All for You

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Unorthodox Jukebox was ready for release by December of that year. Besides touring, every album release also came with a ton of promotion on TV as well as radio appearances across the country. Bruno decided to leave Charlotte at home for the two weeks surrounding the release of the album; she would stay with his sisters. They would watch her; Eric's son Liam would spend some time with them as well.

"It's nice that all our kids are around the same age," Phil said. He was at Bruno's two days before they would leave for New York. "Urbana said she would probably take Zadeh to a couple of playdates with your sisters."

"That's good," Bruno replied. "That'll make it easier for Charlotte when I'm gone."

"I don't think anyone has to worry about that; we probably have to worry about you more."

Bruno smiled a little, looking down. "I just really hate leaving her. Telling her is going to be the absolute worst, especially because she understands what's going on now compared to last time. I'm probably gonna break it to her tonight, ya know, ease her into it."

"Yeah that's the way to do it."

Bruno continued to look down.

"Bro," Phil said, putting his hand on Bruno's shoulder. "You're gonnq be fine. It's only two weeks and it'll go by fast. Hell it'll be a lot of fun too. We gonna party and hype everyone up about this new music."

"I know, I know. I'm just not looking forward to the personal questions."

"Just give them fun little facts...ya know."

"I'm afraid of giving out too much, though, or something I shouldn't give. She didn't ask to be in the public eye; I don't want her to get hurt."

"She won't, just hold your ground. You don't have to answer any personal questions you don't want to. You're there to promote the music."

Phil followed Bruno into his massive closet; Bruno was looking for his winter coat. He hadn't worn it since the night he found Charlotte. That night, he had taken it off, bundled her up in it, and rushed off to the hospital, not leaving without her.

"She tell Santa what she wants for Christmas?" Phil asked.

"Yeah," Bruno laughed a little. "She wants fish."

"Aww...." Phil said. "That's so cute."

"We went to the Pier a couple of weeks ago by the beach and she saw one of those games where you can win a goldfish."

Phil grinned. "And you couldn't win one for her?"

"Well I tried but we didn't really have a lot of time. Anyway, I was thinking instead I could get her one of those big aquariums. We could have it in the living room...I think she wants a dog but we might have to work up to that."

"Lucky..." Phil said. "Zadeh wants one of those life-size Darth Vaders. They make a ton of noise and they're like two hundred bucks. He has so much stuff like that. How is it that my kid is more spoiled than yours?"

Bruno shrugged. "She really doesn't ask for much. She didn't ask for anything else, besides the fish. I might plan a trip or something...hey we should all plan something. We only have a couple more months where we're all together."

"Trip to the zoo maybe? Zadeh's been begging me for a long time. He keeps seeing commercials for the one in San Diego and he won't stop talking about it."

Bruno nodded a little. "Sounds like a plan."

Shortly after their conversation, Phil left and Bruno started to cook dinner. Charlotte finally emerged from her room, excited by the new smell entering her nose.

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