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Bruno hated the cold and snow. It was something he'd never get used to. In February of 2011, he and Phil got stranded in Charlotte, North Carolina due to a massive snow storm. They decided to hit up the only open club in the city that night to pass the time.

"Yo Phil I'm going outside for a smoke," Bruno yelled over the loud music.

"I'll join ya, I need some air."

The air was bitter cold as snow began to fall.

"Damn," Phil said, putting his hands in his pockets. "It's fuckin' freezing."

"I know," Bruno agreed, hearing a rustle a few feet away. "You can't trust anywhere but L.A to be nice. Just our luck to get stuck here. This sucks."

The rustle came back. They stood in between old and worn brick buildings. It was so still and quiet.

"You hear that?" Bruno asked.

"No," Phil said. "What?"

Bruno heard the sound even louder the third time. He heard a little cry.

"Man, something's not right," Bruno said as he approached a trash can in the alley. It stunk bad. The alleyway was full of broken trash bags and a few dead rats.

Bruno took the top off the trash can and it was empty.

"This is so weird..."

"Man this is gross," Phil said, looking at the ground. "Let's get out of here."

As Bruno put the top back on the can, he heard a cry and only a cry. He knew there was something wrong. He sensed it.

There she was, on the ground with a lavender blanket wrapped loosely around her. She stopped crying when she saw him.

"Dude," Phil said. "If that's an animal, back up."

Bruno bent down and picked her up. He tightened the blanket. She was so little. Her skin had a blue tint; tears frozen to her face. Her little lips were chattering. "It's a baby."

Broken Descent (Bruno Mars)Where stories live. Discover now