18: "It's in there!"

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We hurry across the restaurant and stare back over our shoulders as we run. We bump into Dad and Ellie. I gave Tim to Ellie.

"It's in there!" I point towards the kitchen door.

"Control room." Ellie told us. We race down the second floor corridor towards the control room, Dad helping Tim.
The door to the control room smacks open as we burst in. Ellie heads straight for Nedry's computer terminal. Dad moves Tim to the side, and races back to the door to lock it.

"We can call for help?!" Lex asked.

"We've got to reboot the system first!" Ellie sat at the computer and studying the screen. It's flashing
to her, dominated by a maze-like grid. She studies it, confused.

"Oh, no! The door locks, Ellie, Boot up the door locks! Boot up the door locks!" Dad yelled. POW! Something hits the door, hard, from the outside, lex screams, Dad hurls his back against it, losing his gun. He struggles to close the door.

"ALAN!" Ellie screams and leaps out of the chair and races over to the door
to help him. A raptor snarls and snaps, ramming itself against the door, trying to force its way into the control room. It's all Ellie and Dad can do to hold the door against the onslaught, but it bucks against them viciously.

"Ellie, get back and boot up the door locks!" Dad tell Ellie.

"You can't hold it by yourself!" Ellie tries to get the gun as she leans against the door.

"I can't get it unless I move!" Ellie says frustrated. Lex slides quickly into the command chair at Nedry's terminal. She stares at the screen for a moment.

"This is a Unix system. I know this. It's the files for the whole park. It's like a phone book - -it tells you everything." Lex says and then her fingers start to fly over the keyboard. Tim and I
watch in amazement as the computer starts to respond to Lex's commands.

"I've got to find the right file. Oh no, this isn't right. This might be right, no this isn't it." Lex said, clicking random files.

"C'mon, Lex! C'mon, Lex! Go, Lexie! Tim said quickly, tapping the chair.
Reaching another menu, Lex spots a box on the screen that reads
"DOOR INTEGRITY." She reaches out and touches it. The screen beeps.

"There it is, I got it! This is it, I did it. Yes, yes!" Lex grins. The door latch panel buzzes. Dad and Ellie put
everything they have into it and finally the door shuts, locking the raptor outside. Lex did it, she actually did it!!
I hugged Lex and soon joined by Tim, Ellie and Dad.

"What works?" Dad asked, when he pulls away from the hug.

"Phone security systems, everything works. You ask for it, we got it!" Lex said proudly. All the screens in the control room have come alive now, and
data is scrolling by at incredible speed as every remaining system is the park comes back on line. Ellie is at the keyboard with Lex now, figuring things out, and Dad is on the phone.

"The children are fine." Dad say into the phone, presumably talking to John.

"Listen, the phones are back up! Call the mainland! Tell them to send the damn helicopters.." Dad stops in the middle of his sentence. Lex screams as the raptor breaks through the door window. Dad shoots three gunshots, fast and a horrible clunking Dad as the phone is dropped.

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