)( Chapter Thirty One )(

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Felicity panicked as Law forcefully dragged her through the crowd of people milling around to watch the execution. "Captain, what are you doing?" She asked softly as she struggled to keep up with his determined stride.

His steel gaze flicked through the crowd seeking out a familiar face. This was a terrible idea, but he couldn't risk Felicity being caught by her Uncle, he couldn't put her through that kind of torture. He felt slight resistance as she tried to struggle from his grip and smirked slightly to himself, it was kind of cute that she thought she had a chance.

She let out a soft squeak as he easily slung her over his shoulder and continued his search, "LAW!" Her small fists beat down on his back urging him to release her, but her hits were not the least bit effective, more annoying than anything else.

A feral amber gaze met his and his smile fell as he made his way through the crowd toward the red-haired captain ignoring the squirming girl tossed over his shoulder. "I have a favor to ask of you." Law's silky smooth voice ceased her protests and she struggled to look around him to see who he was addressing, but before she could get a look she was suddenly on her feet and roughly shoved into someone else's arms.

Whoever had caught her appeared to be thrown off guard as they struggled to keep hold of her and keep her upright, "What the hell?" Kid's dark menacing voice growled from behind her and she paled as she realized it was his muscular torso her back was now pressed against.

"Keep an eye on, the little princess for me." Law noted coolly.

"WHAT?!" The surrounding Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates and Felicity all yelled in shock.

Kid looked thoughtful as he held the petite girl against him, still not removing his arm from her waist that was currently keeping her trapped against him, "Why?"

"It's not safe for her right now." Law noted simply.

"Captain, are you serious?!" The Heart Pirates exclaimed.

"We're not leaving hime-chan with THEM!" Shachi snapped losing his patience with his captain, this was the most preposterous idea he'd ever come up with.

"It's a temporary arrangement." Law shrugged.

Kid smirked, "And what if I don't want to give her back?"

Law shot him a glare, "I'll kill you."

Everyone tensed at this.

Kid let out a dark booming laugh that caused Felicity to jump. "And what if she doesn't want to return to you?"

Law looked to the trembling fairy like girl, that was a possibility he was always hurting her and upsetting her. In the very few interactions he'd seen of her with Kid, she was lively and had a fiery spirit not nearly as submissive as she was with him and it frustrated him to no end. "She's my prisoner, she doesn't have a choice in the matter." He shrugged and resisted the urge to smirk as a faint blush crept up the girl's pallid cheeks.

"CAPTAIN!" The Heart Pirates raged.

Kid shook his head at this and threw him a look of disgust, "You're a piece of work."

"Are you going to look after her?" Law asked coolly.

Kid looked down to the ethereal looking beauty in his arms, "I will, but I can't promise you that you'll be getting her back." He smirked.

Law rolled his eyes at this, "Keep her safe."

Kid's feral eyes lingered to the bruising around her thin wrists, "Safer than you." He shot with a growl that caused Felicity to tremble against him.

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Where stories live. Discover now