Growing Family

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"Your dad told me to keep you guys in the house," Phil said, grabbing a hold of Charlotte's arm. "Give them some privacy."

"Please!" Charlotte whispered harshly back to Phil. "We'll be verrrrry quiet."

Phil melted at the sight if Charlotte and Madison's pleading eyes. Very carefully and quietly, Phil opened the window displaying a candlelit dinner Bruno had set up outside on the patio. Charlotte and Madison knelt on the couch with their chins resting in their hands. They watched Bruno and Kim throughout the entire dinner. Phil stood behind them, making sure they wouldn't make a sound.

Nervously, Bruno set down his glass of wine. Furrowing her brows, Kim tilted her head slightly.

"You're acting a little weird tonight, more than usual..."

"What? We can't have a nice dinner under the stars and by the pool like always?"

Kim laughed a little. "You know that's not what I'm talking about..."

"Al-Alright. Here's goes...Kimberly...I don't even know what words to use right now...but I do know that I love you...I love you so, so much," Bruno said, taking her hands.

"I love you too."

"It feels so right with you...I feel so comfortable with you. I feel so comfortable being with you and sharing my life and Charlotte's life too."

After what seemed like an eternity to Bruno, he got up and took a knee before Kimberly. Behind the window, Charlotte and Madison put their hands over their mouths to stop themselves from making noises at what they knew was the most important part of the night.

Bruno took the ring from his back pocket, and opened it in front of them.

"I want the two of our lives to come together...well...the four of our lives. I love you...Kimberly, will you marry me?"

Time stood still, for those involved and for those who watched.

"Yes Bruno," Kim said, her voice cracking. "I will marry you."

Bruno slid the ring onto Kim's finger. Unable to contain their excitement, Charlotte and Madison squealed and jumped on the couch. Immediately Bruno and Kim looked over to the window, laughing. Once they got inside, the girls were hugging each other and jumping around at the same time.

"Sorry," Phil said. "They really wanted to watch."

"It's alright," Bruno said as he opened his arms for Charlotte's embrace. Madison ran to Kim. "I was kinda hoping I'd have spies."

"We're gonna..." Charlotte gasped. "Me and Madison are gonna be SISTERS...and EVERY night is gonna be a sleepover, no matter what...and then all four of us can go on vacations...and...and...wait...Dad we need to start looking at stuff for the wedding...and we need to get ready!"

Charlotte's enthusiasm made the adults laugh.

"Well I think we'll probably have to wait until next year. But I'm sure you're gonna want to look at dresses right away," Bruno said.

"Don't worry about me," Charlotte said seriously. "I'M gonna look GOOD."

"Oh," Bruno laughed. "Am I gonna look bad?"

Putting her finger up to her chin, Charlotte hummed and pretended to think, scrunching up her face. Giving her a sly smile, Bruno grabbed her arms and bent down to tickle her. He stopped tickling her when she began to run out of breath.

"Just," Charlotte said, flicking her finger down on his nose, "...kidding! You're gonna look very handsome!"

"Aww..." Bruno replied. "Thank you."

Broken Descent (Bruno Mars)Where stories live. Discover now