His(STORY) Project

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Bruno and Phil discussed the future of their record company and music. Bruno brought up what Charlotte had been mentioning for the past three years and just couldn't let go of the idea during any of that time. He'd been envisioning grabbing his band mates from all around the country. He envisioned going on tour again, seeing fans, playing his own songs, and seeing cities he hadn't seen in years.

"Charlotte wants me to make my own music again...and go on tour."

Raising his eyebrow, Phil tilted his head a bit. "Oh yeah?"

"Honestly I've been thinking about it a lot...and I think I should. I think it would be good for me."

"What about Kim? You talk about this with her?"

"No...I have to think about how to bring it up. I mean I know it's a big change but I was also thinking we could all go. A lot of people are starting to do that...do shorter legs with breaks...and this way I could get the boys to see things and stuff. What do you think?"

"I don't know man. I would be down for that but first and foremost you need to talk to the wife. Happy wife...happy life."

It took Bruno days to summon the courage to bring up new music and touring to Kim. He decided to bring it up after dinner when it was just the two of them. She hesitated when he finally explained everything.

"Oh Bruno I don't know about that..."

Bruno's heart sunk. He thought she'd be more open and that the nerves he'd been feeling were all in his head. Apparently they served as some kind of premonition for how she would respond.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I want you to be happy with work but what about the kids...that's a lot of stress..."

"Well...I mean the boys are five now...they're a bit more self-sufficient than they used to be. I know it's a big change for them. Can you just think about it? I toured when Charlotte was younger than them and it all worked out fine. She got to see so many cool places that a lot of kids don't get to experience."

After a few days, Kim was still hesitant, even as Bruno took every opportunity to convince her to come on board. Eventually, she came to her decision, and her indecisiveness came to a final decision.

"Not right now...Bruno...it's just not a good idea for the kids...they're all so settled into their lives right now."

It took a couple more days of silence before Bruno and Kim really talked again, and it wasn't regarding the tour or Bruno's new endeavors. It was about the kids, and scheduling different activities for the girls, nothing out of the ordinary.

Charlotte sat at the dining room table with her fingers in her hair. She yawned, scratching her head. A worksheet with boxes and lines for writing sat in front of her. Nothing had been filled out though.

"Are you okay? What's this?" Bruno asked, leaning over her shoulder.

She then started to cry a little, so Bruno placed his hands on both of her shoulders.

"I'm supposed to...I'm supposed to do this project about my ancestors...and I...and I can't talk about any..." she sobbed, "...anything...because...I don't...I can't...this is so stupid...I can't...I can't talk about anything. What am I supposed'ta do now? What am I supposed to talk about?"

"Charlotte there are a lot of things you can talk about. We'll pull out pictures. You can talk to Pop-pop...we'll figure something out. Don't worry. I'll help you with this. Maybe we can talk to your teacher. Maybe she has some ideas for you."

Charlotte looked down at the project paper again. "This isn't...this isn't gonna work for me..." she wept. "It's not...right...it's..."

Charlotte got up from the table, knocking over the chair from getting up so quickly.

"Char..." Bruno said, taking a step closer.

She turned around with tear-filled eyes. "Everyone else is going to have pictures and stories of their ancestors and their families and..."

"And you will too..." Bruno said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Charlotte shook her head and started walking toward the hall and her bedroom.


Charlotte got to her door and stared Bruno down intensely. Her quivering lips were the only movements on her face.

"Don't call me that," she yelled, which made a tear form in one of his eyes. It burned.

Bruno stood by her door, even though she'd slammed it and remained very, very angry. He didn't want to knock, so he just stood there for a bit, until her crying got the best of him. He tried to turn the handle but Charlotte had locked the door.

"Charlotte, please? C'mon. Can we talk...please?"

She wouldn't open, so he talked from outside the door.

"Charlotte I can't make certain things change, okay? I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way. It's not going to be the same as the other kids, okay? It's not my fault," Bruno said, his tone beginning to harden.

"Why was I born? I wish I was...never born," Charlotte cried.

"You don't mean that...don't say that," Bruno said a bit softer, feeling his chest burning. Hearing her say that hurt him badly.

"It's not like it would even matter," she sobbed, finally opening the door. "If I was never born nothing would be any different for you..."

"That's not true," Bruno whined.

"You probably would have done more with your career...and then you would've a bunch more of your own music...and you would've been even more successful...and..."

Madison wandered by Charlotte's door to check out the commotion, until Bruno quietly shooed her away and shut the door. He returned to her bed, sitting next to her. He didn't hold her. He didn't say a word; he just waited it out. Charlotte cried and cried until she was too tired to make much of a sound. She looked over to Bruno, who didn't respond to her verbally or physically. She stared at him until she missed him. Enough time had passed until she missed his attention, his love, and his familiar smile.

Charlotte scooted closer to him, linking her arm with his. She leaned her head into him. They sat in silence for a long time, until Charlotte started crying again. It wasn't as harsh or as loud as before.

"Sorry," she whispered, hyperventilating.

Bruno wrapped his other arm around her, trying to settle and calm her down.

"It's alright, Char. It's tough...I know it's extra tough for you sometimes. Your teacher should have thought about you and this project...and maybe done something different with it."

Nodding her head against his chest, Charlotte sighed until her breathing steadied.

"I love you, Charlotte."

"I love you too, Dad. I'm sorry that I yelled at you...and you..." she said softly, "and you can...can call me Peanut...I like it when you call me Peanut."

The streets of Charlotte had been so cold and blustery that night. Bruno left that city with his baby girl, his best friend, his peanut. He hadn't been back there in a long, long time. For just a moment, Bruno drew up a game plan in his mind. He mapped it out in a matter of seconds. Pulling Charlotte in very close for a second longer, he lightly pushed her away to make eye contact.

"Alright then, Peanut," Bruno grinned. "Go pack a bag. We're goin' on a very special trip."

A/N: I'm not sure about the chapter title or if people are going to get it...but get ready because the next chapter is the Epilogue

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