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As Bruno was drinking juice one morning, he felt a little hand tugging his arm. Panic was displayed all over her face.

"Daddy," she whined.

"Charlotte what's wrong?"

"Something wrong...Nemo."

"Okay," Bruno said, setting down his glass. "Don't worry. Don't worry."

Charlotte pulled him as hard as she could, even though he was walking with her. She squeezed his hand when they got to the aquarium. Nemo was floating at the top of the tank. Bruno's mind was scattered into a million pieces. Charlotte looked up at him with watery eyes, waiting for an answer.

"He's sleeping."

"Oh," she said quietly, clearly unconvinced, "didn't eat breakfast?"

"You're right," Bruno smiled again. "When he wakes up tell me and we can make sure his friends don't eat his breakfast this time."

Charlotte continued to look up at Nemo, still with grave concern. Bruno left for his bedroom, taking this time to call Bernie for help.

"Mom, Charlotte's favorite fish died."

"Oh no," she said. "Poor baby."

"I don't know what to say," Bruno began to panic. "She loved that fish. She's going to be devastated. What do I tell her?"

"Tell her that he went to heaven."

"How do I do that? Do I just come out and say that?"

"Take some time to think about it. You know her more than anyone. Only you know what she can handle and understand. I know you can get creative with it and think of something. I told you that plenty of times with our old pets and it worked. Kids are more resilient than you think."

"O-okay. Thanks Mom," Bruno smiled. "You're the best. Love you."

"Love you too, honey."

Later that day, Charlotte played in her room, which was perfect. It allowed for him to get rid of Nemo. As soon as he disposed of the fish, Charlotte came back to the kitchen in a panic once again.

"Daddy! Nemo...Nemo gone!"

Bruno knelt next to Charlotte in front of the tank. "I had a long talk with Nemo. He went on a very special trip."

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows. "Where he go?"

"He went to heaven."


"Yes sweetheart."

"What's that?"

Bruno sighed. "Well...heaven is a very magical place. Sometimes, people or animals go there..."

"Why? Why Nemo go there?"

"Heaven needed him."

"How he...get there?"

Bruno pointed inside the aquarium. "He went in through the treasure chest."

Charlotte stared at the treasure chest for a long time.

"Do you have any more questions?"

Her questions were so simple and innocent; he didn't mind answering every one of them. Charlotte shook her head, visibly upset. Bruno rested his hand on her back.

"Are you okay?"

Charlotte nodded, clearly understanding more than she let on.

"Do you need a hug, sweetheart?"

Charlotte's lips began to quiver as she nodded her head. Quiet cries escaped her lips as Bruno embraced her tight. She pulled away after a while, rubbing her eyes.

"Nemo's still watching you, peanut. He doesn't wanna see you crying, okay?"

"Really?" Charlotte cracked a smile.

"Of course."

Liam and Zadeh were sitting in the living room, watching a movie later that night. They were both rough-housing, not even watching the movie. Bruno, Phil, and Eric talked in the kitchen. Bruno smiled as he glanced over at Charlotte, entranced by the movie. She stood out a lot. She wasn't talking to anyone, just in her own little world. Bruno hoped that she wouldn't notice for a while that she was different, that she wouldn't ask questions until she was older. Bruno knew Charlotte was very smart though and that she would eventually ask questions about where she came from. Charlotte would eventually ask questions about her real parents. Why did they give her up? How did they give her up? What were they like? She'd begin to wonder why she looked nothing like her dad or any of her cousins. Bruno knew that even if he had 50 years to think about the answers, he wouldn't be able to find them.

She started to yawn.

"Aw..." Phil said.

"Charlotte," Bruno whispered.

She smiled when she turned her head to face him. Bruno waved his fingers toward himself and she walked over, rubbing her eyes. Bruno bent down a little bit from the chair and just smiled at her at first.

"Peanut are you sleepy?"

She nodded her head slowly, yawning once more.

"Why don't you go to bed?" he asked.

Charlotte nodded and opened her arms. Bruno gave her a quick hug and kiss before setting her back down on the floor.

"I'll be there in five minutes to tuck you in, okay? Get into your pajamas." Bruno smiled.

Charlotte got ready for bed and Bruno still had a smile on his face after she left his sight.

"She's so sweet," Phil said, looking out into the living room of crazy kids.

"I know," Bruno smirked. "Isn't she? You should have seen her with Nemo. She was so worried about him...and where he went. She was so easy with it, though. For a two year old it was impressive as hell."

"I want a quiet kid. Do you wanna trade?"

Bruno laughed a little. "Well she talks to me a whole lot. She basically talks my ear off. She kinda takes in the world into that little head of hers. She's gotten a lot quieter since what happened at the zoo."

"Have they gotten back to you on those guys? Do they have any more information?" Phil asked.

"They don't have too much. They believe it was random; the public isn't too familiar with what she looks like because I've been so private...and she doesn't look like me."

"Well I don't know about that," Phil said. "Kidnapping a kid in broad daylight in a crowded zoo."

"She was by herself so that put a big target on her. I don't...I don't know anymore. I haven't stopped worrying about it."

Phil pouted, and then redirected his eyes back to the living room, watching Zadeh engage in a pillow fight.

"Wanna trade?" Phil grinned. "I can never get him to bed without an argument. What's your secret, man?"

Bruno shrugged and went to go check on Charlotte. She passed out on the bed, in the middle of putting on her pajamas. It made him laugh a little to himself. He began to put her arms through the sleeves, waking her up. She was in such a daze though; she was like a zombie when Bruno stood her up on the bed. Charlotte got under the covers and started falling asleep again. She was completely out of it again when Bruno was done tucking her in. This time it was for the night. Bruno gently kissed her forehead.

"Good night, my little sweetheart. I love you," he whispered, placing her blue macaw in her arms. She squeezed it while she was half-asleep. "I'm so proud of you."

Bruno thought about how right Phil was. Charlotte was the sweetest little girl. He wouldn't trade her for the world.

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