)( Chapter Three )(

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The village chief reluctantly gave his consent that the visiting pirates could stay in the village while they waited for their log pose to reset. Bepo was moved to obaasan’s hut so Felicity could keep an eye on him. Very few of the villagers agreed to help the pirates gather the supplies they needed for their departure. Tensions were high throughout the small village, the locals were cautious by nature, untrusting of newcomers be they pirate or marine.

                “How did you recognize their symbol, Fi(pronounced ‘fee’)?” A middle aged woman with dark unruly hair, tan skin and tawny eyes asked the petite blonde quietly as the pair of them led two of the Heart Pirates and their captain through the jungle to find food and water.

                Law listened for the girl’s response carefully hoping it would give him a better idea of where he could have met her.

                Felicity flashed the older woman a carefree smile, “I didn’t.”

                Law scowled ahead at her response. She was lying.

                The older woman stared at the girl in awe for a moment before chuckling, “You’re so reckless sometimes, Fi.”

                Felicity smiled half heartedly in response. She wasn’t reckless; in fact she was very cautious. It was necessary for her survival to be as cautious as she could. The slightest slip up could ruin her. A little over two years had passed since she ran away from her old life and she’d worked so hard to maintain a semblance of peace. Sol was perfect for her. It was an island rarely visited by anyone and completely secluded from the outside world. For Felicity, Sol was a rare paradise, a place where she didn’t have to constantly look over her shoulder. It was safe.

                “So where are you all headed?” The middle aged woman asked the Heart Pirates curiously as silence settled around the small group.

                As Shachi was about to answer Law noticed the blonde girl perk up slightly interested in the response. “Eventually, the New World.”

                The beautiful blonde tensed for a fraction of a second and must have lost sight of her path as she was suddenly felled by an upturned root. Felicity cringed as she felt the root snag the skin atop her ankle and braced herself for the impact of the fall. A strange pale blue dome of light encircled the small group in an instant.

                “Shambles.” The dark velvety smooth sinful voice of the Captain of the Heart Pirates sounded from behind her.

                Her entire body suddenly shifted and she found herself falling into the arms of the awestruck auburn haired Shachi instead of smashing face first into a thorn bush.

                “Fifi?!” The middle aged woman called in concern. Law froze, that nickname, he’d heard it before.

                “Are you alright, Princess?” Shachi asked in a daze.

                Law scowled at this, Princess? Fifi? Why did it all sound so familiar?

                An adorable modest blush clung to the stunning young woman’s cheeks at this.

                “Princess?” The middle aged woman chuckled.

                “Aren’t you a-?” He froze up when he met her startling aquamarine gaze and found himself unable to speak directly to the beautiful girl.

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Where stories live. Discover now