)( Chapter Thirty )(

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"Miss Princess." His sinfully dark velveteen voice sent a shiver down her spine as he dragged her toward the ship, "If I recall correctly, your uncle is no longer considered to be a World Noble and was excommunicated with the rest of his family." He noted softly, "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"It's not from my father's side of the family." Felicity squeaked softly as she stumbled to keep up with his long strides. She chanced a glance behind her and spotted the Kid Pirates following along behind them looking very annoyed and like they had a lot of questions.

Law wrenched her forward as they stopped near where their ship was docked, he used more force than he meant to and winced as the fragile girl fell to the ground in front of him with a yelp her bloody hands struggling to catch herself and keep herself upright. "Explain."

The red-haired pirate captain shot a glare at his rival upon seeing his treatment of the weak girl, not that he had any sympathy for world nobles, but he'd seen the girl act with compassion, she wasn't like other world nobles. "Watch it." He growled at the enemy captain.

Law turned to shoot a glare at the tall crimson haired pirate captain, "Order me around again, Eustass-ya." He dared the young captain, three years his junior.

"Please don't fight." Felicity tried to push her way between the two glaring captains only to gasp in pain as Law caught her wrist in a death grip and wrenched her roughly away from Kid.

"I'm losing my patience, Miss Princess." His grip tightened and he mentally scolded himself as he saw tears welling in her breathtaking sea prism blue eyes. He eased his grip, "Explain."

Felicity bit her lip and looked to the rival pirate crew, it was bad enough Law and his crew would know the truth, she didn't want the infuriating brute to know. "I don't want to. It's not going to make a difference, I'm never going back." She attempted to break from Law's hold and let out a soft whimper as he tightened his grip on her and spun her about to face him before capturing her other wrist in a death grip.

"You're being very disobedient today, Miss Princess." His voice was deadly calm and sent another shiver down her spine and made her weak at the knees.

"Let go." She squeaked.

A strong hand with dark painted nails clapped down on Law's shoulder roughly, "I've had enough of this, let her go." Kid growled.

"How I treat my prisoner, is of no concern to you, Eustass-ya." Law replied icily causing a faint blush to spread across the girl's pale cheeks.

"Prisoner?" Kid asked perplexed, he'd thought she was part of the crew. "You're really twisted, you know that." He growled in annoyance.

"I don't want to hear that from you." Law shot, refusing to release the girl from his hold.

"I don't make a habit of bullying little girls." Kid glared.

The surrounding crew shifted uneasily at the growing tension between the two menacing captains. Law released Felicity as he turned to his rival with a deadly look in his steely gaze and Felicity felt her heart fall as she envisioned them at each other's throats, neither of them would walk away unscathed and she wasn't so sure her captain could defeat the big brute of a man who for some strange reason appeared to be fighting for her honor.

Law and Kid turned on one another ready for a fight and Felicity felt her stomach churn as she saw flashes of them fighting. She felt something well up inside of her as she envisioned them both dying and felt an overwhelming panic.

"Stop!" Felicity cried desperately and something miraculous happened, a burst of energy escaped her and the two captains stared in awe as the surrounding crew members slipped from consciousness. Her knees weakened and she crumpled to the grass her frail body trembling uncontrollably from the effort she'd unconsciously expelled. "What did I do?" She asked in awe.

"That was Conqueror's Haki." Kid noted staring down at the delicate girl with wide eyes, how was it possible for her to wield it? He'd heard of Conqueror's Haki and how rare it was, but he'd never witnessed it. It was something very few people were born with and there were rumors that the trigger to awakening it was to have experienced something truly awful in their life.

Felicity felt a chill run through her and swayed unsteadily. Law knelt beside her and swept her into his arms cradling her gently against him, afraid she'd break.

"Why?" He asked her uncertainly.

"You two were going to kill each other." She sniffled cutely as she relaxed into his embrace feeling at ease in his strong arms.

Law sighed but couldn't help but smile at her, "You're such a nuisance."

A terrifying thought crossed her mind and she must have paled considerably as both the captains looked to her in concern. If the mechanical Kuma had the knowledge to recognize targets and discern friend from foe, was that information being reported back somewhere? The world thought she was dead, if the mechanical Kuma had sent information somewhere, her uncle and the other nobles would surely find out.

"Law." She gasped, "He's going to know!"

"What?" Law looked down at her curiously.

"My uncle! He's going to know I'm alive!" She squeaked. "We have to leave! We have to run!" Her fragile form struggled against him. "Please! He can't find me-."

"I won't let anything happen to you."

Kid cleared his throat behind the pair, "I'd really like to know what the hell is going on."

Felicity grimaced at this, "It's safer for you if you don't know."

"I'm already a little invested here, so spill." He folded his arms across his chest and stared down the pair of them.

Law shot him a cold look, what the hell did he mean by that? Was he after HIS princess?

Video- "Deeper" By SVRCINA

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