)( Chapter Twenty Seven )(

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The Auction Hall was pure chaos. All the patrons had made their escape and a slew of guards were fighting with the crew of the boy who had attacked the Celestial Dragon. The cool calculating captain of the Heart Pirates remained observant and unmoving. Intrigue danced in his steel gaze.

                “If we don’t hurry the navy will arrive with a warship and an admiral.” A pretty girl with short orange hair and big almond eyes wielding a weird metal staff with electricity buzzing from within it called out to the Straw Hat captain.

                 Law smirked at this. “The navy is already here, Mugiwara-ya.”

                Felicity tensed. No one could see her. If word got back to her uncle that she was alive, they’d all be doomed.

                The reckless boy with the straw hat cast Law a sideways glance over his shoulder, “What’s with you?” He asked haphazardly before looking to the plush bear Felicity was still using for support,  “And what’s with the bear?”

                Bepo looked away feeling embarrassed and self conscious.

                Law continued on nonchalantly, “The navy has had this place surrounded since before the auction even began.”

                Felicity paled, why were they still here? Why hadn’t they tried to escape? She turned to Law to question him but paused as he continued on in his cool collected manner.

                “After all, there is a navy headquarters outpost on this archipelago.” Law paused for a moment, “Though I have no idea who they had in mind to catch.”

                Felicity chanced a glance over her shoulder back at the red haired captain behind her and felt the hair on the back of her neck raise as she found his feral gaze locked on her.

                “It’s not like they could have guessed someone would be rash enough to endanger a Celestial Dragon.” Law smirked, “You’ve showed me something interesting, Mugiwara-ya.”

                A pretty woman with dark hair and piercing blue eyes wearing a western style purple outfit with a wide brimmed hat looked to Law cautiously, “You’re Trafalgar Law, right?” She turned to the boy with the straw hat, “Luffy, he’s a pirate.”

                Felicity felt something strange bubble inside of her; it was almost like anger, why did it matter if he was a pirate? They were pirates! Her head began to throb once more and she gently massaged her temple deciding against making any kind of comment.

                The boy with the straw hat looked momentarily surprised, “The bear too?”

                Bepo lowered his gaze once more.

                The woman turned her attention to the red haired pirate in the back of the room, “And that man standing over there is Eustass Captain Kid.”

                Felicity followed the woman’s gaze once more, so that was his name, Kid. His feral gaze locked onto her once more ignoring the other woman’s words.

                “You’re not looking so good, girly.” His dark voice sent a shiver down her spine as he addressed her.

                Law, no longer looking as cool and collected as usual, threw a glare in Kid’s direction. Why had he taken an interest in his princess, and why did he address her with familiarity.

                “I’m fine.” Felicity replied coolly earning a queer look from Law in the process. She was acting strange.

                Once the Straw Hats returned their attention to the mermaid in the large bowl on stage, Law turned and captured the fairy like girl’s chin between his fingers and drew her gaze to him. He studied her carefully for a moment concern creasing his forehead as he surveyed her. Something was wrong, he could tell from the discoloration of her skin that she had lost a lot of blood, but he’d foolishly thought it was just from her extensive injuries, but she only appeared to be getting worse. Was she bleeding internally?


                “I’ll be fine.” Felicity attempted to reassure him.

                “You’ll be fine?” Law glared at her.

                “Nothing major. It’ll take you less than a minute to fix, I’m sure.” She waved him off as she watched the stage in awestruck horror as the remaining Celestial Dragon, the pampered young woman, was preparing to shoot the helpless mermaid. Felicity gasped, no one was going to make it in time to save her!

                Just as the woman prepared to pull the trigger, Felicity felt her stomach churn unsteadily as she sensed a strong aura from behind the stage. She watched in awe as the woman stumbled from the step ladder she’d been teetering on top of to aim at the mermaid and collapsed to the ground unconscious. Her heart began to race. It was Haki, Conqueror’s Haki, like the kind her uncle could manipulate.

                A hole ripped through the wall behind the center stage and a seemingly old man dressed like a relaxed islander with a lazy smile spread across his lips stepped forth surveying the chaotic hall behind a pair of frameless glasses. A pair of giant hands ripped through the upper portion of the wall and a giant poked his head through after the old man.

                “Look at that giant-kun, the hall is a mess. Seems like the auction is over. Seeing as I’ve got the money I needed, I’ll be returning to the gambling hall.” The old man smiled ruefully.

                “What a foul old man you are. You came here just so you could steal some money?” The giant replied in a deep rumbling voice.

                Felicity stared at the old man curiously, she recognized him from somewhere. A book she’d read on the history of pirates. Who was he? Her gaze fell on Law and she felt her heart drop. Law looked worried; his calculating brain was in gear working out every possible plan and outcome. This man was dangerous. She chanced a glance back at Kid and saw worry etched on his face as well.

                “R-Rayleigh!” The injured fishman called in surprise.

                Felicity nearly jumped, Silvers Rayleigh?! Her heart skipped a beat; he was second in command to the King of the Pirates. Another wave of the powerful aura shot through the hall and Felicity steeled herself from the blast knowing full well the consequences of being caught off guard by it. The rest of the guards in the hall collapsed where they stood. He had a terrifying grasp over such an immense power. Was he friend or foe?

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Where stories live. Discover now