's super cute, find his smile contagious, and always feel warm and fuzzy every time I'm around him does not mean--


So that's a thing.


I had waaaaaay too much fun writing that ending! XD

Hey look at that! I actually updated in a timely manner for once! Also, you guys, thank you SO MUCH for 3K views! That's insane!! I love each and every one of you who read this story :)

Peace out!

~ Zellona

(1200 words, 3-4 hours? I forgot to keep track this time)

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