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Day 15

[ The next chapter will be longer. I promise ]
( who should be Lance? )

" Ugh! " Paige grumbled as she tried to brush out all the stupid knots that magically appeared in her hair. Needless to say, she gave up and twisted her hair into a messy bun.

Mother Nature paid her a visit in the middle of the night, staining her pants. After she cleaned up, she couldn't sleep at al, explaining the lack of sleep and being grouchy.

As she went down the stairs and surprised at what she saw. Her father drinking coffee while reading the newspaper with his maroon reading glasses. On the other hand, her mother was cooking breakfast.

" This scene... " She thought, " is what I want to wake up to everyday. And I have wished for it so so badly for the past few years. "

She felt a strange feeling that surrounded her heart. It made her heart feel comforted. Tears welled up into her eyes and she made a silent prayer, " Please God, let this be everlasting. Once is enough and I don't want to go through the same thing again. "

She hastily wiped her tears away as she walked towards the dining table. She cheerily said, " Good morning mummy...daddy. " They greeted in response.

Paige's dad said, " Currently, all of my clothes is in the hotel and I am planning to bringing it back here. While the rest of my closet and furnitures are back in California would be sent here soon enough. Unless you guys don't want furnitures, I can just sell it. "

Her mom gently said, " Just bring them over and we'll see what we want. " Honestly, the sofa, refrigerator and other furnitures were quite old...

He turned towards Paige and asked her, " How about letting your ol daddy to fetch you to school? "

" Okay. " She said while her hand fidgeted. She had a bad feeling inside of her, but what if...she was just overthinking and maybe she can enjoy the moment of her father fetching her to school.

When she went out of the door, her eyes immediately zeroed on the black sleek Mercedes car that stood in front of her. She quickened her steps and went into the car, breathing in the sweet smell of new leather.

Her father asked her, " Ready? "

She nodded excitedly as the engine revved and off they went to her school.


As she got out of the car, the whispers started immediately. She wince inwardly and weakly waved her father goodbye.

Before she walked away, he rolled down the car windows and said, " Paige, have a nice day. I love you. "

She squeaked, " I love you too. " He rolled up the windows and drove off to work.

She tried to listen to the whispers that floated past her ears as she walked into the hallways.

" Holy shit. Did she just come out of James McClaren's car? I always thought she was poor. "

" Look at that car. Must be new. How can that man be her father?! "

" Both of them have the same surnames...but maybe she had somehow tricked him into thinking she is his daughter. "

" I can't believe and I thought he was eligible! "

She guessed her father was more popular than she thought and that people think he was hot.... It was very weird to imagine her father being a guy that someone will drool over.

Lowering her head, she shuffled her feet to her locker and quickly unlocked it, eager to escape from the scrutiny. When she slammed her locker close, there was a guy standing so close to her, looking at her.

" HOLY MOTHERFυζKΣR! " She screamed and slapped his face.

" Ow! " Lance wailed as he covered the slapped mark with his hand.

" I'm so sorry Lance... I- Why am I even saying sorry to you? " Paige asked him.

" Cause I'm the victim here. " He said in the 'duh' voice.

" You are at fault so stopped being a baby. You asshole. " She huffed and turned her head, refusing to look at him.

" Why are you being such a bitch today? " He muttered.

" Red Riding Hood paid a visit today... " Seeing that he did not get it, she replied, " I am having my period okay? But if you were to scare me again, I will not just slap your face once but twice, on each side. "

" Got it. " He said and gave a thumbs up.

Just then, the bell rang and Lance cocked his head to the right side. He asked her, " Walk you to class? "

Paige shrugged and just walked to the direction to her first class, knowing that he will follow her.

She almost stopped in her tracks when he told her, " You gotta tell River who's bullying you.... It pains him to see you dealing all of these by yourself, myself included. "

Patting her shoulder, he gave her a small smile as he said goodbye.


During lunch, she immediately walked to the rubbish bin, having the feeling that River was already there waiting for her.

" Time to face him " She thought as she had the dreaded feeling.

When she walked over there, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Hoping that the energy from the ground will give her the power to face him but that will not happen and she had to muster up the courage by her self.

She walked in front of River, checking him out a bit. Wearing a blue tee with white stripes and jeans, he was using his phone.

" Stop it Paige! You are not supposed to check him out. He is just really really really extremely good friend that care about you. So just tell him about Shirley. " There was a little voice in her that said.

She sat beside him and said, " Hi. "

" Hey. So do you want to get straight to the point? Cause I don't really have the patience to wait for you to slowly tell me who is the bully. "

" Uhm. Sure I guess. I...I think that appropriate. " This was the first time she saw River so serious that it scared her.

He sighed and rubbed the sides of his face. " I know that bullying is causing you sadness and I want to stop it for you. I can't stop the feelings that I have for you that are growing continuously. The want to care for you is increasing so please tell me who is bullying you. "

" It's....It's.... " She tried to get words out of her mouth. She closed her eyes and forced the words out.

" It's Shirley! "

He looked at her, " Seriously? As in, Shirley, my ex-girlfriend? "

" Yeahhhhhhhhh? " She questioned/confirmed.

" Why? " He said at the same time trying to hold his anger in.

" Cause she said that... you are hers and I'm not fit to be your girlfriend. " Unable to look at him in his eyes, she just played with her fingers.

" Paige you stay here and eat this. " He rummaged through his bag and handed her a sandwich. " I have something to take care of. "

At the mentioned of that, she looked at him in the eyes and momentarily, she shivered. She was so scared of what River is going to do because the ferocity in his eyes sent chills down her back.

" Please don't. " She weakly grabbed his arm as he stood up.

" I need to tell her that she have no right to say that and don't try to come after me. " He said, not even trying to conceal his anger.

She didn't try.

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