)( Chapter Twenty Six )(

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Felicity woke with a start to the sound of a loud crash and nearly bolted out of her seat. Had it not been for the captain’s strong arm wrapped around her, she would have jumped. Her sea prism eyes turned to the aisle next to her and she spotted a boy with wild black hair and a straw hat atop his head sprinting down the aisle toward the stage screaming someone’s name.

                A fishman was hanging on to the back of him trying to calm him down and hold him back simultaneously. Felicity sat up in her seat, pulling away from Law’s welcoming embrace. The people on this island hated fishmen.

                “We have to do something.” Felicity breathed in a panic. “People here don’t like fishmen.” She turned to Law only to find him relaxed in his seat watching the events unfold. “Captain?”

                “Don’t get involved.” He shot her a warning look.

                “He’s going to get hurt, or worse, killed.”

                “It’s not our problem.” Law noted casually.


                Felicity turned back to the aisle way and stared in horror as the fishman fell back on the stairs bleeding profusely from a shot to the chest. She held back a scream, but could not restrain herself. Her body moved on its own bolting from her seat and running to the fallen man’s aid.

                “Felicity!” Law shouted above the uproar as she darted into the aisle way and dodged the fat lard of a man in the odd white suit that had shot the fishman.

                Felicity dropped to her knees beside the fallen fishman, “It’s alright.” She cooed as she leaned over him to inspect the wound. “You’re going to be okay.” Her voice trembled as she realized she’d suddenly become the center of attention, a few onlookers gasped at the radiant beauty and her appalling behavior.

                She placed her hand atop the wound applying pressure as she reached within her shirt to retrieve the remaining herbs she’d stashed from her earlier venture.

                “I hit it.” The lard of a man cheered in glee before realizing the fairy like girl trying to help his quarry. “Ey! What doo yooou think you’re doooing?” He drawled in an unsophisticated manner.

                Felicity ignored the man and quickly set to work, “I can stop the bleeding, but that’s about all I can do from here.” She reassured the fishman in a gentle voice and began applying the herbs.

                “I’m talking tooo yooou!”

                Finally chancing a glance up she spotted the man in the odd white suit with the bubble around his head. He was a citizen of Mariejois, the same place her mother and father originally came from. How could someone who came from the same place her loving parent’s had be so distorted. In the distance she could hear the crew calling out to her in a panic, screaming ‘hime-chan’. Among the panicked voices there was another voice she recognized.

                “Get out of there, girly.” The deep voice of the red haired pirate captain fueled the fire burning within her.

                Felicity got to her feet shakily; she wasn’t going to stand for this injustice. “You can’t treat people this way!” She found her resolve and snapped at the man.

                Several people nearby gasped and stared at the girl as if she’d sprouted a second head. She clearly had a death wish and was going to bring down every other commoner with her. A pale blue dome of light appeared around her in the midst of the chaos before the lard of a man had a chance to respond.

                “No!” Felicity squeaked as she felt herself shift.

                She found herself  crouched in front of her captain, but before she could get a word out he shot her a deadly glare and roughly shoved her to the floor before anyone could see her. He kept her pinned beneath his foot pressing into her spine. The look in his steely gaze was daring her to disobey him; it was a terrifying look she’d never before seen in his cold eyes.

                “I won’t forgive you, if you move a single inch.” His tone sent a shiver down her spine and caused tears of frustration to well in her eyes.

                After her disappearing act people began to panic, but the brainless lard went back to gloating about his quarry. Tears burned in her eyes, tears of frustration, humiliation and despair. If that was how the royalty of the world acted toward its subjects, the world was truly lost. Pain shot through her spine from the spot the captain’s foot was currently crushing her.

                “You’re hurting me.” She whimpered.

                He didn’t ease up and Felicity held back another wave of tears, she’d pushed him too far.  The crew avoided looking at her, knowing there was no possible way to talk to their captain when he was in such a state.

                There was a commotion from the aisle once more. The straw hat boy was furious. Once again the oaf of a noble was spouting filth from his mouth and gloating. It made Felicity’s stomach churn uneasily.

                “Mugiwara-ya…” Law turned his attention to the aisle way and Felicity strained to look up. The boy with the straw hat was slowly stalking up the aisle anger and determination burning on his face. He was going to retaliate!

                “Is he serious?” Felicity heard the voice of the crimson haired captain.

                Felicity yelped as two more shots were fired. She heard a cry and the sound of something going crashing into the seats a few rows behind her. “What happened?” She panicked and struggled against Law’s hold.

                People began screaming and running for the exits. More shots were being fired. It was pure chaos and Felicity was trapped.

                “Law?!” Felicity cried. People were possibly getting hurt all around her and she was unable to do anything.

                He eased his foot off of her and his strong hands gently lifted her off the ground. “You’re being very disobedient today, Miss Princess.” Law’s black velvet voice sent a shiver down her spine.

                Felicity squeaked as she was casually handed off to Bepo in the row behind her. A terrible pounding had begun in her head and it began throbbing painfully. She knew she shouldn’t have acted so rashly, but she couldn’t stand by and do nothing when innocent people were being hurt.

                “Are you okay, hime-chan?” Shachi asked softly as he looked to the fairy like girl.

                Wincing, Felicity dropped her head into her hands and slumped against Bepo finding comfort in his plushy fur. There was a terrible pounding in her head and for the briefest of moments she went deaf. The chaos around her was completely silenced for a moment; the only sound she was able to hear was the sound of fluid somewhere in her head. She bit her lip as a terrifying thought crossed her mind. Her head injury from before could possibly have been a brain hemorrhage and the small clinic doctor wouldn’t have the advanced skill to know the difference.

                With his ability, Law could fix it in a matter of minutes. She still had a few hours before it was too late. Wave after wave of nausea hit her and it took all she had not to groan and draw attention to herself as she leaned into Bepo’s soft fur. Once she was able she’d check on the fishman, they’d make their escape and she’d tell Law about her injury.

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