)( Chapter Twenty Two )(

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Felicity woke with a start and panicked as she realized she wasn’t in her own room. When had she fallen asleep? Her racing heart calmed after a moment, she was in Law’s room. Warm blankets enveloped her in a comforting embrace. She chanced a look around the room curious as to where the devilishly handsome captain of the Heart Pirates had disappeared to.

                Something shifted beside her and she turned cautiously to investigate. Her heart began pounding painfully in her chest as she spotted the captain sleeping beside her, in the same bed! She clapped her hands to her cheeks as they began to burn with fire and quickly buried herself once more beneath the covers. Why were they in the same bed? What happened?

                “What are you doing, Miss Princess?” The captain sighed somewhat groggily as she woke him with a squeak.

                “W-what h-happened?” She struggled to ask as her entire body began to burn from the heat of embarrassment.

                “You wore yourself out.” Law shrugged and closed his steely grey eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep.

                “Eh? That doesn’t explain what I’m still doing here.” Felicity squeaked.

                “I couldn’t likely let the crew see you in such a state.” Law noted keeping his eyes closed as he made another attempt to fall back asleep. He’d never slept as well as he had with her lying next to him.

                Felicity blushed and opened her mouth to question him further. She cut off with a soft yelp as his arm slid around her slender waist and she was suddenly dragged to his side of the bed and tucked against him.

                “Miss Princess, please be quiet.” His warm breath tickled the back of her ear and sent a delightful shiver down her spine.

                Her breath hitched in the back of her throat, her back was tightly pressed against his well toned chest. Another blush burned across her face as she realized the captain wasn’t wearing a shirt. The air became stifling and she found herself struggling to breathe. How could he stand it? Why wasn’t he burning up?

                “C-Captain?” Her voice came out breathless and needy.

                Law gave up with a sigh and reluctantly released the panicked girl from his hold. He had to admit, he loved torturing the innocent fairy like girl. “You should get ready.”

                “Ready for what?” Felicity pondered as she managed to regulate her breathing once she was safely on the opposite side of the bed teetering over the edge.

                “We’ll be docking at Sabaody Archipelago soon.” The captain noted.

                Felicity nodded and scrambled out of the bed. The simple cotton dress she’d fallen asleep in was now slightly wrinkled and it took her a brief moment to smooth down the fabric so that it was lying perfectly against her lithe body. She kept her back to the captain as her cheeks were still stained crimson and made a move for the door.

                “Miss Princess?” His sultry voice sent her heart a flutter.

                Felicity paused her hand hovering just a fraction of a centimeter away from the door. She chanced a glance over her shoulder and held her breath as her heart began to pound as she spotted the devilishly handsome captain of the Heart Pirates now propped up on his elbows in bed. His chest was bare and his muscles drawn taught due to his current position, his hair was mussed from sleep and made him look even more seductive, but what had her heart pounding was the look in his steely grey eyes. There was something primal burning in his gaze.

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Where stories live. Discover now