Chapter 6

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Hey everyone. So it has barely been a day since I updated but I got my 100 views and really fast. Wow is all I can say.

So I am just making this quick. But my new goal for by the end of this book is 500 views. Alot i know and i am pushing it ALOT but hey as a wise friend of mine always says YOLO! snowapple2902 - for you :)

Also sorry I know you want me to get to the story but just asking you all but how many chapters do you think this book should have? 20? 30?

Honestly maximum I will write for each book is about 30-40 chapters because no one wants to read a 200 chapter book. It starts to get boring and looses its point.

Ok everyone here is chapter 5!


Mayas POV:

Ok so i didn't exactly say YES to him. It was more of a maybe. But I do like him and I know that now. I could never forget his emerald green eyes and chestnut brown hair. His slight Texas accent and perfect figure.

So here I am now standing in the subway looking around frantically for him.

Then I see him.

He sees me.

He smiles.

I smile back.

He then walks up to me.

And then I choke up........

The real life hit me just then. I am going on a date with my best friends crush and I am keeping it a secret from her. Maybe I should just walk away? Or maybe I should do what my hearts wants?

Do I listen to my head or my heart?


Lucas's POV:

I walk up to her and smile, she smiles back. that makes me happy. I hand her a single rose and then tip my hat.

"Howdy ma'm" I say. "Why hello cowboy" she smiles. Not one of those fake smiles or a huge grin but just a simple smile. I know it means she is happy.

And that makes me happy.

"So where are we going?" she asks. "You'll see" I say. I take her hand and it is warm. My hand seems to fit perfectly in hers this makes me smile.

I take her into the subway cart which just arrive and we make our way through the crowd of people and make out way to the 2 seats at the end of the cart.

As we sit down Maya stumbles and falls down and lands on my lap. "Ooff" she blushes. "Sorry, I guess i'm just clumsy today." I smirk, she is so cute when she blushes.

Once we stop at our stop I lead her out and we head to our destination. As soon as she sees where we are she gasps with delight. This makes me happy. She makes me happy. I never really understood happiness until I met her.

What she sees is an ice rink. I had reserved it just for us.

She looks happy, thats good.

"OMG I have never been to an ice rink let along been ice skating" She yells exitedly. "Ok then come on" She rushes in and we get our skates on. Once we found a good pair of skates we hit the rink.

Maya wobbles a bit but I hold her waist to stop her from falling. She looks up into my eyes. Her ocean blue eyes sparkle. Then we lean in closer our lips inches apart. Then Maya backs away and I stare at her confused.

She just giggles. Oh how i love that sound.

After a while she starts to get the hang of the skates. "Haha look at me I am even better than you now" I smirk "I don't think so"

"Oh yeah cowboy catch me" she then speeds off I see she is about to loose her balance and I speed up to catch her but I miss and she falls down and wacks her head.

"Maya, Maya! are you ok? Can you hear me?" My eyes start tearing up. All I can see is blood trickling down her forehead. I go and grab my phone.


Hey everyone next update probably 4th or 5th of December.

Also sorry for the cliffhanger.

Goal 130 views and 15 votes? (Btw this is on my book all together.)

Bye now.

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