Can't Help It

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When Bruno left the school, the buses were still leaving after having dropped off kids. Once he got close enough to unlock it, he heard someone familiar talking to him.

"She's fine, Bruno," he said. "Pick your head up. We have a lot to do today."

Bruno looked up to see Phil, who'd just dropped Zadeh off too.

"I know...I know...Sorry I can't help it. It's usually just me and Charlotte...and now it's just me."

Bruno had been pretty well during the morning. They did have a lot of work to do. Over the summer, they'd purchased a studio together in the west end of Los Angeles. At this point, they still had to finish furnishing it and most importantly, find artists to sign. Late morning, they took in a delivery of a new piano and mixing board.

"Alright," Bruno said, hooking up the board and stretching. He looked at his watch. "Lunch time?"

Phil nodded and they walked down the street to grab food as they'd done so many times.

"It is kind of weird," Phil said, "not having Charlotte watching and well...eating with us."

Bruno smiled and then shook his head. "Oh come on, man. I was doing so good."

"Sorry," Phil grinned. "Hey, only a few more hours. I'm sure her day's going by so fast she doesn't even realize how long she's been away."

"Oh thanks," Bruno said sarcastically.

"Bruno," Phil rolled his eyes. "For the last time, that's a good thing. You're taking this harder than she is."

"I'm excited," he replied, sipping a drink, "to see her. I can't wait for her to tell me about it."


Hours later, Bruno and Phil left to pick the kids up from school. They were shown to the room where kids who got picked up waited. As they approached the room, they heard someone calling from a few feet away.

Bruno looked over to see Miss Hunter approaching them. Phil quickly greeted her and then went inside the room to get Zadeh.

"Hi Miss Hunter. How was she?" Bruno asked.

Miss Hunter cracked a little smile. "You had nothing to worry about. She's a great kid."

Bruno took a big sigh of relief. "Oh good."

"She is a little bit behind where she should be though, even with her age."

"Oh sh-...oh no really?"

"Yeah..." she replied, holding in laughter, "just a little bit though. She'll catch up."

Bruno got nervous again. "If there's anything I can do..."

"Well we'll just wait for now. Keep doing what you're doing..."

"Are you sure? Because..."

"Bruno...just trust me, okay? I have twenty children in my class. If I had twenty Charlottes, my job would be very easy...and I know that after one day."

"Aww...well thank you. I guess I shouldn't be the one who makes your job harder."

A loud gasp brought a smile to Bruno's face as his gaze switched from Phil, down to Zadeh, and then finally Charlotte. All ready to go, she stood there with a bright smile with her jacket and new backpack. In her arms, she held a piece of paper.

"Daddy!" she squealed.

"Hey," Bruno replied enthusiastically, crouching down to meet close to her at eye level. "Did you have a good day?"

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