Wednesday 12th September

311 17 1

Today was just terrible and awesome at the same time.

It all started at the cafeteria. After serving my spaghetti and meatballs, I sat with Kim ,Skyler , Ken and Rex (Rex is ken's best friend) We were busy eating and taking selfies with silly faces. Suddenly, Jennifer walked right up to our table. "Hey Gwen. Yish. Where did you get that shirt,the dollar 99 store." What was her prob? Can't I eat lunch in peace. " And so what if I got it from that store. How does it affect you? Ha!" I shot back. Everyone turned their attention to us. Even the lunch ladies. "What your problem Gwen. I compliment you but you insult me. Like what's wrong with you?" Jennifer said pretending to be hurt or something. Skyler then stood up. "Hey Jennifer. You insulted Gwen. We clearly heard everything. So back of girl before someone breaks a nail." Skyler said holding her hips.

Out of nowhere. A bunch of Jennifer's friends came and started defending her. Suddenly Glen appeared."What's going on here?" Before I could speak. Jennifer started telling lies about how she complimented me and then I insulted her. Is that girl really OK up there. The worst part is that Glen actually believed her. Her over his own sister. His own flesh and blood. Wow. I'm really hurt.

" I knew you didn't like her but going to the extend of insulting her then lying that you didnt .That just ain't you Gwen." Glen said. "I can't believe you believe what she's telling you. "I said. "Your taking Jennifer's side over your own sister!!" Skyler said. "Jennifer just quite lying and tell everyone what really happened" Justin suddenly came into the argument. "What's up here?" He asked looking as confused as a monkey in the Sahara desert. "Oh Justin. You wouldn't believe what happen" said Jennifer pretending to cry " I told Gwen how nice her shirt was and then she,..........." She was inturupted "Wait you complimented someone. That doesn't sound like you at all Jennifer." He said folding his arms. "Well.......she......I mean.......I ..I....she." Said a speechless Jennifer. "Did you insult Gwen?" Justin asked. Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes glued on her eagerly waiting for her to answer.

"Answer Jennifer .come on," I said confidently.

The bell suddenly rang "Well look at the time. I'd love to chat buuuut I have class. Tataa" Jennifer said looking at her pink sparkly digital watch. She then flipped her long blonde hair and sashayed away. Glen and her friends following her like a mindless flock of sheep. Kim and Skyler then hugged me then rushed to class. It was just me and Justin left behind. I looked deep into his sky blue eyes and said,"Thanks for having my back" He brushed his hair and said"Hey no prob."We just stood there staring at each other. ♡♡ ❤

"Shoot I'm late for class" he said. "See ya later"he said. "Bye," I said then rushed to Spanish class before Mr teacher guy got mad.

I'm now at home and just remembering what happened today. Justin really bailed me out of that stupid argument. And I now know Jennifer seriously needs help. Aaaaaaagh what's that racket gotta go.

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