Chapter 8: The Soccer Field

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We are on the field right now. I don't know if it's just me, but I'm sweating like a pig! It's in the middle of the afternoon and we have been practicing since 8 this morning. I'm thirsty, hungry, sore… heartbroken and I just want to take a dive into an ice cold pool.   

Coach Rio has been shouting at us all morning. "Don't do this.", "Keep on doing that.", "Good job!", "Strengthen your kick more.", "Don't forget your footwork!". I know the pressure of the upcoming season has been causing him a lot of stress too just like the rest of us. He's not usually this cranky but during practice it helps to treat us all as ignorant baboons learning how to play football for the first time.     

While Coach has been giving thumbs up to my other teammates, I, on the other hand have been only receiving disappointing shakes of his bald head and even worse anger in his eyes. He's never been truly this mad at me.   

But I know I probably deserve it. I've been playing all wrong. I just can't keep my head on the game. Usually in practice games, in a good day, I'll make a goal or two. But right now, all I've been doing is tripping and kicking the ball in the wrong direction.   

When the practice game was finally over, it was 8 pm. I was relieved to be going home and sleep on Allen's couch. It's the most comfortable places to be but that's all I've got.   

But before I could even go to the locker rooms, Coach called my name. When I turned around, he's got this angry Coach face mixed with a concerned father look. It's quite unnerving to see.   

I stopped in my tracks while he moved closer to me. He made sure all the boys left for the locker rooms and we were alone in the field, before he began talking.  

"What is wrong with you Turner?" Coach Rio full on shouted at me with matching spit coming out of his mouth and landing on my sweaty face.   

With the silent environment, I was surprised with the booming noise that was Coach Rio. I've definitely never seen him be like this. Was I really that bad?  

"Nothing is wrong, Coach."

"Don't bullshit me, Turner. This has been the worst practice game you've had! Even Phil was doing better than you." Yeah, Coach thinks Philip is quite a douche slash lousy soccer player too. "And you don't just suck at the practice games, you've been slacking off in the trainings too. What the hell is going on with you, boy?" The last part he said in a softer tone.   

I know Coach is just concerned with me. He cares for his team just like how a father cares for his sons. And I know that he knows that if the team managers see how bad I've been playing, they might not let me play at all this season. That would be a disaster.  

"I'm sorry Coach", I apologised sincerely. "Something's just been going on." Yeah, I think that kind of sums that up without spilling to him about my recent break up.  

"Look, boy, you better pull yourself together or you won't be playing this season at all. We all have bad days but a good athlete doesn't let anything distract him when playing the game. On the field, it's just you and the game you love, nothing else. If you don't remember that, then you'll never last in this business. It's a tough thing to do, boy, but if you do that, then nothing would ever stop you." All I could do is nod.   

I admit that I've been shitty on the field lately. I just can't concentrate at all! All I can think about is her! I seriously want to have a brain transplant just to rid my thoughts of her. This isn't normal anymore.   

"I think you have a lot of potential, Turner. That's why I'm telling you this. I see a bright future ahead of you. So whatever it is your going through, suck it up when your on this field. Got it?" he questioned.  

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