)( Chapter Nineteen )(

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Felicity made it back to the ship in time and was immediately swarmed by concerned Heart Pirates. With his devil fruit ability, the captain wouldn’t have any trouble sifting through the rubble. After being swarmed with hugs, everyone ushered her downstairs to the sickbay for the captain to treat her various scrapes upon his return.

                Shachi steered her to one of the examination tables and told her to sit and wait patiently for the captain’s return. She smiled to herself at his doting. A few scrapes and a possibly dislocated wrist was no reason for everyone to panic.

                The sickbay was dimly lit and unusually cold due to the metal walls, floor and ceiling. Felicity shivered and wrapped one of the blankets from the various beds around herself as she waited patiently for the captain’s return. Her wrist began to throb painfully and she lightly prodded at it with her good hand. Nothing felt broken, just somewhat out of place. She cupped her hand around her wrist and attempted to lodge it back in place only to gasp and release her hold with a hiss at the sudden sharp pain.

                Instead she turned her focus to the various cuts and bruises lining her arms from the building’s collapse. A kind elderly man shoved her from the window as the building had started to crumble. There were a few pieces of shattered glass still embedded in her skin. The wounds had bled more than she’d originally thought. Thin rivulets of blood snaked down her arms to her injured wrist. A twinge of color stained her cheeks as she realized the captain saw her in such a state.

                Her blush grew as she realized he’d see her in such a state of disrepair again as he doctored her wounds. She slipped off the examination table and made her way to a small sink with a mirror over it to see what she could do on her own. After thoroughly scrubbing her hands clean she reached up to pick out some of the glass shards.

                “What are you doing, Miss Princess?” His dark velvety smooth voice sounded behind her.

                Felicity jumped and nearly clutched at her chest as her heart began to pound heavily in her chest. “I was going to get the glass out.” She blushed.

                “Go sit down.” He sighed and motioned to the examination table she’d abandoned.

                The fairy like princess bowed her head and scampered back to the examination table feeling suddenly overexposed. She felt the ship lurch and nearly lost her footing, how had she not realized the ship had started moving?

                “Did you manage to get everyone out safely?” She asked hesitantly.

                “Are you doubting my abilities?” Law glowered.


                Law scowled at this. After managing to get everyone safely out of the rubble the townspeople had thanked him. The café owner even offered to give him what bread he’d salvaged, much to the captain’s displeasure. He wasn’t a hero, he’d never aspired to be a hero, he did what he wanted when he wanted and that was all he’d ever wanted. Until now. He’d saved those people, for her. In order to make her happy he’d gone against his own code.

                “I thought I told you if I saved those people you weren’t allowed to mope.” The captain scolded her as he caught the girl bowing her head and noticed a tear slip from her hold.

                The fairy like girl raised her head and the captain felt his heart skip a beat. She was a vision. Her smile was radiant. They were tears of joy and relief. “I’m so happy you were able to save everyone.”

                “Don’t make this a habit.” Law growled as he washed up and gathered some supplies for the task at hand.

                “Aye Aye, Captain.” Felicity beamed.

                “Miss Princess, are you aware you kissed me earlier?” Law asked with a chuckle after a few moments of silently working on patching up the scrapes on her arms.

                “Eh?!” Felicity blanched before her face turned scarlet, “I-I got caught up in the moment.” She panicked, “I’m sorry, it won’t happen aga-.”

                Her heart felt ready to explode as he placed a finger to her lips in order to silence her, “You’re so noisy.” He smirked.

                Felicity felt a blush spread across her cheeks at their sudden closeness. Her heart began to race as she realized he didn’t tell her not to do it again. Was it possible the captain might actually care for her? Did he see her as more than just a bargaining chip?

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