)( Chapter Twenty Five )(

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“Sorry for the trouble.” Felicity apologized to the kind man who’d tended to her wounds for the thousandth time. “Please, if that wasn’t enough for your trouble let me know.”

                “He paid much more than was necessary.” The old man smiled and began calculating how much to give her in return.

                “No, that’s alright; keep the extra for your trouble.” Felicity smiled as she headed out the door. It was already almost three. She had to find Penguin and Shachi.

                Freshly bandaged and free of extra debris and grime, she ran through the streets trying to find her companions. The wind tore through her tangled moonbeam hair as she sprinted through the streets. Panic began to settle in as she scanned through four different streets and still saw no sign of them. What if they went back to the captain without her? He’d be livid!

                “Hime-chan?!” She heard Shachi’s voice in the distance.

                “Shachi!” Felicity cried and sprinted in the direction his voice had come from.

                “Hime-chan!” She spotted the auburn haired man near a pristine fountain in the middle of the street and barreled into him with enough force she nearly knocked him off his feet. He wrapped his arms around her just as tightly and swept her into a bone crushing hug. “Thank heavens. I was so worried!” He set her on her feet and began inspecting her. “Captain is not going to be happy.” A groan escaped him as he took in the blood staining her shirt, the bandages on her arm, and the stitches in her temple. “Say something nice at my funeral.”

                “Stop it.” Felicity swatted at him with a smile. “Where’s Penguin?”

                Shachi held up his wrist to show a portable den den mushi and set its frequency. “I found hime-chan, where are you?”

                “What do you mean, you found her?” Law’s voice responded sounding infuriated.

                “C-Captain?!” Shachi squeaked. He’d set the wrong frequency.

                “Explain.” Law’s voice was an indecipherable growl.

                “Hide and Seek.” Felicity said cheerfully and tapped at the device trying to get it to switch frequencies.

                “hime-chan that’s not how it works.” Shachi scrambled to help her.

                “Don’t you dar-!” Law’s voice cut off as they finally managed to change the frequency.

                “P-Penguin?” Felicity spoke into the receiver hopefully.

                “Hime-chan! You’re okay!” Penguin’s voice was filled with relief.

                “For now.” Felicity sighed realizing she had a very irate Pirate Captain to deal with.

                “What happened?” Penguin asked cautiously.

                “I accidentally set the den den mushi to Captain’s frequency.” Shachi groaned.

                Penguin fell silent.

                “He’ll calm down by the time we meet up with him.” Felicity noted trying to stay positive.

                Penguin and Shachi groaned in unison. “We’re doomed.”

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Where stories live. Discover now