)( Chapter Thirty Six )(

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Felicity shivered from the cold bite in the air. Her sea prism stone eyes scanned the desolate snowy wasteland of the island they'd docked at. Though it had been a few months now, they still hadn't left to The New World. All the other pirates from the worst generation had headed off to The New World but Law didn't seem to be in any hurry. Noticing the fairy like girl begin to shiver from the cold, Law slowed his pace to match hers. He hadn't told any of them why they were here, wherever they were. Over the past few months, Law had been attacking random pirate crews and storing the hearts he stole from his foes in a box on their ship.

The cold calculating captain of the Heart Pirates reached over and yanked the hood of the fluffy thick winter coat Felicity was wearing up and over her head. Felicity let out a startled squeak at his sudden action before a faint blush spread across her cheeks. Before she could get out a thank you, he removed the scarf from around his neck and wound it around hers. The scarf was still warm with his body heat and smelled intoxicatingly dark, like him.

The crew looked to their captain curiously. None of them wanted to question what he was doing or why they were here. Shachi sighed after nearly an hour-long hike as he noticed even with the scarf and her hood pulled up, Felicity was still shivering uncontrollably, she'd spent a few years on Sol which was one of the hottest islands they'd been to. Her body had probably gotten used to the heat making her sensitive to cold.

"Captain, I don't think Hime-chan is okay." Shachi spoke up causing Law to turn to the fairy like princess curiously.

Felicity flinched as everyone turned to her, "I-I'm f-f-fine."

Law frowned; she was never honest when it came to her wellbeing especially if she thought she'd be an inconvenience. "Bepo." He ordered quietly.

Bepo nodded and swept the princess off her feet causing her to let out an adorable panicked squeal. "Sorry." Bepo bowed his head apologetically not meaning to startle their favorite princess.

"I-its okay." Felicity reassured him, her voice still wavering due to her shivering. She started to warm up in the bear's embrace and unconsciously snuggled closer to him. He was so soft and warm, his body radiated heat. "Th-thanks, Bepo."

Law frowned, he'd debated leaving her behind on the ship under the crew's care while he went about his business, but he didn't want her out of his sight again. The voices of the children of the island of Sol rang in the back of his mind they'd been worried a demon would spirit their fairy princess away. Like the demon he was, Law had spirited her away. The sea was full of demons and he couldn't let anyone else steal away his princess.

A shrill cry rang out somewhere in the thick snowy forest along the trail they were currently hiking causing the Heart Pirates to pause and Felicity to jump in terror. "W-what was that?" Felicity squeaked.

"Captain, what's on this island?!" Shachi asked warily.

"Pirates." Law shrugged.

Another shriek in the distance caused the hair on the back of Felicity's neck to stand on end and a deathly chill to run down her spine. It sounded like the desperate scream of someone about to lose their life. There was movement in the trees in the distance causing the snow to fall from some of their thick needle covered branches. Whatever was moving through the forest was huge! It created a clear path of trees no longer covered with snow from wherever it had bumped against them to get through the thick forest. It had to be some kind of monster.

"L-Law?!" Felicity cried in a panic as the sounds of something huge tearing through the forest drew nearer to them.

Law felt his heart clench in his chest at the terror in her voice. Normally he'd delight in her terror as he liked to tease and scare her often but it wasn't quite as fun when he wasn't the cause for it. As his crew grew uneasy, Law frowned, he hadn't expected there to be any terrifying monsters on this island. He was hoping to finish off his collection of pirate hearts here so he could turn them in to gain some favor and possibly get himself ranked as a Shichibukai so he'd be on equal rank with Felicity's uncle.

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Where stories live. Discover now