Use Your Heart

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Everyone gathered at Bruno's house the first night that he was back home with Charlotte. Everyone passed her around, especially Bruno's sisters. They had mixed emotions. They loved her when they saw here but they were also critical. They said that he wasn't ready, They said that it would be too much for him given his skyrocketing career. Some said he made the decision way too soon, but he went with his heart and not his mind.

"Being a dad is way different from being an uncle," Jaime said. "It's going to be tough. Your life is gonna be different. You'll be okay, though. You're already into it."

Charlotte ended up in his mother's arms at the end of the night before everyone left.

"Bruno," Bernie said. "I can't believe you're a father. It was so sudden. Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Were you ready?"

"Good point," she smiled, looking down at Charlotte. "I can see how she stole your heart, though. She's precious."

"It happened so fast. I didn't really have time to think," Bruno said, taking Charlotte into his arms and tickling underneath her fingers. "I used to be nervous but now I'm in love with her."

"You're a natural," Bernie smiled as she rubbed his back.

"Thanks, Mom."

"Bruno, can I give you a tip? When she sleeps, you sleep. That's the only time you're gonna get rest. I know you're gonna wanna watch her like a hawk all night, but you really don't need to and you really can't do that."

Bruno couldn't help it. He watched her sleep soundlessly for hours until he got into bed. Everything felt so right as he drifted off to sleep. A few hours later she started to cry a little.

"Aww," Bruno said, dangling his arm down to brush her cheeks with his fingers. "What's wrong, Charlotte?"

Her expression flipped. She started smiling. Bruno made faces at her and she started to giggle. Bruno opened his mouth really wide in surprise; it got her really excited.

"Look at chu!" he exclaimed. "Look at that beautiful little face!"

Bruno picked her up and held her in his arms.

"Daddy's gonna show you the world, Charlotte," Bruno said before singing A Whole New World to her. "He's gonna treat you like a princess."

In a few weeks, Bruno and his band would be traveling throughout Europe. He would have tour after tour. It was going to be tough. It was going to be life changing taking her on planes, buses, and venues throughout the world. Bruno looked down at his little girl and knew it was also going to be amazing and worth it. He was ready to take on the challenges people had warned him about.

Bruno would make sure that she had everything and that it didn't matter where she came from or the way he found her. It didn't matter that she looked nothing like him and wasn't related to him by blood. It didn't matter who or where he real parents were. Bruno promised to give Charlotte the family she wasn't born into, but a family that she deserved. She would have all the love she could possibly have and all the comfort she could possibly need.

A/N: I feel a little guilty about the length but I didn't want to drag it out more than I felt was right.

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