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"Dad this slide is awesome!"

"Oh good," Bruno grinned, looking up from the table at the top of the slide. "Come down and eat."

"Okay!" She yelled excitedly, her voice echoing through the tunnel.

Charlotte sped down the slide, giggling the whole way. As they ate dinner, Bruno sat beside Charlotte. Kimberly sat beside Madison.

"Dad," Charlotte said, putting three fries into her mouth at the same time. "What are we doing after this?"

"We're going home," Bruno said, wrapping his arm around her and then looking at across the table. "Like I said before, you two are more than welcome to come over."

Kimberly agreed and then continued to stare as she watched Bruno and Charlotte interact. She smiled as he whispered many things into her ear. She smiled watching him make Charlotte giggle.

Bruno and Kimberly continued to talk about their kids once they got to the house. Soon after, they heard a dramatic noise come from Charlotte.

"No..." Charlotte gasped, followed by a shriek by Madison. "Oh no."

Jumping out of his seat, Bruno rushed to the living room. Kimberly followed.

"Char what's wrong?"

With her hands in her hair, Charlotte puffed her chest in and out with panic.

"I...I...I got nail polish on Grandma's rug."

By the time Bruno got some water and spray and rags, Charlotte was pretty upset.

"Don't worry," Bruno stopped for a second to assure her. "It was an accident."

"Are you sure? It was a lot of money."

"Well Grandma loved you more than the rug...and I love you more than this's not that big of a deal, sweetheart."

Charlotte sighed.

"Why didn't you do it near the rug...on the actual floor?"

"It was too hard. It was hurting our butts," she shrugged.

"Oh..." he smirked, chuckling a little. "Alright...well since the sun is still out maybe you two should paint your nails in the grass.

Charlotte and Madison gathered all of the materials, standing up.

"Love you, Peanut," he said, watching her walk away.

"Love you too," Charlotte said, walking back to kiss his cheek. She and Madison skipped to the back patio to continue painting their nails.

A big smile remained on his face, even at the closing of the door.

"You call her Peanut?" Kimberly asked.

Still in a daze, Bruno hadn't realized that she'd said something. The clue that tipped him off was that she was staring so intently. "I'm sorry. What?"

"You call her Peanut."

Bruno grinned. "Yeah...when I...when I first...met her...she was the tiniest baby I'd ever seen."

"That's really cute," she pouted, letting out quiet laughs.

Bruno blushed, working on getting the polish out of the rug. "Thanks."

"You're an amazing father."

"Well thanks...but I wouldn't say I'm amazing. She's very easy."

"Because you're an amazing father..." Kimberly insisted and winked.

Broken Descent (Bruno Mars)Where stories live. Discover now