)( Chapter One )(

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A/N: Images used are just found from google searches (unless otherwise stated as fan art given to me).. I don't art well

Cheap cigar smoke and the stench of stale ale, bile and other excrement wafted through the small room littered with cages. Beaten, bruised and barely clinging to life, a young fourteen year old pixie like girl with almost luminescent pale moonbeam hair that fell in tangled waves down her delicate emaciated frame, gripped the bars of her cage for support. She had no concept of time anymore. The room was always dark, the only source of light being the glare of torches when the handlers came to drag out a body or bring in a new victim.

                A chorus of groans and moans echoed through the room as the metal door shrieked as it swung open. A few handlers swarmed into the room with glaring torches and stood at attention as a fat lard of a man wearing a finely tailored suit with slicked back dark hair sauntered in grimacing at the stench of the room.

                "Is this really the best you could do?" He scoffed at the handlers while he paced the room occasionally stooping to look in a cage and examine the inhabitants. "Those bastards that work for Farrington caught a fishman, at least they have something of inter-." The man cut off what he was saying as he stopped at the cage with the young blonde. "What's this?"

                "We caught her about two weeks ago, sir." One of the handlers replied promptly.

                "Well let's have a look." The richly dressed man motioned to her cage and the handlers jumped to attention nearly scrambling over one another to reach the cage first.

                Fear gripped the young girl's heart as her cage door swung open with a heart stopping screech and one of the handler's stooped into her cage and roughly dragged her out. She struggled futilely against her captors. They forced her to stand before the richly dressed man and she trembled uncontrollably as his greedy eyes skimmed over her.

                The fat lard of a man stared in awe at the girl before him. Despite being bruised and a little dirty, she was an absolute vision; her skin was flawless pale porcelain that looked touchable and irresistibly smooth. Though she was still fairly young she had developed a small feminine figure, a petite frame with small subtle curves. Even though she'd been locked up for nearly two weeks, her hair still held a shimmering luster and was the pale luminescent color of moonbeams. What startled the man most was her eyes, they were an endlessly bright sea prism stone aquamarine color. Never before had he seen eyes so bright, they sparkled even in the darkness, glittering in the firelight.

                "She'll fetch a fair price." The man smirked.

                "Felicity, wake up, it's just a dream." The soft raspy voice of an elderly woman cooed startling the young woman from her restless snooze. Haunting memories of her dark past had been plaguing her dreams of late.

                Her neck and back ached as she slowly lifted her head from the desk she had fallen asleep at. Because of the haunting dreams, she wasn't getting much sleep in the night and it was beginning to affect her every day activities. "Sorry obaasan." The pixie like girl replied sheepishly as she ran a trembling hand through her long silken moonbeam tresses.

                A gentle weathered hand reached out and pat her gently on the shoulder, "Would you mind making a salve with Witch Hazel for me?" The elderly woman asked politely knowing the young blonde was in need of some sort of distraction.

                "Whose it for?" Felicity asked curiously as she mentally ran through the uses of Witch Hazel.

                "One of the children got a pretty nasty burn from playing too close to the fire last night." The elder woman noted as she shuffled through the small hut looking through the various shelves filled with dried herbs and other premade poultices and salves.

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