14: "God bless you!"

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I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes and see a brachiosaurus eating a leaf from our tree. The kids awaken with a start. Tim points, Lex opens her mouth to scream, but nothing comes out.

"Go away!" Lex screams

"It's okay! It's okay! It's a brachiosaur!" Dad said quietly.

"Veggiesaurus, Lex, Veggiesaurus!" Tim attempting to calm her down. But Lex isn't taking any chances and scrambles back, away from its mouth. Tim and Dad come together on the branch, just staring at the dinosaur in wonder as it eats its breakfast whilst I lean against the trunk. Dad gets another branch and Tim scampers up, trying to get the brachiosaur's attention.

"Come here, boy - - I mean girl." Tim says trying to whistle. Dad moves forward and tries to feed the brachiosaur. The animal gets the end of the branch and starts a tug-of-war with Dad. Haha! Tim tries to help him, they really begin to have a good time with the brachiosaur.

HONK! The brachiosaur makes a loud honking noise, startling me, that was unexpected!

"I'm not letting go." Dad said to the sauropod.

"It's so strong! Look at its nose."
Tim reaches out, petting the dinosaur's head while it chews.

"That's a girl. Hey Lily, you can touch it. It's a girl, just like you. Come on, it's okay. Lex, you too, come on and touch it. It likes you. It's gotta like you." Tim said, looking at me and Lex. I go beside Tim and stroke it.

"This is a seventy-seven ton animal. Come on over, Lex! Just think of it as a big cow. Look at it's teeth?" Dad said moving closer. He reaches out and grabs hold of the thing's lip with both hands and pulls it down, revealing the jaw at work.

"I like cows." Lex smiled.

"You're a beautiful big animal." I smiled at the dinosaur.

"His nose is running. It looks like it has a cold." Tim pointed out. The dinosaur keeps chewing, not objecting to the inspection. Lex tentatively edges forward in the tree to the inspection.

"Come on girl, up here." Lex says, she barely touches the thing on the tip of its nose and it SNEEZES. It's a vast explosion, and Lex falls back, dripping wet from head to toe.

"God bless you!" Tim grins. We decided to carry on moving, so we climbed down the tree. Lex's shirt is soaked, and face all wet, walks away from the tree and we follow.

"Oh, great. Now she'll never try anything new!" Tim said annoyed.
Lex is embarrassed and ticked off.

"She'll just sit in her room and never come out and play with her computer " Tim continues.

"I'm a hacker!" Lex said frustrated as she wipes some of the wet and throws it at Tim

"That's what I said! You're a nerd! They don't call you people hackers anymore , they call you people nerds!"
Tim and Lex continue talking as I stay with Dad, who has stopped by a tree root trunk.

"Hey Lex, ahhhchooo!" I heard Tim mock. Dad and I are still crouching on the ground below the tree where we
landed, staring at something in the palm of Dad's hand. Tim and Lex come and look over our shoulders, curious. I stare in amazement at a whole clutch of dinosaur eggs! All hatched, now empty. Dad picks up one of the fragments, a large one - nearly half an egg.

"You know what this is? It's a dinosaur egg. The dinosaurs are breeding." Dad told us.

"But my grandpa said all the dinosaurs were girls." Tim said, taking the shell from Dad.

"Amphibian DNA." I said in realisation.

"What's that?" Lex asked.

"Well, on the tour, the film said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene sequence gaps. They mutated the dinosaur's genetic code and blended it with that of frogs. Now, some West African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female, in a single sex environment. Malcolm was right! Look, life found a way!" Dad grinned.

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