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Peering out from the balcony of his bedroom late at night, Bruno took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. A knock on the glass door interrupted his thoughts.

"Daddy," Charlotte's calls came from the other side of the glass.

She took a step back as he slid it open; she looked exhausted.

"Sweetheart it's really late," Bruno said. "Did you have another bad dream?"

"Yes," she replied weakly.

"Aww," Bruno pouted, picking her up.

"What are you doing, Daddy?"

"Just looking at the moon."


"Charlotte, did you know that you can see the moon from anywhere in the world? You can see it from Daddy's house, Grandma's house, New York City..."

"Heaven?" she asked.

Bruno thought for a second and nodded. "Yes...heaven too. Nemo can see the same moon that you see...right now."

"Whoa," Charlotte gasped quietly.

Bruno laughed at her look of amazement.

"Hi Nemo," she said, waving at the moon.

Bruno smiled even more, kissing her cheek. After rocking her from side to side a little bit, he looked at his watch. "Alright you need to go back to bed."

"Okay," she agreed as Bruno took her back to her room.

"Tell me about this bad monster. What does he look like?"

"Really really really big and green and a purple head and spots all over his head and really really big teeth...and...and..."

"Well guess what, peanut? There's no such thing as monsters...especially ones that look like that...so don't be afraid, okay?" Bruno said, pulling up her blanket over again.

"But if I have... the dream again?"

"The monster can't hurt you in your dreams. If the monster comes back, just call for me in your dream and I'll come save you."

Charlotte gasped. "In my dreams..you save me?"

"Of course. That's what Daddys are supposed to do...in your dreams and when you're awake too. Now, it's time for sleep."


"Okay?" Bruno repeated back once more and kissed her. "I love you. Sweet dreams. Good night."

"Night," she smiled back.

A few months later, Bruno thought he was invincible. The album sales were up and the tour was completely ready and planned out. As the world tour for the new album quickly approached, that same world came crashing down on him with devastating news.

Bruno returned to the house, to her house with his family. The siblings took turns between the hospital and watching the kids. He went straight to his room, accidentally waking up Charlotte. She sat up in her bed.

"I'm sorry, Charlotte," Bruno sniffled.

"Why you crying Daddy?"

"I'll talk to you about it tomorrow. Go to sleep," Bruno said, sitting on the edge of the bed, beginning to take off his shoes.

Charlotte climbed out of bed.

"Charlotte..." Bruno's voice faded with the lump in his throat, "please go back to bed."

"Daddy..." she said, putting her hands up toward him.

Bruno sighed and picked her up. She mirrored his emotions, frowning back at him.

"Charlotte, Grandma took a trip to heaven..." he cried a little, unable to keep it together for her any longer.

Charlotte gave him a stare for a little while and held loosely onto his neck. "Don't cry, Daddy."

Bruno rubbed his eyes.

"Do you need a hug?" she asked in a small, sweet voice.

Bruno grinned and nodded his head. Charlotte tightened her grip and Bruno held her tight, not letting go for a long time. Before this night, he never imagined that she would be the one to comfort him, that her little hug could be so big, that her little spirit could shine so bright. Charlotte pulled away and looked at the light peaking through the window.

"Look," Charlotte whispered, climbing off the bed, holding his hand.

"What are you doing, peanut?"

"C'mon Daddy."

Charlotte was so excited and so proud that Bruno let her drag him all the way to the large window. She waved toward the moon.

"Hi Grandma!" Charlotte exclaimed.

Tears flowed quickly down Bruno's cheeks as he picked her up. He was so proud of his little girl. Charlotte was quick to pick up his quiet cries.

"Grandma's looking at you," Charlotte said, tightening her arm around his neck.

Bruno didn't predict how much Charlotte's advice would help him. It was just a little girl's thinking. The moon and the stars and the magical trip to heaven had just been an easy way for Bruno to explain the death of a fish to a toddler. He never thought it would be advice to help him cope with his emotions, and with the shocking news and reality of losing his mother.

Instead of putting Charlotte back in her bed, Bruno brought her into his, continuing to hold her close. Bruno whispered his thoughts aloud. His reminder to stay grounded lay sleeping in his arms.

"I miss you Mom. I wasn't ready for this," Bruno whispered shakily. "I need you, Ma."

He looked down at Charlotte thinking of all the phone calls he made to his mother at all hours of the day, asking her about the smallest bits of advice.

"Thank you," he squeezed Charlotte a little. "For helping me be the best dad. I'm gonna make you proud...so proud...for the rest of my life."

Bruno didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Between being so upset and Charlotte shuffling on his chest, it was impossible. She moaned and moaned. She gasped and held onto him tight as she slept.

"Shh..." he whispered.

"Da...da..." Charlotte whimpered.

Bruno moved her up higher on his chest. "I'm right here."

Her concerned little face turned into a smile in her sleep. Her breathing got normal again. Her fingers relaxed.

Bruno put aside his grief to comfort his little girl. Looking at the moon shining through the window, it was almost as if his mom was finally talking back. She was telling him that he had to keep himself in check. By losing his mom, it became even more important that he keep up and be present as Charlotte's only parent. That's what his mom would have wanted.

Heaven put one angel above Bruno and another in his arms; he was going to be okay.

A/N: Yeah I know...I know...it got really cheesy toward the end...

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