1: "Passed away"

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I entered my classroom, and sat at the very back, I arrived early to school today. Yes, I go to school but sadly  I don't have any friends.  I grabbed my mirror out of my bag to see if I looked like how did in the morning, I was wearing a black crop top with my denim jacket and my white jeans. I had my hair down in a side braid with eyeliner.

Slowly, everyone started walking in the classroom, Sam had to sit by me today because that was the only spot that was empty. Sam is one of your typical girls who follows the popular queen bitch, listens to everything they say and believe.

Our teacher, Mr Collins walked in the room. He had black hair but you could see white hair peeking out, he looked in his late forties.

"Today in Art, i'm going to allow you to express yourself or just draw something you like, you may sit by whoever you want, as long as you do your work" Mr Collins sat down at his desk, finishing off his paperwork. "Gladly" Sam muttered under her breath and walked away. I grabbed the pencil and began drawing a Tyrannosaurus rex. The Rex is my favourite dinosaur and the sauropod is my second then the spinosaurus is my third. I would love to see dinosaurs one day, with the skin but I highly doubt it since they are extinct!

After 20 minutes later, Mr Collins spoke. "Now, I want you all to stand in front of the class and explain why you chose to draw what you drew" Mr Collins sat down began calling out names.

"Samantha Hudgens" Sam rolled her eyes, picked up her paper and walked towards the front of the class. She showed everyone her drawing, it was of a heart that was on fire and ready to burst. "I drawed this because I felt like this when I was sat next to the freak" I ignored her name calling because I did nothing wrong.

"Harry Styles" A boy with curly brown hair, green eyes and dimples came to the front with his drawing.
"I drew something I like a lot" Harry grinned cheekily. He turn his picture around. Oh my god! My eyes felt like they were going to burst.

"Why did you draw this?" Mr Collins asked disappointedly, shaking his head.
"I like them" I mentally slapped my forehead.

"Well we don't need to know that you like.." Mr Collins said struggling to come up the word.

"Pussy?" Harry said amused, typical cheeky styles. Mr Collins sent Harry to the principal.
"Elliot Riley" Mr Collins called out, causing everyone to look at me.

"It's Lily" This shocked everyone because I rarely talked in school. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my drawing and showed everyone.

"I drew this because one I love dinosaurs and this my favourite one and two my dad is a paleontologist" I smiled proudly and walked back to my seat.

I entered my 2 story house using my house key and sat down on one of the couches. I placed my backpack next to me and phoned my mum.

"I'm sorry but I'm not free at the moment, please leave a message. BEEP" I rolled my eyes and put the Nokia phone away. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of tropical juice, drinking it slowly. I wonder why mum hasn't come home yet. I put the glass in the sink, washed it and went upstairs into my room.

Brrring! The phone! I grabbed my Nokia that was on little table beside my single bed and answered the phone.


"Is this Elliot Lily Riley Grant?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes, whose speaking?" I asked.

"This is the New York hospital, could you come as soon as possible, if you can't we'll send someone to collect you. We'll explain everything later."

"No I have no one to take me, my mum is at work" I heard a silence on the phone followed by a sigh.

"Okay, address?" I told them my address and they told me they'll be here quickly. I wonder why they are taking me to the hospital. Has something happened to my mum?? Nah. What if it has?! Think positive not negative. I relaxed slightly.


"Coming!" I ran to the front door and answered. It was a woman with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Anne. I'm here to take you to the hospital." I nodded and left to the car with her. I sat in the back seat.

"What happened? Why am I going hospital?" I asked.

"Your mum is in hospital, she got hit by a truck, we don't know if she will make it" Anne said sympathetically. I can't believe it! I'm going to be living alone now, if she dies. I cried quietly.

"We're here" I exited the car and entered the hospital. I walked up to the receptionist.

"Where is Gina Riley Grant?" I asked the receptionist.

"Room 11b" she smiled sweetly. I nodded and went towards the room. I hope my mum survives. I entered the room and saw mum lying on a bed  injured! She had a bandage wrapped around her head, broken leg, black eye, cut and bruises covering every part of her body.

"Does she have any other injuries?" I asked the nurse that entered the room. Her name tag said Ally.

"Punctured lung and broken ribs." A tear fell down my face as I looked at my poor mum. She was asleep or that's what I thought.

'Beeeeeeeeeeeep' i looked at her breathing monitor to see that it was still, absolutely no breathing.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR!!" I cried. Doctors came rushing in the room to try to get mum to breathe but it wouldn't budge.

"I'm sorry your mum has passed away"

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