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Day 19

" Okay so basically the plan is this. I'll try to get close to Shirley and like make her trust me or something....but the main point is to make her admit to her wrongdoings. "

" Are you sure you want to do this? You may potentially hurt Paige and I know you don't what that to happen. "

" Then suggest a better option! Teachers and counsellors don't give a crap on what is going on to the school. Once Shirley's minions threw egg at Samantha. You know the girl in your history class? One teacher saw it and just reprimanded Shirley not even mad at all. I like Paige and's our second date today but it's the only chance to get close to Shirley. "

" You know I'm your best friend and I'll support you in whatever you do. "

" Thanks Lance and please promise me one thing, if Paige get hurt, please try to comfort her in the best that you can. "

" You know I will. She is like a little sister to me. Why don't you want to tell Paige this? "

" Cause I know she would try to stop me and like prove that she is strong but look at her wounds! I can't put her in any more danger. "

" True. Let just get this plan over with as soon as possible. "

" Let Plan DestroyingS begin! "


Paige walked into the school as per normal but she noticed something was different. She saw students looking at her , shaking their heads and having smug smiles plastered on their faces. She was going to shrug it off but then she heard River's name. She was going to listen when suddenly -

Someone grabbed her arm and she looked up, it was Lance. Lance had a frantic expression on his face but then it flickered to a composed face. Paige wondered if she even imagined it.

She asked him, " There are rumours about River? "

He said unconvincingly, " Nooooooope. " At the same time, there was a junior talking loudly to her friend. She said, " LOL. You are saying Shirley's ex-boyfriend, the one that starts with the R, got back together with her? That's so expected. "

Paige slowly turned to Lance and whispered so softly that people would think she lost her voice, " Is that true? " In a way, she did lost her voice because she was speechless.

Lance looked like he was caught and he did not know what to say to comfort her. Once she saw his expression, she needed no explanation. She laughed humourlessly, " I guess guys won't ever go for girls with scars right? It was stupid of me thinking that I could have a guy like River to ever like me. "

" No It's- " He immediately said but Paige help up her hand and stopped him from talking. She hesitantly showed him her scarred wrists, he looked shocked was an understatement.

He brushed his finger over her wrists, she looked at him with tears threatening to fall. Her voice trembling, " No one will ever love a flawed specimen right? And she have no right to love a specimen as beautiful as River. "

Right after she said those words, Lance pulled her into a hug. He said in a brotherly manner, " I love you Paige. You are like a sister to me so whatever heartbreak or sad thoughts, you can just tell me. And your parents too! It is going to be alright. I promise. "

As Paige softly cried, his heart ached. His hands were itching to replace the pair of arms that was currently embracing her but he couldn't and all he could do now from afar. He heard a high pitched voice calling him, " Baby! " He turned his head in her direction so fast that he thought he was going to get whiplash. He did not want her to found out that he was pretending. Hence, he plastered his happiest smile he could form and said, " Hey Shirley! "

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